Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Guest Post for 5/28/19 - Romancing the Coast (Box Set) by Libby Campbell #Romance #DD #Spanking

In the beautiful Pacific Northwest, three feisty women are living happy lives of financial independence and social autonomy.
None of them are aware of the storms gathering on the edges of their orderly worlds, about to challenge everything they thought they wanted from life.
The winds of change arrive in the shape of three sexy alpha men.
These men shun political correctness as they seek to challenge, conquer, protect, and possess the strong gorgeous women who intimidate mere mortals.


Seeing Ronnie:

[Del catches Ronnie snooping at the house where they are attending the engagement party]

“Let’s put it this way, you can take a spanking and we’ll draw a line under this incident.” Del stepped closer to her. “Or I can march you downstairs, past all the guests, and we’ll show Simon how I just found you and what you had in your hand.”
Ronnie pictured all the gathered dignitaries: people of wealth and influence from all walks of life. Politicians, business people, artists, dancers, writers, musicians, all milling around downstairs. Everyone who was anyone for a hundred miles was at this party.
Her face burned at the thought of the public humiliation. She’d be ridiculed for months to come.
“Okay I’ll take the stupid spanking—on one condition.”
“Which is?”
“You can’t tell a soul.” Her voice came out wheedling, but his expression didn’t change. In the midst of her anger and bluster, another sensation simmered, a strange, tangled response to his threat, to the way he stood in front of her, his face stony and resolute.
Moistness dampened her panties and her nipples tightened.
Del seated himself at the end of the bed. “That’s fair enough. For now. If you behave for the rest of the day, you have my word that this will stay between the two of us. Now take off your hat, lift your skirt, and lie across my knees. You may leave your panties on. This time.”
“This time?” she snorted. “Like you really think this is ever going to happen again?” Ronnie’s face was so hot she was sure it would combust.
“The longer it takes you to present yourself, the worse this is going to be.” Del’s voice dropped to an ominous level.
She glanced around the room to make sure no one could see or hear what was about to take place. Without asking Del, she darted over to the French doors leading to the upstairs balcony and closed them, shutting out the murmur of laughter and conversation drifting up from the lawn below. She hoped fervently that she had also cut off any noise from the bedroom travelling the other way.
When she got back to where Del sat, her mouth dry and palms sweating, she fumbled her hat off and placed it on the chair by the fireplace. Her long red hair fell across her face, partly shielding the embarrassed blush coloring her cheeks.
“I’ve never been spanked before,” she said in a mouse-like voice and hated herself for her timidity. She stood before him, staring at her feet.
“Then you’re overdue, aren’t you?” Del took her hands in his. He brought one then the other to his lips before looking up at her and speaking again. “This will hurt but it won’t be anything you can’t bear. If it really gets to be too much, simply say safeword and I will stop. Then we will have to find another way for you to pay for your misbehavior. I think you’ll find that a spanking is the fastest and easiest way to atone. Do you agree?”
Ronnie nodded, biting her lip.


3 Books in 1

Seeing Ronnie:

Aloof and beautiful, society blogger Ronnie Flynn only agrees to go out with Del Franklin because he has an invitation to the biggest social event of the year. But it means spending a weekend with him on gorgeous Seguro Island. Before that weekend is over, Ronnie is in deeper than she ever imagined possible. Enthralled by her beauty and intelligence but less impressed with her snark, Del decides the only thing she needs to make her a good partner is a lesson in manners. That’s a lesson he’s happy to deliver, as often as she needs it.

Holding Cynthia:

Cynthia is about to move to the West Coast to be closer her daughter. As her plane touches down in her new city, she steels herself for the new life ahead. When she finds Antony, someone she thinks of as a dear friend, waiting at the arrivals gate, a wave of gratitude and desire floods through her.
She is tired and aching beyond all memory, so Antony takes charge. Very quickly, he realizes there is something wrong, very wrong, with Cynthia’s health. He insists that she see a doctor.
She says he is overprotective. He agrees. He is also determined to look after her if she won’t look after herself. A trip over his knee shakes Cynthia to the core. In spite of herself she likes – she wants – this loving correction.
Is Antony too much, too soon, or is he just what the doctor ordered?

Trusting Ingrid:

Ingrid Nickel doesn’t want to go into rehab. Again. She tried it once but it didn’t work.
When she meets Lachlan Morrison, the connection is electric. She sees a handsome man, directing and challenging, who won’t be intimidated by a powerful woman like her. He sees a woman whose bluster and sarcasm is a cover for something deep inside her that is badly broken.
The daughter of a grifter, Ingrid has grown up street-wise and lawless. Lachlan has rescued more than one creature whose bark was worse than its bite.
Will his stern, loving magic work on Ingrid?

