Saturday, August 19, 2023

Guest Post - Trevor's Redemption by Amber Daulton #HotRead #ArrestingOnyx3.5

The danger and lies are more than she can handle.

The danger and lies are more than she can handle.

Will the truth send her running, or will she fight for the man she loves?


He rolled his stiff shoulders and pushed aside pasta bags, crackers, and vegetable cans in the cabinets. Where were the croutons? After he checked the fridge, he pulled the cracker box off the shelf. “I usually top the casserole with croutons, but this will have to do.” He dumped the square bits of wheat into a bowl to crush.

“No worries. I’m already impressed you’re not feeding me a TV dinner. A man who can cook gets top notches in my book.”

He winked at her. After he drained the water, he layered the pasta-and-vegetable mixture with the chicken in a large casserole dish, topped it with crumbs and cheese, and popped it into the oven. “Come here.” He pulled her close and kissed her warm, welcoming lips. Her sweet taste rocketed through him. She twisted her fingers into his damp hair and tugged hard enough to sting his scalp. He groaned. This was real. Normal. The skanky women who flocked to him at clubs and after his gigs no longer thrilled him. Did he have a shot for something real with Shea?

She moaned into his mouth and nibbled on his lip.

Tingles shot through his jaw. “Let me take care of you. I want to give you candles, music, the works.”

“You mean to seduce me?”

“I’ll only go as far as you’ll let me.”

A soft noncommittal noise rumbled from her mouth. He drew her hand up and kissed her knuckles. Was she weighing the pros and cons? Would she let him treasure her as she deserved? He licked the underside of her wrist.

“Oh, God.” Her breathing sharpened, her chest rising and falling faster. She clutched his biceps as he planted light kisses along her nose and brow. “Don’t stop kissing me, Trevor. I want to forget about everything, except you.”

“As you wish.”


Shea O’Bannon feels like a fifth wheel around her romantically paired-off friends, but there’s too much slime in the dating pool for her to bother with it. Then she sees her two-timing ex, Trevor Madero, serenading the mostly female crowd at a live-music bar. God knows trouble follows him around, but her desire for him rushes back in anyway. After he rescues her from a handsy drunk, temptation takes over.

Determined to prove he never stepped out on Shea, Trevor slides back into her life—and her heart—with forever in mind. Even with the wall he keeps up to protect her, his secret criminal life weighs heavy on his soul and drives a wedge between them.

When the truth comes out and his enemies target them both, they’ll have to fight for their love, or kiss it goodbye.

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About the Author:

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through Daulton Publishing, The Wild Rose Press, and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.

She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats. 

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Saturday, November 26, 2022

Guest Post - 11/26/22 - The Cowboys of Naked Bluff Anthology by Anita Philmar #TexasRomance #Historical #HotRead




4 Stories for less than buying them individually


Texas Passion 

Furious, Catherine Jensen refuses to allow her dream of marrying Trent McCall to fall into ruins because of an end-of-the-trail party. Not wanting him to sleep with a painted lady or two on the eve of their engagement, she arranges a seduction. But at what cost? Will it secure their future or ruin her squeaky-clean reputation?

Excited to celebrate his success of completing a long cattle drive with a sexy lady, Trent is blindsided with the news of an arranged marriage between him and a girl he hasn’t seen in four years because she’d hightailed it to Boston.

Now a city girl, she’d probably turn out to be just like his family’s deserting momma, who’d bailed when the going got tough.

Pissed, his bad mood eases when he learns a special lady was meeting him at his hunting cabin. With the future uncertain, he figured a passion-filled night might lighten the load of his matrimonial chains.


In Too Deep

Furious with her in-laws’ demands to marry her deceased husband’s brother, Sadie Pepperman heads for the Trinity River with a friend to escape the pressure of their unsolicited advice.

Seeking an adventure, Callum Murphy and his friend, Marcus Goodman, are heading to the Gulf of Mexico to join the confederate army. Their quiet camp is interrupted by a lady’s scream. Spotting a woman in the swiftly moving water, Marcus jumps to the rescue, followed almost immediately by the rumble of wagon wheels along the dirt path, accompanied by a beautiful lady calling for help. 

Attempting to save her friend, Sadie meets Callum and joins forces. Only to discover their friends are being hauled onto a steamship. Eager to get away from temptation, she turns to leave and twists her ankle. The agonizing pain leaves her with the inability to walk. To avoid asking her in-laws for help, she offers Callum a place to stay if he’ll help with her farm’s chores.

Enamored with the lady, he discovers she has a few issues; crops to bring in from the fields, a sex starved brother-in-law, and a body which inflames his desire. One problem, however, worries him. Can he convince her to forget the other rascals in her life and give him a chance?


In Deep Water

Hot? Yes, Texas summers sizzle. Lured by the brilliant idea of dipping naked into the Trinity River, Carolyn Evans wades into the water and is captured by the swift moving current, putting her life in danger.

