Now for my story. I've chosen to use "Fatal Desire" again,
because some of the characters in it are indeed "Out of this World." "Fatal Desire" is my vampire romance sequel to "Mortal Illusions." This scene happens fairly late in the second book. Husband and wife for nine months, both the characters are vampires at this point, though Amanda is still in her first year as an immortal. Any vampire less than one-year-old is considered an infant, and no vampire is permitted to take his/her blood until after the infant has passed its one-year mark to become a fledgling. Unfortunately, Amanda wants Marcus badly, and she isn't above using some sneaky tactics to get him to nibble a little one day early. Marcus is a former gladiator, and has the physique to match. He is an honorable man who believes in living by strict rules that don't allow for much gray. Let's see how Amanda fares in her efforts with her rigid, and dominant husband.

Amanda slipped into a short, sexy nightgown with no
panties and sought Marcus out in his private office. He sat at his desk pouring over some designs
for the haunted theme park he considered building. Lost in concentration, he didn't glance up
when she entered the room, which should have been a red flag. Unfortunately, she was too horny to appreciate
his more serious state of mind.
Stepping behind his chair, she slid her fingers around the
edges of his ears. "Are you
busy?" she asked in her sexiest voice.
He spared her a look that questioned her intelligence, but
said, "Yes, darling, I am. Now go
back upstairs and watch some TV or read while I finish this."
"Then what?" she teased with a small pout.
Putting down his papers, he gave her his full attention. When he saw what she wore, he growled. Literally.
Taking the sound for the warning it was, Amanda raised her
hands and backed up. "It's only one
day," she protested softly.
"We're on our honeymoon tomorrow.
Surely one day can't make that much difference."
His face a stony mask, he said, "How long did I tell
you we needed to wait?"
"One year, but--"
"Correct. Is
that year up today?"
"No, but--"
"Do you think I arbitrarily chose the time
"Do you think you are the only one suffering? No, you are not," he answered before she
could. "And do you know why?
Because I have selflessly given you countless orgasms when you desired
them, have I not?"
of course, but--"
"But what? I
am denied the pleasure of finding my release in you as I wish. I want nothing more than to sink my fangs in
your sweet flesh, but I cannot. Not
until tomorrow night. So, what is your
purpose coming to me dressed as you are?
Do you wish to torture me?"
Tears burned her eyes as she shook her head.
"Then I suggest you go upstairs, before I demonstrate
my current displeasure with you through more tangible means."
"No, Amanda!
And that is my final word on the subject. Tempt me further tonight and you will be
uncomfortable sitting on that plane tomorrow.
Do I make myself clear?"
Despite the disappointment spearing through her, Amanda
meekly answered, "Yes, Sir."
"Then go."
The command was accompanied by his finger unnecessarily pointing the way
to the door.
Realizing he wouldn't relent, she turned and fled to their
bedroom, then slammed the door. Anger
and frustration getting the best of her, she threw their wedding picture at the
wall, but received no satisfaction when the glass shattered. Less than a second later, he'd flashed to
stand before her with his hands on his hips.
If he'd been angry before, he was livid now.
"That tantrum, my love, has earned you five
swats." Sitting on the bed, he patted
his knee. "Take your position,
"Go to Hell!" she shouted back, angry as well as
scared he would carry out his threat, which was the exact opposite of what
she'd wanted.
"A simple no, would have earned you an extra
swat," he advised, his tone and manner so frigid it gave her a chill. "Swearing has earned you five more. We're at ten now. Care to go for fifteen?"
She shook her head, struggling not to cry. She didn't want a spanking; she wanted him to
make love to her. She swiped angrily at her
tears, which fell despite her effort to hold them back, but his expression
didn't change.
"Take your position, please," he repeated
"I'm sorry," she said in a near whisper.
He regarded her for a moment, then shook his head. "Not
good enough, I'm afraid."
"Tomorrow is our anniversary and we're leaving for
our honeymoon," she reminded him, clearly pointing out the obvious.
"That is true, and you're undoubtedly going to be
sore because of your childish actions."
She winced.
"But I want us to have fun together, and I won't be able to if I'm
"You should have considered that before you decided
to tempt me beyond reason and throw a temper tantrum when I refused to cave in
to your selfish whims."
His tone sounded more disgruntled than angry, so she sidled
closer to him. When he showed no sign of
reaching for her, she tentatively put her arm about his shoulders. He didn't pull away, but his expression
remained stern as he gazed up into her eyes.
Then she carefully lowered herself to sit on his lap.
"Wrong way," he griped, but made no move to
reposition her.
Wrapping her arms about his neck, she leaned over to kiss
his cheek. "I love you," she
said softly.
His tone and expression softening, he said, "And I
love you, but I am also very angry with you right now."
"I know. Can I
do something else to make you less angry?
Something which won't be quite so painful for me?"
"I'm hurting, too, Amanda. More than you know. I was willing to forgive your teasing, but I
am not willing to overlook your infantile show of temper."
"And if I refuse to comply?" she asked, more
than a little afraid of his answer.
"Then I hope you have fun in England alone, because I won't be
going with you."
She surged up off his lap.
"You can't possibly be serious.
Are you saying you won't go on our honeymoon if I refuse to let you
spank me?"
"Yes. I'd say
that's about it," he answered, crossing his arms over his chest.
In an unconscious mimicry of his stance, she wrapped her
arms about herself. "I think I hate
you right now."
