Saturday, December 30, 2017

#SatSpanks - 12/30/17 - A Naughty New Year - Jim comes home early #BDSM #Holiday

Even good deeds can get you punished

Welcome to the Saturday Spankings blog hop.  My stories are all M/f with the dominant male determined to protect the woman he cares for and loves, or grows to love, by doing whatever it takes to ensure her safety and continued health.  This includes administering a spanking when she needs one.  

This is the last Saturday Spankings of 2017, so, in keeping with the season, the story I've chosen to share today is  titled "A Naughty New Year, " which is part of the "Mischief Under the Mistletoe" anthology. The novella is in two parts with the second centering around the day after New Year's, and the task of putting away the Christmas decorations. 

Kelly Evans is nearly six months pregnant when her Dom husband, Jim, suggests they invite their closest friends over for a private New Year's Eve party. Just a friendly get together, nothing kinky, and no champagne for either of the girls, since Kelly's friend, Tiffany, was a month along further than she was. Of course the two girls believe their Dom husbands are being unreasonable, so they do what they want and face the consequences afterward.

Now, Christmas and New Year's are over and Kelly feels a little depressed. Jim was due home any minute when he calls to tell her he'll be late. Disappointed, she tells him she'll wait up for him, but isn't all that surprised when he puts his foot down. Though Kelly loves his dominance, she also wants to greet him when he gets home, so she presses a little more to get her way, causing him to step down even harder. He informs her there'll be painful consequences if she ignores his order. So, Kelly decides she'll do something that will help ease the load on his shoulders. As long as she's in bed by the time he gets home, there shouldn't be a problem.

Hands on her hips, Kelly stared at their twinkling tree. Christmas had been a magical time, but after the stroke of midnight even Cinderella had to return to sweeping the fireplace. Unfortunately, Jim kept the storage boxes in the attic, which only had a small pull ladder as access. He'd refused to let her climb it when they set up the tree, insisting the flimsy rails weren't stable enough to hold her, and yet the wooden construction accepted his two-hundred-pound, muscled frame without a creak or a groan. Good lord. She was pregnant, not breakable.
Marching back to fetch their step stool, she placed the molded plastic steps beneath the spring-hinged hatch, climbed up and grabbed the sprig of fake mistletoe Jim had hung from the inset door. The many kisses he'd given her under the white berried plant had heated her inside and out, and the thought of what they'd often done afterward still made her toes curl. Her Dom was an excellent lover, if only he'd realize her condition hadn't transformed her into a china doll.
He'd entwined the door's pull cord between the shiny, smooth oval leaves to keep it out of her reach and temptation. Delicately freeing the twisted fibers from their nesting place, she gave the thin rope a yank. The force of the door coming down almost knocked her off the small stepladder. Carefully maneuvering the tricky contraption, Kelly stepped off the stool, and bent forward to move it out of the way, when the sliding step ladder slipped down its track and clipped her on the head, knocking her flat.
Kelly lay sprawled on the floor as stars floated in an out of her vision. She wasn't badly hurt, but suspected she'd have a sizeable lump to show for her efforts. That's when the unmistakable jiggling of keys opening the front door reached her ears. Shit.

Kelly knows won't be pleased to learn she intended to disobey him, but she really did only want to help. Unfortunately, when Jim worries, Kelly pays the consequences. And now she needs to be especially careful since she isn't the only one to suffer when she makes a mistake.

Note about the characters in this story: 

Kelly and Jim are two of my favorite characters. Kelly can be such a brat at times and Jim gives her a lot of leeway, but even he has limits. This story is the latest, chronologically, in their time line, though by the time its published it should be the fourth in a series subtitled Unexpected Consequences.

