Monday, February 29, 2016

#EggcerptExchange - 2/29/16 - Ilona's Wolf by Lyndi Lamont #ParanormalRomance #Shifters

Eggcerpt Exchange
Lyndi Lamont has dropped by to discuss her steamy paranormal romance "Ilona's Wolf," as well as share an interview with her hero, Sir Rolf.


She sat frozen, her back to the tree. Oh, gods, don't let it see me. She tried to cast an invisibility spell, but to no avail. The wolf looked at her, golden eyes gleaming, mouth open, showing off large, sharp teeth. She closed her eyes and gripped her throat with both hands. Quaking with terror, she listened as the animal padded toward her. She felt its hot breath on her cheek.

Opening her eyes a slit, she stared into the face of the wolf. Sad eyes stared at her, and her fears receded. Perhaps he'd been tamed. She reached out with what was left of her powers, but sensed no immediate danger. "Good wolf," she stammered.

She held out one shaking fist, and the wolf sniffed it before licking her knuckles. It moved closer, sniffing her clothing. To her surprise, the animal hunkered down beside her and laid its head on her leg. Carefully, she touched it, stroking the soft fur.

Relief flooded through her. Saved by a wolf, of all creatures. "Thank the gods you showed up when you did. I'd no wish to be ravished by the likes of him."

The wolf lifted its head and seemed to smile up at her, mouth open, tongue lolling.

She smiled at the canine as she continued to pet it. "Grateful I am for you rescuing me, but 'tis not exactly what a girl dreams of. Where's my knight on a white steed? 'Tis he who is supposed to do the rescuing."

When the wolf lowered his head, sniffing between her legs, she laughed and pushed it away. "Rude creature."

The animal responded by sitting up and resting its head on her breast. She put both arms around it and hugged it close, dropping a kiss on its head. "Do not misunderstand, Sir Wolf, but I still wish you were a knight. A strong, handsome knight like my Werner."

The familiar sadness filled her at the memory of her husband. "I miss him so much, you know. Dagmar says another knight will come for me, a handsome knight to protect us and make sweet, passionate love to me."

The wolf whined and raised his head to lick her cheek. Laughing, she tried to push him away, but he licked her full on the mouth. She closed her eyes, stunned when her powers came rushing back, like a flood of magic coursing around her.

Turning aside, she summoned her basket to her side. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the wolf jump up, staring at the basket. Her vision seemed to blur as the wolf's face slowly became humanlike, then shifted back. She must have hit her head harder than she'd thought if she was seeing things. She closed her eyes and shook her head, but the aching had receded.

When she peeked again, the wolf was gone, and a naked man crouched in front of her. A handsome, well-built man with shaggy brown hair and golden brown eyes.


Imagine a world filled with magic, a tormented knight, a damsel in distress, an evil sorcerer...

While picking herbs in the woods, Princess Ilona is rescued from a woodsman by a wolf. When the creature licks her wounds, it is suddenly transformed into a man. A very handsome, very naked man who makes passionate love to her in a glade.

Cursed by an evil wizard, Rolf was trapped in wolf form until he tasted the blood of a royal. Now he must escort the princess on a hazardous journey back to the castle to stop an ill-fated wedding.

Passion flares between them, but both know there is no future for Ilona and her werewolf. Or is there? In a world where magic and passion combine, anything may be possible.

Buy Links:

About the Author:

Lyndi Lamont is the racy alter ego of romance author Linda McLaughlin. Writing sexy stories gives her a license to be naughty, at least between the pages of her books! She has written several full-length novels plus numerous short stories and novellas, ranging from historical to futuristic. She believes that love is unending and universal, and enjoys transporting her readers into a different world where her characters learn that, in the journey of life, love is the sweetest reward.

Find her online at:

Twitter: @LyndiLamont

Interview with Sir Rolf of Klosterlupe:

Thanks for sitting down with me today, Sir Rolf. I just have a few questions for you. What can you tell us about your birthplace?

All I know is that I was born somewhere in the Kingdom of Velosia. When I was but a small cub, er, lad, my parents dropped me at Klosterlupe where the monks took me in. Apparently small werewolves are unable to control their shifts. People without magic have no idea how to deal with a situation like that. Still, I would like to learn who my people are some day.

What schooling did you have?

I was educated at Klosterlupe, home to the Brotherhood of the wolf, a chivalric order, where I was  trained in the knightly arts.