Help! The cry sends Marcus Goodman, who’s on his way with a friend to the Gulf of Mexico to join the confederate army into the river to save the naked lady. The only problem is a passing steamboat has the same mission, placing him in a ticklish situation when they’re pulled aboard, and she claims they are married.

Tempted by the adventurous opportunity and enthralled with the sexy woman, he holds her to the claim of matrimony. Will this end with a happy-ever-after union or a soul-crushing heartache?


More than Ready

Depressed by his inability to honor his deceased brother by farming his land and wedding his wife, Kirk Pepperman is struggling with his bleak future.

Perpetually cast as the girl next door, Mary Beth Owens knows her parents are arranging a marriage between Kirk and herself. Loving him wasn’t a problem, but if he couldn’t please her, then why bother?

Can this couple forget the past and have a future together? 

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About the Author:

Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day, and a dreamer by night, she wants her readers to see the world in a new way. With the influence of her children’s sci-fi programs, she likes to play with diverse cultures and places where anything can happen. She enjoys bringing hot romantic moments to life in a variety of genre, such as historical westerns, paranormal suspense, and contemporary murder mysteries.

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Saturday, October 22, 2022

Guest Post - 10/22/22 - "Circles Interlocked" by Daryl Devore #SecondChance #Contemporary #Romance


Not everyone gets a second chance. Can Julie and Robert get past their past and have a future?


"You... you... slept with—"

"Have you ever stopped to think why I did what I did?"

"You mean why you slept—"

"Nothing happened. I wouldn't do that to you. It was a set up. Melissa played her part, went home, and then I got shit-faced drunk."

Turning away from him, she snarled, "Very convincing set up. I catch two naked people rolling around in the sheets. Clothes flung everywhere."

Robert pleaded to a hostile back. "Nothing happened. I swear. Nothing happened!"

"Oh sure, that's easy to say now."

"Melissa and I got some beer and pizza."

"Chinese." She snapped around to face him. "The table was covered in take-out Chinese and three beer bottles. One upright and two lying down. Which is what you do to an empty beer."

"Ok, it was Chinese take-out. We ate supper. Threw some extra clothes around."

Her gaze locked on his. "Your shirt was on the floor. Her blouse was on the couch."

"When we heard you drive up, we raced to the bedroom, threw our shirts next to the bed and climbed under the sheets. She started moaning like a porn star as you walked in the room. I pretended to pop up from under the sheet and say something. Which I've no doubt you're about to tell me, as you seem to have this moment burned into your brain."

Not bothering to even attempt to hide the sarcasm in her voice, Julie said, "You said, Sorry babe. This is gonna have to be quick. She'll be here soon. And I said, She's already here."

"I remember that."

"And then I stormed out of the room."

"And I followed." Robert closed his eyes and rubbed his face. When he opened them, Julie was still glaring at him. "Think about it. How could I've gotten in front of you in less than a second with my jeans on? If I'd been screwing Melissa, would my jeans've been on?"

"Answer me this," she snapped. "What the hell were you thinking when you were standing there staring at me? What was it that went through your mind? I've never been able to figure out your expression."

"I swore I wouldn't crack. I'd stay tough. But the look on your face nearly shattered my heart. I was standing next to you before I realized I'd gotten out of the bed. Part of me was happy. I'd pissed you off. You'd go dance. And a part of me was... was, I don't know what it was. I saw you were heart-broken and angry, and whatever else was running through you, and that hurt. Hurt's not the right word. It almost killed me to see you like that."

Julie lunged forward. Robert jumped back. With each word, she moved closer. "You pushed me away. You made me leave so I'd go dance. You tricked me into hating you." She froze.


How do people get into the situations they find themselves in?

Having been betrayed by the man she assumed she was destined to be with forever; Julie Anderson is heartbroken that her love affair didn't end with the fairy tale Happily Ever After. She leaves town to pursue her dream of being a dancer only to find herself trapped in a job she no longer loves, confined in a relationship with a loveless man, and living day by day regretting what she has become.

Bouncing from failed relationship to failed relationship, Robert Holiday consoles himself with the lie that he sacrificed his happiness so Julie could live her dream.

As fate has a curious sense of humour, eight years later, they wake up in bed together. Now it is up to love to fix what time cannot mend.

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About the Author:

Two writers in one. Daryl Devorรฉ writes hot romances with sexy heroes and strong heroines and sweet romances with little to no heat. She has several published books available on Amazon in ebook, print and audio. Also, available at other book retailers via Books2Read. 

Daryl (@daryldevore) lives in an old farmhouse in Ontario, Canada, with her husband and 2 cats. Daryl loves to take long walks on her quiet country road or snowshoe across the back acres, and in the summer, kayak along the St. Lawrence River. She has touched a moon rock, a mammoth, and a meteorite. She’s been deep in the ocean in a submarine, flown high over Niagara Falls in a helicopter, and used the ladies room in a royal palace. Life’s an adventure and Daryl’s having fun living it. 