So, if you want to know how their sometimes stormy relationship started, they first appeared in Arrested by Love as secondary characters, but like all good primary characters insisted on their own story, which developed into A Dom's Dilemma. Both books, originally released in 2010, are being numbered, reedited and reissued with new covers in late November, along with a new third book, entitled Learning to be Little: Kelly's Story. Though the newest book in the series, Learning to be Little begins immediately after A Dom's Dilemma, it then takes the reader into Kelly's past, where she shares her introduction to age play and BDSM with Graham White in a sequel/prequel. The story is a departure for me in that the majority of its chronological time line takes place before the two books I've already published, but it belongs in the middle of the series. I expect two, possibly three more books in the series to be available in the near future.

To find out more about this series or any of Kathryn's other books, check out the links below:

Interested in Mischief Under the Mistletoe?
Fourteen fierce festive stories in one AMAZING anthology extravaganza, fresh from international and number one bestselling authors alongside hot new talent! Editor’s Note: These delightfully naughty Christmas spanking stories feature scorching romance and BDSM. Some involve age play, all involve spanking. There’s also a bit of LGBT+, some magic, and a drunken incident with a photocopier.

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this excerpt and want more. Please click on one of the author's names below, or visit The Saturday Spankings Blog to continue your journey.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Guest Post - 12/28/17 - KAI by Valerie Ullmer #Paranormal #Thriller #Vampires

KAI was a killer with a conscience. He didn't particularly like humans, but he needed them to live. So, he chose his victims--carefully.

Vampire Assassin Kai has found his mate, his human mate.


That night, he had been trailing Ms. Na soon after the sky darkened, and he watched as she slipped past security of a biotech company.  For long minutes, he had thought he lost her.  When she emerged with a box under her arm, she glanced around to see whether she had been spotted, and happened to glance in his direction and froze.  He knew that she couldn’t have spotted him, and yet she acted as though she did.
Within seconds, she had darted toward what he assumed was another exit, and his eyes widened when she jumped up to the corner of the building, and pushed off.  He soon realized what she was doing.  Ricocheting back and forth between the wall and the corner of the building, it took her three leaps before she launched herself successfully up and over the wall.
Without hesitation, he launched himself over the barrier with ease.  When he landed, he felt the unmistakable press of a knife against his neck.  His eyes glanced down at the tactical curved weapon, and almost started when she pressed her lithe body against his back instead of pressing the knife harder against his skin.
“Hello, gorgeous,” she purred.
He didn’t respond in kind, but considering all he could feel was her body, he knew that she ditched the package somewhere close, or had given it to someone.  He doubted that she worked with anyone, so it had to be close.  He didn’t really care about what it contained because the box wasn’t his assignment—she was—but he needed confirmation that what she had stolen was dangerous.
Her hand opened on his chest and caressed his pecs before it moved lower.  Her hand grazed over his cock, taking her time to explore, before she slid her hands underneath his tight black shirt.  Her touch caused no reaction.
“You don’t talk much, but you don’t need to in order to fuck.” 
He heard the knife stick into the ground, and before he could react, she opened her fingers and pressed harder against his taut skin.  He used her inattention to kick the knife away and scanned the area for the package.  He spotted it easily.
Without answering, he turned around and pressed her against the wall, using his body to keep her off the ground, and buried his face against her neck.  As he pressed his hard body against hers, she spoke in Chinese, a language he didn’t understand.  He didn’t bother asking her what she said.
“What did you steal?”  He distracted her by using his tongue, sliding against her collarbone, up her neck, until he had the lobe between his teeth.  Biting down, he could smell her desire for him intensify.  Although he hadn’t fucked a human in a long while, he found his lack of interest in the beautiful spy to be slightly irritating, yet expected.
“Biological agent,” she gasped.
His hand slid to her ass and pressed her harder against him, using her pleasure to keep her distracted from his next move.  He almost regretted that he wouldn’t be able to sink his cock into her tightness, somehow knowing that she would have kept up with his sexual demands.  But instead of feeling desire, he felt nothing.
He scraped his teeth against her skin, a warning as to what was to come, a split second before his fangs pierced her throat.
His targets always fought, a survival instinct that the humans had, yet rarely used.  She was no different.  Her fists pounded against his chest, and he barely felt it.  Her blood, although he expected a sweetness to it, had a horrid metallic taste that he hated.  Her heartbeat fluttered in her chest, and her arms gave out before her body sagged against his.  With one final beat of her heart, any sounds from her ceased, and he released her.
Although her blood gave him strength, the taste of those he killed had worsened over the years, and he could barely stand to drain them dry.  In this case, he used her desire to his advantage.  The taste would dissipate soon, he hoped.


