Thursday, January 14, 2021

Guest Post - 1/14/21 - "Harmony's Embrace" by Amber Daulton - #RomanticSuspense #HolidayRomance


Reuniting with the man who broke her heart has never felt so right.


He sighed heavily. Snapping at her wouldn’t convince her to stick around. “Have you thought about me over the years?”

Her bottom lip trembled, then she sucked it between her teeth. “Of course I have. High school was a long time ago, and our dreams clashed. You wanted a laidback life, even though you cut loose with Susannah in college. I wanted big-city living, and I got it. I like it.”

“So a rich-ass condo means that much to you? You want a new job slaving away five or six days a week for some major corporation until you’re exhausted?” He silently cursed. Not only did he slave away at his job, he was growing more tired of it by the day.

Good job, man. Way to control your temper.

In the back of his mind, he’d always believed he and Harmony would find one another again. Susannah and Claude didn’t compute. How crazy was that? Did he marry someone so different from himself because, subconsciously, he didn’t want the relationship to work?

A frown creased her brow. “I don’t need or want expensive things, but I like to work, to feel useful. My dream home is a little yellow bungalow with a big yard in a suburb.” She rocked in the chair as though she longed to jump up and run out the door. “I don’t want to argue. Let’s finish eating and hit the slopes.” She polished off her chips in a handful of loud crunches.

“What did you expect?” His throat constricted. “We’ve never hashed this stuff out since Susannah and Claude were always stuck up our asses. It’s time we deal with it.”

She scowled, then finished her grinder.

Birley gritted his teeth. Why had he been so stupid all those years ago? He’d wanted her to attend the University of Vermont with him, but she balked at another lengthy stint in school. He never should’ve walked off, leaving her crying on the porch of her parents’ house. She wanted time to think about her future—they’d only graduated from high school that morning—but her refusal didn’t mean she’d stopped loving him.

Too bad he hadn’t realized the truth at the time. She’d hurt his pride and broken his heart. Nothing mattered but hurting her in return. They avoided each other for the rest of the summer, then he headed off to the university.

God, how he’d missed her. She’d continued to work for her uncle while earning her accounting degree at a local community college and later moved to New Jersey for her job. Any chance of repairing their relationship had left with her, but by then, he was with Susannah.

Birley ate the rest of his sandwich, which slid down his gullet like cardboard. “No matter what you decide, I’m happy you’re home now.” The hope in his chest deflated. He stood and tugged on his gloves. “Let’s hit one of the blue squares. You okay with that?”

She nodded and followed him up. After they threw away their trash, they left the lodge.


Divorced dad Birley Haynes is too busy raising his children and running his family’s music academy to start a relationship. Then Harmony Holdich, his high school sweetheart, returns home to Willow Springs, Vermont for Christmas and falls into his bed. She brings light and fun back into his life, but he can’t brush aside the threatening incidents around his workplace.

Harmony hadn’t expected a complication like Birley, especially so soon after the death of her unfaithful husband. With her life a mess, she plans to move across the country and start over. All she can offer him is a fling, but her heart yearns for more.

When the threats rise, how will Birley keep his children safe and convince Harmony to give love another chance?

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About the Author:

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press, Books to Go Now, and Daulton Publishing, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.

She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

#MFRWsteam - January 12, 2020 - A Dom's Dilemma - "Better get another towel" #Contemporary #BDSM #SpankingRomance

When a strict Dom demands openness and honesty from a reluctant submissive, she fears she'll lose him if he ever discovers the truth about her past.


In this scene, after an intense weekend together during which Jim Evans administers a particularly harsh punishment to Kelly Franklin, he is making love to her for the first time back in her apartment. 

Grabbing her legs, he positioned her feet on the edge of the bed. She tried to scoot her butt back, but he shook his head and pulled it closer to him. "No. Stay like this. First things first, I want to take a little taste of my treat before I sink into it."

Then directing her to lie back and relax, he lowered his mouth to the shiny pink morsel that beckoned for his lips and teeth and caught the hint of a familiar woodsy fragrance. He preferred her usual fragrance of strawberries, but the aromatic scent of pine perfuming her now still brought a smile to his face. Little thief.