Disclaimer: The Romancing the Coast boxset contains fantasy themes appropriate for mature readers only. Nothing in collection should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual sexual activity.

Don’t miss these other great books from Libby Campbell and Blushing Books:

The Simon in Charge series:

Simon Says (book 1)
Winning Sadie (book 2)
Sadie Says I Do (book 3)
Three-book box set – Simon in Charge

A Time For Will

Novellas in Christmas anthologies:

Prairie PromiseA Spanking Good New Year anthology
Love at Last Flight12 Naughty Days of Christmas anthology

Buy Links:

Available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

About the Author:

I’m in love with love. My romance stories feature strong, self-reliant women who challenge the powerful men who love them.
My books are set in the Pacific Northwest, a part of the world I know well and love deeply.
I’ve lived all over Canada, but the best decision of my life was when I moved to Australia to marry my leading man. After many years there, we moved back to the Pacific Northwest. We now live in a leafy neighborhood close to the sea.
My passions are reading and writing. I also love hiking, beachcombing, and an occasional night of dancing.

Connect with Libby Campbell:

Sign up for her newsletter here: Libby Campbell newsletter
Visit her website and blog here: Libby Campbell
Follow her on Twitter: @LibbyC26
Visit her Amazon author page: https://amazon.com/author/libbycampbell

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Guest Post - 5/21/19 - Branwyn's Love by Daryl Devore #hotread #erotic #courtesan

Sold by her family to become a submissive courtesan to a powerful man, Branwyn arrives in a strange new land ruled by the castle of Black Dorn. Horrified by Branwyn's lack of knowledge regarding relations between a man and his woman, her instructor, Duna Trea, begins her daily lesson in the art of bedding a man.


“Excellent. Now we begin your first and most important lesson - tragor. In your language, it has many meanings. But I believe duty is a good word. Through your duty, you must submit. Submission is your tragor. Do you understand what that word means?”
“Yes, Duna Trea. I am a very obedient person. When my aunt or uncle requested I do something, I did it without question.”
“But yesterday I told you not to speak to anyone unless spoken to first, yet you disobeyed me. And did it to Gon-Dra Malacke.”
“I am sorry,” said Branwyn. “I was frightened and confused. I…I did not know who he was. But Leah explained these things to me.”
“So, do you state that you understand tragor?”
She closed her eyes and nodded.
“Then stand and remove your upper garments. Unlace your bodice, let it and your sleeves drop to your waist.”
With trembling fingers, Branwyn tried to comply, but the laces refused to undo.
Duna Trea waited while Branwyn fumbled with the laces. “Now your shift. Expose your body.”
Branwyn’s muscles stiffened. A chill swept through her. “But I will be naked! One should not expose one’s body to another. It is against the—”
A flash of anger filled Duna Trea’s eyes.
Remembering Leah’s instructing and her discomfort, Branwyn did not want to cause any more pain to her. Surely, Duna Trea knows it is wrong to expose oneself. She paused, hoping her duna would rescind the order.
“Tragor.” One anger-filled word hung in the room.
Eyes squeezed shut, and bottom lip trembling, she reached for the bow to loosen the front of her shift, tugged on the right sleeve and removed her right arm. She gripped the material in her underarm and lowered the left sleeve. Placing her arms in front of her breasts, hands clasped under her chin, she raised her elbows, letting the material drop.
“Lower your arms.”
Three simple words cut Branwyn like knives. She tried to drop her arms, but the muscles refused to obey. Tears slipped between closed lids and trickled down her cheeks.
“Tragor, Dune.”
With every muscle fibre fighting the motion, Branwyn lowered her arms but held her hands clasped before her.
“Place your hands behind your back. Complete exposure. Good girl. Now step this way.”
Duna Trea stood next to Malacke.
Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, Branwyn stepped over and stood next to Trea. “Have you ever touched a man?”


Daryl Devorรฉ pens another hot read – the medieval romance -Branwyn’s Love.

The tale of a young woman sold as a courtesan in training. Branwyn arrives in a new land to begin daily lessons in the bewildering art of bedding a man.

The noblewoman chosen to be Prince Malacke’s bride rejects him by bedding his hated rival. Malacke turns his anger towards increasing the power and wealth of Black Dorn castle. And he succeeds until his attention is captured by the face of the woman who will be his queen.

Note: This book contains elements of domination, submission, and fetishes. If these concepts disturb you, please do not purchase or read this book. Branwyn’s Love was formerly known as Black Dorn and published by New Dawning.