There are two words that described Kai. 

Remote and Deadly. 

And until six months ago, he was fine with that description. But when the vampire assassin spots a curvaceous woman, a human no less, who would come to fill his thoughts, he would gladly shake his persona for a moment in time with her. Instead, he kept his distance, watching out for her and learning more about her every time their paths crossed. But he had yet to speak to her. When a turn of events thrusts her into his solitary life, he must decide whether to complete his assignment, or protect her. 

Olivia Sabin had dedicated her life to her work; finding a cure for cancer. She had hidden behind the mask of a scientist who cares little about anything beyond her laboratory, and for a long while she believed it herself. But when a mysterious man came to frequent the diner she visited nightly, her awareness of him devastated her concentration, and she came to look forward to the glimpses of him, however brief. 

When she stumbles upon a horrific experiment at work, she knows he’s the only one she can turn to. She’s willing to sacrifice everything in order to protect him and others of his kind from the same fate. But first, she needs to find a way to get him to hear her explanation.

Buy Links:

About the Author:

Valerie writes paranormal and contemporary romances with strong alpha males and brilliant, beautiful heroines. She lives in Denver, Colorado with her wonderfully supportive husband and their funny and wise black lab. She's addicted to coffee, crime shows, and reading and writing character driven romances.


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

MFRW Book Hooks - 12/27/17 - Learning to be Little - Kelly's future looks uncertain #MFRWHooks, #Ageplay

She needed a savior, but she wasn't looking for a second daddy

Welcome back to Book Hooks, a regular Wednesday feature! In this blog loop, we hope to provide you with some tantalizing tidbits in our books.

My submission for this week's Book Hooks is from my newest release, Learning to be Little: Kelly's Story. It's the sequel/prequel to my only BDSM novel, A Dom's Dilemma, and Book 3 in my Unexpected Consequences series.

Cold and hungry, Kelly Franklin was down on her luck when a gentleman stepped in, paid for an hour of her time, fed her, then made a proposition she never expected, but couldn't afford to turn down.

In this scene, which occurs in chapter five, Kelly has just received her first serious spanking from her daddy, and though she's subdued, the issues that originally caused her to act out have not entirely been resolved to her satisfaction. All the same, she has no wish to cause him to discipline her again.

Once Kelly had calmed down, Daddy helped her into her panties and led her to the kitchen where he tossed out her uneaten oatmeal and fixed her toast with strawberry jam instead.
"Do you do all your own cooking?" Kelly asked as he laid the plate in front of her.
"You may feed yourself this time." When she picked up one of the slices, he replied, "No. I have a cook who comes in weekly to prepare our dinners, but I usually make our lunch and breakfast, since I want alone time with my little girl."
"Is the cook aware of your—arrangements?"
"Yes, she is. She used to be a nanny for an adult little girl in England, so she can be a very strict taskmaster. I would suggest you stay on her good side as she uses a bath brush as a paddle."
Kelly winced. "You'll let her spank me, too?"
"Only if I'm not here. If you're bad when she's alone with you, she has my permission to punish you with a spanking and/or corner time."
Kelly's eyes started to burn again. The thought of a strange woman doing what he'd just done bothered her deeply.
"Hush, little one," he murmured, drawing her back onto his lap. "There's no need for tears. Nanny-cook will only punish you if you're bad."
"I don't want that," she insisted, pressing her face to his chest. Kelly loved the way he held and comforted her. It brought back memories of her real daddy, which made her a little sad.
Rubbing her back, he rocked her. "We'll see. I expect you to be a good little girl, so I don't understand the problem, but if the thought distresses you so much, I'll consider limiting her spankings to corner time and a handful of barehanded swats to your bottom. Will that ease your mind any?"
Kelly drew back and blinked at him. He really did want her to be as comfortable with him and their odd arrangement as possible. "Can't she do something else besides spank me?"
"Like what?"
"Perhaps corner time and removal of some of my privileges?"
"She's worked with me for several years, and I trust her. I've never had a daughter utter one word of complaint about her, and I've had five adult little girls over the past twenty years."
The fact she was the sixth adult little girl he'd had brought home made her realize her current position was tenuous at best. They'd agreed on a month's trial. Perhaps he'd done that with those other little girls as well, and they'd chosen to leave. Then again, what if Nanny-cook drove them away? 