Blog - Romance - Sweet to Heat


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Saturday, September 24, 2022

Guest Post - 9/24/22 - "More than Ready" a Hot Historical Romance by Anita Philmar #TexasRomance #Historical #HotShortStory


Determined young woman fights to secure the man she loves by arranging a seductive encounter.


Cocking her head, Mary Beth met his gaze, dead on. “I have two older sisters who’re married. They’ve told me everything I need to do to make you scream for mercy.”
Grinning at her spunk, Kirk remembered the pure joy of talking, teasing, and just being with her. “And after you have your wicked way with me, you hope that’ll seal the bond between us and make me agree to marry you.”
“No. This is a test. I refuse to be tied to you for the rest of my life as a stand in for someone else.” Unbuckling his belt, she worked two buttons loose over his crotch before he had the wherewithal to stop her. “If you can’t give me the pleasure I require, then there’s no reason to waste our time getting married.”
Stunned by her determination, he zeroed in on her face. Noting her excitement at the possibility of them becoming a couple, he blinked several times, amazed at her assumption that he couldn’t offer her, or any woman, what she needed to make her happy.
Irritated with himself and her for doubting him, he grounded out, “Are you questioning my ability to be a magnificent lover?”
Slapping his hands aside, she used the opening in his pants to free his cock. “I can’t say. You appear to have the right equipment, but do you know how to use it?”


Depressed by his inability to honor his deceased brother by farming his land and wedding his wife, Kirk Pepperman is struggling with his bleak future.

Perpetually cast as the girl next door, Mary Beth Owens knows her parents are arranging a marriage between Kirk and herself. Loving him wasn’t a problem, but if he couldn’t please her, then why bother?

Can this couple forget the past and have a future together? 

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About the Author:

Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day, and a dreamer by night, she wants her readers to see the world in a new way. With the influence of her children’s sci-fi programs, she likes to play with diverse cultures and places where anything can happen. She enjoys bringing hot romantic moments to life in a variety of genre, such as historical westerns, paranormal suspense, and contemporary murder mysteries.

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Sunday, September 18, 2022

Guest Post - 9/18/22 - "Ryan's Temptation" by Amber Daulton #RomanticSuspense #EroticRomance #NEBT


After Chanel witnesses a murder, she and her sexy neighbor flee the city with the killer in hot pursuit.


He deepened the kiss and danced the tango with her tongue. Her sweet cherry taste rocketed through him. Yes! Delicious. Her breathy gasp filled his lungs as he trailed his hands to the hot skin poking out between the hem of her top and her waistband.

Chanel clutched him close and feathered kisses across his jawline. “More. Touch me.”

Fucking hell. He backed her against the stove and claimed her mouth again. She pressed her soft breasts to his chest and tugged on his hair. The burning in his scalp thickened his cock. The inferno racing through him blazed hotter as he squeezed her supple ass.

She gasped and ripped her mouth from his.

He fisted her long, silky hair. The shudder rolling through him stopped his heart, then jump-started the organ. He unbuttoned her pants and stroked the hem of her cotton panties.

“Ryan.” She gyrated against him, breathing hard. “We shouldn’t.”

“You don’t have a boyfriend, do you?”

“Of course not. I wouldn’t be here with you if I did.”

He suckled the smooth skin of her neck. “I’ve wanted you since I saw you lugging boxes to your apartment.”

She gripped his back. “Why didn’t you say something?”

He thrust his erection over her belly. “I thought you might’ve been dating one of the men helping you.” Though he hadn’t seen either of those men in the building since Chanel moved in. One of them reminded him of someone, as though they’d met before, but he couldn’t place him.

“Mason and Jim are both engaged to their better halves. You had nothing to worry about.” She tilted her head back as he licked the line of her throat. “We need a—”

“I won’t hurt you.” He clasped her flushed cheek and treasured her kiss-swollen lips.

“Ooh, I know, but…” She shifted out of his hold.

He groaned. No! Why? He gulped and lifted his hand to calm her. “Chanel, I like you a lot. I didn’t mean to insult you about being a beautician, I swear. You must like me, too, or you wouldn’t have kissed me back.” Please, God. He needed release. This sexy woman had twisted him into a pretzel.

“Do you have a condom?”


Wrong place, wrong time. Now she’s running for her life.

Beautician Chanel Leroc can wield a pair of scissors like nobody’s business. After she witnesses a murder and lands on a serial killer’s hit list, she has to figure out how to protect herself—and fast. The killer tracks her down, but her sexy new neighbor, Dr. Ryan Naylor, drives the brute off.

The police dump the pair in a witness protection program, which doesn’t last long. Either the killer has a connection to the police, or he’s far more intelligent than they realize. All Chanel wants to do is get back to her safe life and get to know her neighbor better. Instead, she and Ryan hit the road and try to survive on their own.

How will they stay alive and keep their blooming romance intact with the killer hot on their trail?

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About the Author:

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through Daulton Publishing, The Wild Rose Press, and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.

She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats. 

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