Buy Links:

About the Author:

Two writers in one. Daryl Devorรฉ writes hot romances with sexy heroes and strong heroines. Victoria Adams is Daryl Devorรฉ's alter ego when she's inspired to write sweet romances with little to no heat.

Daryl (@daryldevore) lives in an old farmhouse in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, a black cat named Licorice and some house ghosts. Her daughter is grown and has flown the nest. Daryl loves to take long walks on her quiet country road or snowshoe across the back acres, and in the summer, kayak along the St. Lawrence River. She has touched a moon rock, a mammoth, and a meteorite. She’s been deep in the ocean in a submarine, flown high over Niagara Falls in a helicopter, and used the ladies room in a royal palace. Life’s an adventure and Daryl’s having fun living it.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Guest Post - 5/14/19 - "Entwined" by Felicity Brandon #DarkRomance #AlphaMale #KidnapThriller

It was the damndest thing. The monster made her feel whole again.


She sighed, a sound he heard despite the wind whipping around them. “This is so fucked up,” she explained,” but I didn’t know what else to do, I…”
Her voice trailed off into silence, and she blinked away the tears which were clearly threatening to fall. Connor’s feet moved before his brain even registered the action, his stride closing the distance between them in just a couple of paces. Molly’s eyes widened at his sudden proximity, her face lifting to look upon him in some sort of dumb-stuck awe. He couldn’t tell if it was terror or yearning which he saw in her eyes, but it didn’t matter. To hell with the mantra; Molly was upset, and that meant he wanted to protect her. Deep down Connor was certain of one thing. She had never stopped being his, and in his normal messed up way, that meant only he was allowed to cause her pain. If she was upset, he wanted to calm her, and comfort her. He wanted to make it better.
“Hey,” he said, towering over her small frame. “Hey, it’s okay.”
Connor wanted to wrap her up in a hard embrace, to hold her close to his body and smell the sweet scent of her hair in his nostrils. He swallowed down that urge, opening his arms out to her in as non-threatening a gesture as he could muster. There was a moment when nothing more happened. Molly cried openly, wiping the tears away with the back of her hand. Her eyes darted from his open arms to the sea, and back to the car she had parked beside his Mercedes. Connor could tell it was quite a predicament for her. Evidently, she wanted to go to him, but she was understandably scared. The last time she had trusted him, she’d wound up gagged and drugged.
Slowly, she edged closer to Connor’s body. He saw her blow out a huge breath as she neared, gazing up into his face as she finally pressed herself against him.
It was a moment of epiphany.
Molly had chosen to come to him, looking for comfort from the one man who’d taken and tormented her. It was like some sort of miracle, and Connor knew he was the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet as he felt her body heat next to him. His arms were on her at once, enveloping her in his warmth in a matter of seconds. His right hand rose to her hair, cradling her head as she sunk down against his chest.
Molly dissolved into sobs, her body trembling with the weight of whatever emotion she released. For his part, Connor said nothing. He merely stood there, holding her body on the wind-swept beach. In a time not so long ago, he had called himself a devil. A monster who preyed on innocent little lambs like Molly, but just look at him now. Connor was the greatest example of disparity he knew. He proved that karma didn’t exist. He’d been a sick fuck his whole life, taking what he wanted under the protection of his powerful peers, and caring nothing for the consequences. He should be damned, and he thought he had been, but he’d been wrong. The greatest penance he could ever have received was to never have seen Molly again. To have never caught sight of her mischievous smile, or run the soft strands of her hair through his fingers. And yet, here was she, her small arms clinging to him as she cried her heart out. There was no way he deserved to be this blessed. No way.


Can a monster ever find redemption?

Free from her captor, author Molly Clary finds herself back at home, but she’s just as lost as ever. In the isolation of her new-found freedom, Molly makes a startling revelation; she can no longer function without Connor Reilly. She can’t write without him; she can’t live without him.

The admission leads Molly into the most intense and dangerous chapter of her twisted love affair yet, and by reaching out to Connor again, she must decide if she can really leave her old life behind to venture into the dark and mysterious confines of the organization known only as The Syndicate.

For a couple whose love is built on lust, and fear and submission, there should be no happy ending. But as Molly helps her kidnapper lay his ghosts to rest, the question beckons, can they forge their own brand of happiness regardless? Can Connor finally be delivered into a consensual union with his kitten, and will it be enough to satisfy both of their dark needs?

Buy the captivating conclusion to The Dark Necessities trilogy, and devour this tantalizing finale.