At the moment, one month seems an awfully long time to Kelly. The gentleman who insists upon treating her like his daughter is very strict and determined things be done the way he decides is best, though she sees a glimmer of hope in the way he takes her feelings into account.

M/F, DD and Daddy Doms.


When hunger and cold induce Kelly Franklin to accept a stranger's offer, she has no idea how drastically her life will change. Offered a chance to live the childhood she was denied, Kelly discovers a new-found freedom in allowing someone else to make all her decisions. And though it takes her awhile to fully accept the changes expected of her, by the time Kelly gleefully embraces her little girl, she is forced to re-evaluate her life.

Learning to be Little is currently available for sale at Amazon.

Thanks for visiting.  Now go visit the other authors participating in Book Hooks

#WIPitUP Wednesday - 12/27/17 - A Naughty New Year - Kelly hates the cane #BDSM #Holiday

WIP: Work in progress.  WIP it up Wednesday is a hop where writers share portions of the project they're working on with readers.  I really like the idea because it allows me to share something that's still in the creative stage as well as work behind the scenes as a prompt to keep me writing.

In keeping with the season, I've chosen to share another excerpt from "A Naughty New Year" today, which is part of the "Mischief Under the Mistletoe" anthology. The novella is in two parts with the first centering around a New Year's Eve party Kelly Evans and her husband Jim are throwing for their best friends Kyle and Tiffany Sinclair and the fact champagne looks an awful lot like ginger ale.

Kelly Evans is nearly six months pregnant when her Dom husband, Jim, suggests they invite their closest friends over for a private New Year's Eve party. Just a friendly get together, nothing kinky, and no champagne for either of the girls, since Kelly's friend, Tiffany, was a month along further than she was. Given it's New Year's Eve, Kelly feels Jim's no-champagne edict isn't fair, but Jim warns her if she goes against his wishes, she will be punished. Though Kelly understands Jim's reasoning, she still feels he's merely being over-protective, and as much as she loves him, a sip of champagne never hurt anyone. That is until Jim informs her she's getting the cane for her shenanigans, hoping she'll learn never to be complacent again about his promised punishments.

The silence stretched between them until she asked, "Will you hold me first?"
He shook his head. "Not before, but I will cuddle and kiss all you want afterward."
"I'm sorry," she sobbed, and Jim felt his resolve start to crumble, so he turned away. He loved her with all his heart, and didn't enjoy seeing her in pain or unhappy, but if he didn't follow through on his promises, she'd stop believing him. And he couldn't allow that.
"Go to the bedroom and prepare yourself, Kelly. I will join you shortly." Turning he strode down the hall to his office.