"Jim?" she asked tremulously as he placed his lips against her nether ones.

"No torture today, sugar. You may come when you're ready," he answered, positive he knew what her shaky query meant.

"Thank you, Sir," she replied on a sigh, and he smiled as he coaxed her toward a powerful orgasm, enjoying the sweet, salty taste which was uniquely her. He could feel her whole body tightening as if she was about to explode, so he lightly nipped her clit, to bring her over. Arching up, she suddenly gripped his hair. They were both too far into things for him to scold, but what neither of them expected was the moment she cried out, she literally flooded his face and mouth with her climax. The lady ejaculated more than he did. He stayed with her until she calmed, and her hands fell to her side, then he inched back.

"Well. That was a bit unexpected," he said, licking his lips, relieved he did like her taste, since he'd pretty much gotten a mouth full of it.

She lifted her head, then saw what she'd done. "Oh, my God! I'm so sorry," she said, leaping off the bed to fetch him a towel, which she next used to wipe down his face, until he took the terrycloth out of her grasp and finished the job himself.

"How embarrassing," she whispered, looking as if she might cry.

"No need," he assured her. "A lot of ladies do that, though it's the first time I've ever gotten it so fully in the face."

"I didn't know. I mean. I've never done that before."

"Really?" he asked, feeling more than a little proud of himself. "You normally don't come with so much…enthusiasm?"

She shook her head, then started to smile. "Never."

"Never?" he asked on a laugh. Then she came down on top of him, laughing almost as hard as he was. She curled up on his lap and hugged him as she gave into the humor of the situation.

"Oh. My. God. You should have seen your face," she said between gasps.

"Yeah, I can imagine how I looked. But I think you're gonna need to get another towel, darlin', because I intend to get you so riled up, you're gonna flood this bed but good." 


Kinky happenings in rural New England.

Kelly Franklin is not your "normal" submissive. In fact, there's some question as to whether she's a submissive at all. She seeks the protection a Dom can give her without paying the price a Dom exacts. Unfortunately, when Master Evans takes her in hand, she pays double. 

James Evans has been a police detective for sixteen years and an active participant in the local BDSM scene for even longer.  The fact that Kelly Franklin, a pretty and feisty submissive, scurries off like a frightened rabbit every time she sees him, intrigues him both as a Dom and a detective.  So, when a fellow police officer mentions he's looking for a new Dom to top Kelly, Jim eagerly signs up for the job. 

As a Dom, Jim is pleased by Kelly's open responsiveness, but as a police detective, he is determined to solve the enigma she presents.  When he discovers Kelly has not only been keeping secrets from him, she has lied, he is more than willing to drape Kelly bare butt over his knee for a spanking--until she finally tells him the truth.

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About the Author:

Though A Dom's Dilemma is Kathryn R. Blake's first BDSM novel and second spanking romance (a romance where spanking takes a prominent place in the plot), it is not the first book she has written in which the hero spanks the heroine.  In fact, most of her novels have some sort of spanking in them.  To date, all of her heroes are Dominant, alpha males who are extremely protective of the women they love.  However, part of that protectiveness includes the desire for a certain amount of control.  They do not suffer defiance or disobedience lightly.  In fact, it is something they refuse to tolerate, and will take firm steps to ensure the undesirable behavior is not repeated.

Besides writing, Kathryn enjoys traveling, reading, attending the theatre, and is a passionate lover of animals, so much so that in 2015 a stray cat adopted her. The stray now sleeps in Kathryn's bed.  In addition, she has taken up the expensive hobby of making and selling jewelry

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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Guest Post - 1/9/21 - "Arresting Jeremiah" by Amber Daulton #police #womaninjeopardy #singlemom

 When threats escalate, will Jim and Calista succumb, or fight for a love they can’t deny?


“It’s complicated.”

“What’s so complicated, Calista? We can rent a delivery truck to move your furniture, clothes, dishes, and everything else here. If you don’t like the way I decorate, or my lack of dรฉcor, fine. I’ll donate whatever you don’t want. This will be your home. Truth be told, I prefer your place to mine. It’s warm and inviting there. I want you to bring that hominess here.”

“You don’t understand.”