What is your job?

I am a knight in the King’s Guard.

What is your most important goal?

Protecting my princess and her family, of course. I owe her a great debt, not to mention she is the love of my life.

What is your worst fear or nightmare?

Being trapped again in animal form and unable to shift. That was most disconcerting!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

#6BestHop - 2/28/16 - Acting Lessons - Doing whatever it takes #KissMeKate #DD

Peter loved Kate with all his being, but that didn't mean he'd tolerate an ultimatum from her.

For Sunday's Six of the Best, we share six paragraphs from a published work or a WIP (work in progress).

My submission for this week is from my 5th book, Acting Lessons, loosely based on the story of Kiss Me Kate.

He was a strict and demanding college professor turned professional director who excelled at giving acting lessons.  She was his shy and uncertain former student who became a professional actress under his tutelage.  They fell in love, married, and won two Tony Awards before tragedy struck and a simple kiss ripped them apart.

After a six month separation, Peter Thorton decides to take matters into his own hands by making his famous wife, Kate, an offer she wouldn't refuse.  Plainly put, he wants her back and he intends to do whatever is necessary to achieve his goal, even if it means giving his stubborn, willful leading lady a daily reminder over his knee that she promised to obey him.

In this scene, which occurs early in the first chapter, Peter Thorton, seated comfortably in an agent's office, is attempting to convince his wife, Kate, to give their marriage a second chance by signing her to appear with him in a College Summer Stock production of "Kiss Me Kate."  Kate isn't sure she can trust Peter with her heart again, since she believes he's been unfaithful to her, but she's never stopped loving him.  And though Domestic Discipline originally played a part in their marriage, their last two years together had them living like polite strangers sharing the same house.

Peter realizes he made a mistake in letting Kate do as she pleased, so he's determined to rectify matters immediately by informing his famous wife that if she keeps acting like a brat, he will turn her over his knee. Furious, Kate makes the mistake of challenging her husband, so he proves to her his threats are no longer idle.  

The spanking provides an emotional release for Kate, and she ends up crying in Peter's arms. Once she gets herself under control, Kate attempts to apologize, but Peter cuts her off with a kiss then informs her he wants them to have dinner together. Feeling cornered. Kate informs him she has a previous engagement she is not willing to cancel, but Peter presses until finally Kate grows petulant. When she complains that he can't just turn her over his knee whenever she disagrees with him, he warns her he won't hesitate to do whatever is necessary to improve her attitude if she continues to be snippy with him. Realizing this was an argument she couldn't win, Kate backs down. Though Peter is willing to meet her halfway, he still insists things are going to change between them, and when Kate asks him how, he answers by taking care of her. She complains that she finds his methods to be nothing short of bullying sometimes.

             Peter grasped her chin and pressed his firm, warm lips to hers, effectively cutting off her words of protest.  Though Kate welcomed the kiss, she suspected working with him would only complicate their already rocky relationship.  Then his fingers stroked her jaw, and she gave a soft moan that was part desire and part denial.  He drew back and regarded her through dark brown eyes edged with worry.  "I know you don't trust me, yet, Katie, but things will be better between us.  I promise.  You are going to be my leading lady, and I'm going to make sure you take proper care of yourself.  That's it."
            She raised one eyebrow in what she hoped was an elegant arch.  "So, you don't expect to….  I mean, you're not going to…."
            "What?  Make love to you?  Give you baths and massages when you're tense, and the occasional spanking when you're not paying proper heed to your loving husband?"
            Kate couldn't decide whether to groan or laugh at his blatant display of chauvinism.  So, instead, she nodded and shrugged, secretly pleased when he bent forward to give her another quick kiss.
            "I intend to do whatever is necessary to keep you happy and healthy, my stubborn wife.  But you know I would never force you to do anything against your consent.  Don't you?"
            When she gave another small nod, he put a warm hand on each side of her face.  "I want to try again, Katie.  It won't be easy, and I suspect we'll have more than one 'go round' together, however, I'm not going to give up so easily this time.  So, are you willing to let me back into your life, for this summer if not longer?" 

Kate pushed, so Peter pulled.  Temporarily reconciled, Kate has to decide whether to give into his wishes or stand firm so he doesn't think she's lost her backbone. In a case of push and pull, something has to give.