Buy Links:

Universal link: viewbook.at/Entwined

Goodreads TBR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43518322-entwined

About the Author:

Felicity Brandon is a top 100 Amazon bestselling author.
She loves the darker side of romance, and writes sexy, suspenseful stories, with strong themes of bondage and submission.
You’ll find her either at her laptop, at the gym, or rocking out to her favourite music.

Find Felicity here:

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Guest Post - 5/8/19 - "Submitting to the Sheriff" by B.J. Wane #Contemporary #Western #Suspense

Her submission was real, unlike her identity.


Grayson experienced another tug of familiarity at her mumbling; something about the way she uttered that word poking at his memory. Frustrated, he asked her point blank, “What’s your last name?”
She jerked and tried to step back, but he held onto her hand, refusing to let her go far. “If that’s a requirement for your… guidance, then…”
“It’s not,” he cut her off. “I still can’t shake the feeling I know you, that we’ve met before.” When she shifted her eyes over his shoulder, more suspicions kicked in. Reining in the urge to demand answers, he changed tactics, reaching out with his free hand to grab the thick braid of caramel colored hair resting between her shoulders and using it to pull her closer. She flinched, whether from the sound of wood smacking against bare flesh or from his hold, he couldn’t tell, but she made no attempt to pull away from him. “Did Sydney mention the club safeword?”
She nodded, the top of her head ramming his chin. Her face reddened with her apology. “Sorry. Yes, she said it was red.”
“Excellent. Remember it. And if you return after tonight, wear your hair down and change into a skirt or shorts.” He watched her pulse flutter in her throat as he pressed her body flush with his and he ached to see what other responses he could pull from her with a simple order or touch.
Avery gulped and then nodded again. “Okay. Where are we going?” she asked as he released her hair and moved away from the other couple after catching another glare from Cassie. Under other circumstances, he would deal with her insolence in a way Cassie wouldn’t care for but thought it best if Avery didn’t see that side of their lifestyle yet. 
Grayson had seen and dealt with his share of confused, reluctant women, but none more baffled than Avery as he led her upstairs to the loft and started to explain each piece of equipment. But curiosity kept her going, overriding embarrassment and confusion. “This is a fucking swing.” He lifted a dangling strap attached to the webbed seat, a cuff hooked on the end. “I’m sure you can imagine how I can restrain someone on it. But nothing can settle the mind better than first-hand experience. Hop on.” He patted the seat, challenging her with his gaze. She possessed the most expressive face, every thought and insecurity portrayed in her eyes and around her mouth. Small, white teeth sank into her plump, bottom lip, tempting him to deliver his own bite to that soft flesh.
Avery shook her head and tried to back away even though curiosity and interest shone in her eyes. Tightening his grip, he held her in place. “I was just going to watch, not participate.”
“Watching is fine for titillation, but only goes so far to appease curiosity. Sit on it and I’ll only restrain one wrist. That will be enough to give you a small example of what bondage is like, and if it might be for you.”
Grayson held his breath as she looked back at the swing, even though he enjoyed watching her sort through her feelings and the option he presented her. When she nodded and handed him her now empty beer bottle, he released his pent-up breath with relief, surprising himself by how much he wanted to push her.


After overhearing two crooked Chicago cops plotting against her, Avery Pierce goes on the run, not knowing who she can trust. When her low finances force her to take a job as a sex phone operator, she struggles with her inexperience. When a caller senses her desperation and inexperience and offers assistance, she’s tempted to agree.

As soon as Sheriff Grayson Monroe meets the new waitress at his favorite diner, something about her strikes a familiar chord. When he sees her enter The Barn, his BDSM club, the desire to get to the bottom of her evasive eyes and answers to his probing questions takes hold. He’s determined to find out who she really is and what is troubling her.

After an icy mishap, Master Grayson has finally run out of patience. One way or another, Avery will tell him the truth. But is it too late? Has danger already found her? Can Grayson come to her rescue or will she lose everything she has just gained?

Publisher’s Note: This is book two in the Cowboy Doms series but can be read as a standalone. This contemporary western romance is intended for adults only and contains elements of power exchange, adult language, sensual scenes, danger, mystery and suspense. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.

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About the Author:

I live in the Midwest with my husband and our dog, a lovable Great Pyrenees/Standard Poodle.  I love dogs, enjoy spending time with my daughter, babysitting dogs and kids, reading and working puzzles.  We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I now prefer being a homebody.  I worked for a while writing articles for a local magazine but soon found my interest in writing for myself peaking.  My first book was strictly spanking erotica, but I slowly evolved to writing erotic spanking romance with a touch of suspense.  My favorite genre to read is suspense.