“Damn right, I don’t.” He tossed the clothes back down. “What about Lacey? You really gonna separate her from Niko? She loves the cat.” Air hitched in his throat as tears welled in Calista’s eyes. He kicked the wall and pressed the heel of his palm to his forehead.

“You have secrets, Jeremiah. I’ve finally shared everything with you, and I mean everything, even though it humiliated me. But you won’t do the same. You don’t trust me enough. That’s the main reason why I won’t stay.” Calista grabbed her blouse and forced it over her head. “I’m not a kept woman, by the way. It’s time I look for another job. I refuse to rely on you for everything I have. I’ve been alone for too long to fall under a man’s thumb.”

“What the hell? When have I ever tried to control you?” He would do anything to get off the subject of secrets. “You’re independent, and I respect your work ethic. I will, however, act like a first-rate dick if you apply for a job at another crappy diner. You shouldn’t have to deal with bad managers and perverts all day. Besides, you’re a chef. You should open a bakery. That’s what you want, right?”

She slid on her panties. “Yeah, it is, but I won’t deplete Lacey’s college fund or possibly go into debt with a business loan to fulfill my dream.”

Jim cupped her flushed cheek. A small, barely noticeable blemish remained on her skin, and he brushed his lips across it.

“You promised me time, Jeremiah. Don’t push me into something I’m not ready for. When or if I choose to rent a truck, I’ll let you know. Until then, don’t mention it to me again.”

Jim rested his forehead on hers, biting back his confession. I love you. If I don’t have you, I’ll live the rest of my life incomplete. He needed a promise of marriage, but he just had to wait.


Injured Parole Officer Jeremiah “Jim” Borden never expected Calista Barlow, the sassy blonde waitress he’s craved for months, to ring his doorbell. She slips into his heart—and his bed—but he’s obsessed with a gangland investigation that threatens his career and maybe even his life.

Calista doesn’t trust easily, not with a daughter to protect and the stalker who keeps calling her. After her violent ex-boyfriend returns, she finds solace in Jim’s arms.

Jim may have to forego his need for answers to protect the ready-made family he adores, but how will he and Calista escape an unseen enemy that is always one step ahead of them?

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About the Author:

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press, Books to Go Now, and Daulton Publishing, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.

She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats.

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Saturday, January 2, 2021

Saturday Spankings - 1/2/21 - "Learning to be Little" - Kelly Fears the Inevitable #Ageplay #DaddyDom #Spankings

Kelly didn't set out to be naughty, but sometimes she couldn't help herself.

Reading this material at Work could get you spanked.

Welcome to the Saturday Spankings blog hop.  My stories are all M/f with the dominant male determined to protect the woman he cares for and loves, or grows to love, by doing whatever it takes to ensure her safety and continued health.  This includes administering a spanking when she needs one.  

My submission for this week is an excerpt from my first age play romance. Similar to Kelly's BDSM experience, Learning to be Little is my first attempt at depicting the dynamics of age play, and because it occurs in Kelly's past with her first, but not last, Dom, it is also a little different from other age play stories available today. However, I hope readers who enjoy age play and D/s will find their journey into Kelly's past an entertaining, sometimes funny, sometimes poignant, adventure. 

This snippet takes place early in Chapter 11. On their fourth Wednesday out together, Kelly and her daddy are approached by another couple for the first time. Kelly, takes an immediate dislike to the other Little, who dressed like she was six, but looked nearly twenty, making her two years older than Kelly. And with the simpering smiles this little Susie-Q was giving Kelly's daddy, Kelly decided to challenge the other Little, which gets her in hot water with Daddy along with the threat of a public spanking.

The four of them got into an elevator, which they rode to the fifteenth floor.

"I don't own a penthouse like you, Graham, but I've soundproofed the walls, so you needn't worry about anyone overhearing."

"Smart decision."

"This way," he said pointing the way when the elevator doors slid apart. He led them down the hall to a door, which he unlocked. Kelly's first impression of Mr. Cartwright's apartment was its fancy dรฉcor. Pastel flowers, crystal vases, lamps with figurines. It all seemed very feminine. And when a young woman in high heels, party dress, and pearls entered from a side room, Kelly understood why. Susie, it appeared, had a mommy and a daddy, and that thought had Kelly gripping Daddy's hand in dismay. He gave her fingers an absent pat but didn't say anything.