"The evening is early, yet. I shouldn't have any difficulty turning that
into a definitive statement by midnight."
Arms slapped to her sides, she glowered at him. "I'll go by myself," she
threatened, storming into the bathroom and slamming the door.
You just made it to fifteen, darling," he called back.
She flung herself down on the toilet neither of them used
and gave vent to her anger by stomping her feet and hitting her thighs with her
fists while taking care not to make a sound.
"Throwing a tantrum in there is not acceptable
either. You're now up to twenty."
"Argh!" she yelled back, lifting her fist in a
gesture, which was far from polite. "What?
Am I forbidden from displaying any form of anger now?"
"At the moment, yes.
And for every minute you delay this reckoning, I'm going to add a
She marched back into the room with her hands on her hips
and called, "Pink"
"An improper use of your safe word given I haven't
touched you. Let's see, for that I
"No more.
Please," she begged, her shoulders drooping with defeat. Her every step filled with regret, she returned
to him with tears welling in her eyes.
"I'll do it. Okay?"
He set his hands back on the bed so they were out of her
way. With a swallow and a groan of deep
reluctance, she lowered herself across his knees and tensed as his left hand
settled between her shoulders. Then his
right hand stroked her buttocks. He
often did that to get her to relax, since he claimed the spanking would hurt
less if she didn't tense. The irony of
the action was not lost on her.
He continued to stroke her. "Should I make you count," he asked
almost conversationally, and she clamped her jaws. "No, don't tense. I'm not hurting you, so there is no cause for
you to tighten yourself."
"I think the point is you intend to hurt me, and this
delay is making me nervous," she complained.
He smacked her, then.
Enough to make her nerves tingle, but not hard enough to hurt.
"One," he announced, stroking her again. She loosened her grip on his leg a little and
released her breath. Perhaps he would
take pity on her after all. The second
swat was a tiny bit harder and she jerked in reaction, but even that one hadn't
hurt, and his stroking soothed her before she could react to it.
Finding pleasure in his touch, despite her position,
Amanda closed her eyes and relaxed by letting her head and arms drop in
"Three," he said still stroking her, then his
hand slipped between her legs and conducted a teasing exploration. Despite her body no longer making the same
the lubrication it had when she was mortal, blood still pooled in her genitals
when she was aroused, making her swell with need.
"Four," he said as she arched and moaned at the
pleasure he drew out of her during his exquisite torture. His finger circled and stroked all around the
tiny nubbin that throbbed for his caress as he studiously avoided it. This, no doubt, served as a more subtle
punishment. Reminding her, he ached and
desired as well and yet was denied.
Impatient and hungry, she whimpered and wiggled her bottom to signal him
of her growing need.
"Did you wish to tell me something, darling?" he
asked as his finger skated ever so slightly over her pulsing flesh.
Amanda tried pushing back against his fingers, but he held
her too firmly.
"No moving," he reminded with a light pat on her
backside before he removed his hand.
she cried out in protest.
"Please.... I need you to--"
Her words were cut off the moment his finger located and
stroked the nose of her gazelle. Tiny
tingles coursed through her, and she whined.
She was so close. Despite
guiltily enjoying the attention he paid her, Amanda wanted and needed
more. And though she refused to complain
about this new punishment, she was desperate to come. Now.
Another stroke and she instinctively parted her legs to give him better
access. His finger unerringly sought and
caressed exactly where she needed it and she arched into his palm as her orgasm
started to build when he drew his hand back and gave her another swat. A painful one.
"Ow!" she protested, turning to glare at him.
"Five," he said, stroking her backside
again. Though he didn't appear angry, he
did look resolved.
He hadn't let her come, but the swat managed to squelch
her need for the moment. Worried he was about
to get serious, she gripped his leg again and heard him chuckle softly. Wanting to growl and bite him, she gritted
her teeth. He was enjoying this far too
much for her peace of mind.
"Since you feel it's time I put a little more sting
into this punishment of yours, for the next five you have my permission to cry
out, if you wish, but I do not want you to rise from my lap. Understand?"
At her nod, the five stinging swats were delivered so
quickly, she almost couldn't tell them apart.
Those hurt enough to bring tears to her eyes, but she remained in place
and kept her lips clamped. She hissed
out her discomfort when he went back to stroking, but he ignored her complaint.
Instead, with each caress that traveled
from the small of her back to the fleshy tops of her thighs, he counted out the
next five numbers, to fifteen.
Relaxed again, she closed her eyes. He'd never mixed pain and pleasure before,
and she wasn't sure she liked the combination.
Her backside felt warm and tight, but the tingles weren't unpleasant,
which surprised and confused her. Though
she still wanted to come, she let her body go completely limp as he tenderly
stroked away any lingering discomfort
"Five more to go, and your punishment will be
complete," he announced, his hand rubbing with purpose now.
She gave a small moan.
My latest book, a Corbin's Bend novel, is due out from Blushing Books on July 16. So, I will be offering an eBook copy of any one of my books, including an ARC of A Simple Misunderstanding, to the winner I select who can answer the following question(s):
Marcus slowly adds to the count he intends to give Amanda until she caves and accepts his punishment. How high does the count get before Amanda agrees to let Marcus spank her, and do you think he's being too inflexible with Amanda?
Leave a comment below with the answer along with your e-mail address. We'll be announcing the winners of the grand prizes as well as the winners of our own blogs on July 2nd. Happy hunting! I now return you to continue your visits by going back to
Governing Ana.