Jim sat behind his desk to allow Kelly time to compose herself. Even though it wasn't what she expected, or he had originally intended, five stripes from the cane wasn't an onerous punishment. She would undoubtedly still feel some heat from her backside tomorrow, but the discomfort shouldn't interfere with anything she wanted to do during the day. As for that, he didn't expect it would hinder her pleasure this evening, either.
Kelly hadn't lost respect for him, exactly, but she had begun to anticipate how he would react to a given situation and even accepted his displeasure to a certain point. The fact that she worried earlier about losing his trust if she went against his wishes proved she wasn't entirely at ease about disappointing him. But she assumed he would remain with their drawn lines and keep to the same colors he usually used. He meant to disabuse her of those assumptions tonight.
He had agreed to drawing up a penalty chart for her peace of mind, and he didn't object to adhering to it. What he did object to, however, was her unfounded conviction that he would never deviate in his approach. Suppositions like those bred only boredom and complacency. Routines had their place, as did limitations and safewords, but as her Dom, Jim needed to make certain his actions weren't so predictable Kelly grew nonchalant about their activities. He wanted her to feel safe and protected when they were together, but never blasรฉ about his intentions.
When he'd given her enough time to calm down, he collected the cane from the closet he kept locked in his office and strode to the bedroom. Kelly stood beside the bed with her arms wrapped around her front. She had put on a robe in violation of his long-standing instructions that she strip naked for a punishment. Though he understood it was uncertainty, rather than defiance, that caused her to cover herself.
"You're wearing too many clothes," he commented, placing the twenty-four inch Delrin rod on the mattress.

Kelly had known there would be consequences for drinking. Jim had warned her. Though he understands she wanted to party a little on New Year's Eve, the fact she decided to risk displeasing him and accept a spanking in order to do what she wanted made him think he needed to be a little less predictable in his punishments.

Note about the characters in this story: 

Kelly and Jim are two of my favorite characters. Kelly can be such a brat at times and Jim gives her a lot of leeway, but even he has limits. This story is the latest, chronologically, in their time line, though by the time its published it should be the fourth in a series subtitled Unexpected Consequences.

So, if you want to know how their sometimes stormy relationship started, they first appeared in Arrested by Love as secondary characters, but like all good primary characters insisted on their own story, which developed into A Dom's Dilemma. Both books, originally released in 2010, are being numbered, reedited and reissued with new covers in late November, along with a new third book, entitled Learning to be Little: Kelly's Story. Though the newest book in the series, Learning to be Little begins immediately after A Dom's Dilemma, it then takes the reader into Kelly's past, where she shares her introduction to age play and BDSM with Graham White in a sequel/prequel. The story is a departure for me in that the majority of its chronological time line takes place before the two books I've already published, but it belongs in the middle of the series. I expect two, possibly three more books in the series to be available in the near future.

To find out more about this series or any of Kathryn's other books, check out the links below:

Interested in Mischief Under the Mistletoe?
Fourteen fierce festive stories in one AMAZING anthology extravaganza, fresh from international and number one bestselling authors alongside hot new talent! Editor’s Note: These delightfully naughty Christmas spanking stories feature scorching romance and BDSM. Some involve age play, all involve spanking. There’s also a bit of LGBT+, some magic, and a drunken incident with a photocopier.

Preorder opened early. So, if I've captured your interest, hop on over and put in your request. At only 99 cents, it's a steal that won't get you a spanking from Santa (unless, of course, you want one).

Hope you enjoyed my excerpt from this anthology.  Thanks for visiting.  Now go visit the other authors and see what they're sharing by either clicking one of the links below, or visiting WIP it up Wednesday.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

#SatSpanks - 12/23/17 - A Naughty New Year - Kelly has been given the word #BDSM #Holiday

Even good deeds can get you punished

Welcome to the Saturday Spankings blog hop.  My stories are all M/f with the dominant male determined to protect the woman he cares for and loves, or grows to love, by doing whatever it takes to ensure her safety and continued health.  This includes administering a spanking when she needs one.  