"You're back from your walk early, Trent. Something happen?"

Trent Cartwright kissed the woman on the cheek. "Our little girls misbehaved, so we brought them back to be punished."

"Really?" The scowl the woman gave Susie made Kelly's backside clench. Susie probably got double punishments, but all the little girl did was lower her head and say, "I'm sorry, Mommy."

Kelly gave Daddy's hand another tug. "I want to leave, Daddy. Now. Please don't make me do this."

"Hush. It will be beneficial for you to observe how other families interact with their little girls."

Still shaking her head in doubt, she clutched Daddy's hand while Mr. Cartwright made the introductions. "Darling, you remember Graham White, don't you? This is his new little girl, Kelly."

Mrs. Cartwright kissed Daddy on the cheek. "Of course I remember Graham. Nice to see you. You haven't been to any of the recent munches, so I wondered if you'd abandoned the lifestyle for a more conventional arrangement with your last little girl. Louise, wasn't it?"

Graham White smiled. "Yes, Louise. And no, I haven't entertained any thought of leaving the lifestyle. At least not yet."

Then Mrs. Cartwright turned to Kelly, who promptly backed up against Daddy. "Hello, Kelly. Are you scared, little one?"

Kelly nodded. No point in lying about that. She wanted to go home—

"Well, I doubt it will be that bad. I'm sure your daddy takes care of you after a punishment. Doesn't he?"

Kelly frowned, unsure what the woman meant, but Daddy answered for her.

"Actually, we don't play that way, Marge. I prefer not to mix discipline with pleasure. I consider the activities opposite and contradictory."

Kelly enjoys going out with her new daddy, but she doesn't care for other little misses flirting with him. Unfortunately, rudeness is never acceptable, as Kelly knows, which means she is now facing a punishment in the same room as the other Little. And that was something she'd wished to avoid at all costs.

She needed a savior, but she wasn't looking for a second daddy

An only child born to two only children, six-year-old Kelly Franklin finds herself at the mercy of the state when both her parents are brutally murdered. As a difficult, unwanted child, distrustful of strangers and haunted by gruesome blood-filled nightmares, Kelly's nightly screams of terror frighten the other children so badly, she becomes more trouble than any foster family was willing to take on. 

When Child Services attempts to place her in a Residential Treatment Center next, Kelly's growing mistrust has her running away again and again. Homeless and penniless with no relatives to harbor her, and a penchant for escaping her caretakers, Kelly is finally handed over to one of the few parish orphanages remaining in existence until age at 18, when she is released. 

Possessing only a little money, few skills and even fewer resources, Kelly's attempts at job hunting end up with her prowling the streets in desperation until a wealthy stranger makes her a proposition she is too cold and hungry to refuse. Though, it isn't until he takes her home that she realizes just what it is she's gotten herself into.

Note about the characters in this story: 

Kelly is one of my favorite characters. She can be such a brat at times, which is something her champion Graham White refuses to tolerate. The majority of this story is the earliest, chronologically, since it occurs in Kelly's past, but it is the most recent book in the series. Confused much?

So, if you want to know more about this bratty, sometimes submissive adult little girl, she first appears in Arrested by Love as a secondary character, but like all good primary characters she insisted on having her own story with her new Dom, which developed into A Dom's Dilemma. Both books, originally released in 2010, are being numbered, reedited and reissued with new covers in late November, along with Learning to be Little: Kelly's Story. Its cover is pictured above.

Though Learning to be Little will be the newest book in the series, it actually begins immediately after A Dom's Dilemma, then takes the reader into Kelly's past in a sequel/prequel. The story is a departure for me in that the majority of its chronological time line takes place before the two books I've already published, but it belongs in the middle of the series. I expect two, possibly three more books in the series to be available in the near future.

Learning to be Little: Kelly's Story is available on Kindle Unlimited, and for purchase on Amazon.

To find out more the Unexpected Consequences series or any of Kathryn's other books, check out the links below:

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this excerpt and want more. Please click on one of the author's names below, or visit The Saturday Spankings Blog to continue your journey.