This is the last Saturday Spankings before Christmas, so, in keeping with the season, the story I've chosen to share today is  titled "A Naughty New Year, " which is part of the "Mischief Under the Mistletoe" anthology. The novella is in two parts with the second centering around the day after New Year's, and the task of putting away the Christmas decorations. 

Kelly Evans is nearly six months pregnant when her Dom husband, Jim, suggests they invite their closest friends over for a private New Year's Eve party. Just a friendly get together, nothing kinky, and no champagne for either of the girls, since Kelly's friend, Tiffany, was a month along further than she was. Of course the two girls believe their Dom husbands are being unreasonable, so they do what they want and face the consequences afterward.

Now, Christmas and New Year's are over and Kelly feels a little depressed. Jim was due home any minute when he calls to tell her he'll be late. Disappointed, she tells him she'll wait up for him, but isn't all that surprised when he puts his foot down. Though Kelly loves his dominance, she also wants to greet him when he gets home, so she presses a little more to get her way, causing him to step down even harder. He informs her there'll be painful consequences if she ignores his order.

"Seems to me you'd recall what happens when you don't heed your Dom's instructions properly. And I'm worried about you. You've been tossin' and turnin' more than usual the past couple of nights, so I want you in bed early tonight. What're you plannin' for dinner?"
Since Jim normally did the cooking for them, and Kelly didn't like eating alone, she shrugged. Realizing he wouldn't appreciate the gesture if he'd seen it, she added, "I don't have much of an appetite, so maybe some tea and toast."
"Tea and toast's not dinner, Kelly. It's a snack. We've got leftover chicken in the fridge. Make yourself a sandwich at least."
"After you eat, you may watch TV or listen to music, but from bed, not the livin' room. Lights out no later than nine, young lady. Hear me?"
"Yes, Sir," she answered quietly. Despite the small thrill his dominant stance aroused within her, his absence left an aching void. And sometimes listening and obeying were two entirely different things.
"That's the response I wanted. I gotta go. You sure you're all right, darlin'? You're soundin' a bit off."
"I'm fine. I just miss you."
"Miss you, too. Now, fix yourself a sandwich, and get into bed. That's an order." 

Kelly knows Jim only wants what's best for her, but pregnancy hasn't turned her into an invalid. With the holidays over, and the fact he'll be home late, she's feeling antsy. Though she understands his work as a detective is important to the community as well as him, after spending nearly two weeks in each other's company, she misses having him around, even if it's only to keep her in line.

Note about the characters in this story: 

Kelly and Jim are two of my favorite characters. Kelly can be such a brat at times and Jim gives her a lot of leeway, but even he has limits. This story is the latest, chronologically, in their time line, though by the time its published it should be the fourth in a series subtitled Unexpected Consequences.

So, if you want to know how their sometimes stormy relationship started, they first appeared in Arrested by Love as secondary characters, but like all good primary characters insisted on their own story, which developed into A Dom's Dilemma. Both books, originally released in 2010, are being numbered, reedited and reissued with new covers in late November, along with a new third book, entitled Learning to be Little: Kelly's Story. Though the newest book in the series, Learning to be Little begins immediately after A Dom's Dilemma, it then takes the reader into Kelly's past, where she shares her introduction to age play and BDSM with Graham White in a sequel/prequel. The story is a departure for me in that the majority of its chronological time line takes place before the two books I've already published, but it belongs in the middle of the series. I expect two, possibly three more books in the series to be available in the near future.

To find out more about this series or any of Kathryn's other books, check out the links below:

Interested in Mischief Under the Mistletoe?
Fourteen fierce festive stories in one AMAZING anthology extravaganza, fresh from international and number one bestselling authors alongside hot new talent! Editor’s Note: These delightfully naughty Christmas spanking stories feature scorching romance and BDSM. Some involve age play, all involve spanking. There’s also a bit of LGBT+, some magic, and a drunken incident with a photocopier.

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this excerpt and want more. Please click on one of the author's names below, or visit The Saturday Spankings Blog to continue your journey.