M/F, DD and a staged production of Kiss Me, Kate.

If you're 18 or older, you can read the first three chapters at Acting Lessons

Buy the book directly from Blushing Books

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. Please click the link below to continue your hop Sunday's Six of the BestWishing you a wonderful journey.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

#SatSpanks - 2/27/16 - A Simple Misunderstanding - Driving the lesson home #DD #SpankingRomance

He came to her rescue when she needed him most, almost to lose her when she disobeyed him.

Reading this material at Work could get you spanked.

Welcome to the Saturday Spankings blog hop.  My stories are all M/f with the dominant male determined to protect the woman he cares for and loves, or grows to love, by doing whatever it takes to ensure her safety and continued health.  This includes administering a spanking when she needs one.  

My submission for this week is a selection from my fourth spanking book, A Simple Misunderstanding, a Corbin's Bend novel.  It's sequel, Past Interference is due out February 1st in the Love in the Rockies collection.

In this scene, which occurs in the last third of the book, Eleanor Benson (Elly) has moved in with Gerald Douglas (Jerry) after she is released from the hospital, still recovering from injuries she received from her husband.  Jerry insists she stay close to the house and not take her dog walking in the park on the first day she's home.  However, when an older neighbor calls to her from the dog park, Elly disobeys Jerry's instructions and takes their two dogs with her, unaware her abusive husband is lying in wait for her.

When her actions nearly get her killed, Elly finally accepts her only option is to divorce her husband, but after signing the papers, she realizes Jerry is still angry over her disobedience. 

Frustrated by the distance growing between them,  Elly realizes unless she confronts him, Jerry will continue to treat her like an invalid, despite his growing anger. Still, when push comes to shove, and Jerry accepts her challenge, Elly begins to have second thoughts. Covering her unease with bravado, she demands to know what makes him think she's asking to be spanked. Despite her reticence to submit, Jerry recognizes Elly's show of defiant disobedience as a cry for him to take action, so he remains adamant without force. Unfortunately, what Elly really wants is for Jerry to take the decision away from her, so her submission is no longer her choice, except that's not how Jerry prefers to do things, but he does when Elly leaves him no choice. So, over his knee she went, and he has instructions he expects her to follow as well.

Sorry, I went a little over this week. Okay a lot over, but I had to get them to a natural place to pause.

Elly couldn’t say this was her favorite pastime, but despite her initial protest, being restrained over Jerry’s lap centered and calmed her turbulent emotions, even though he was punishing her. She’d intentionally driven him to this point, only to panic when he’d accepted her challenge, but now that they’d started, her body melted in submission. No doubt, she’d lost her mind after all.
“I want you to repeat the sentence with every swat, and once we get to ten, we’ll take inventory. I’ll count. One.”
A light sting her brain barely registered as pain. “I will not disobey Jerry.”
“When I tell you to stay someplace, you remain put. No excuses. Two.”
Another tiny sting. “I will not disobey Jerry.”
“An order for you to rest is not an open invitation for you to argue with me. Three.”
The shoe made a sound that was larger than the pain it delivered. “I will not disobey Jerry.”
“I refuse to accept backtalk or swearing from you for any reason. Four.”
Another swat, this one accompanied by a slight sting that barely tipped the scale into discomfort. “I will not disobey Jerry.”
“In the future, I expect you listen to me rather than simply do what you want. Five.”
Zap. She wiggled her bottom in an effort to relieve the burn of the swat he’d administered after that statement, but shifting her position provided no relief, so she settled again. “I will not disobey Jerry.”
“Good girl. You’re halfway through this first set. Six.”


After being abused by her husband, Elly is antsy about entering into another DD relationship, but she's disobeyed Jerry, and until he forgives her, a part of her will remain unsettled and ill-at-ease.  Rather than continue in limbo, Elly decides to push Jerry into taking action, but getting what she asks for isn't always what she wants.

M/F Domestic Discipline in Colorado.


Though Arthur and Eleanor Benson have been practicing domestic discipline for three months since their wedding, he insists moving to Corbin's Bend, where domestic discipline is the norm rather than the exception, will revitalize their marriage. Elly has doubts, but since Arthur is the undisputed head of their household, they move. However, once Arthur becomes immersed in a community where spanking is not only permitted, but encouraged, his personality undergoes a dramatic change. Accusing his submissive wife of being lazy, disorganized and disobedient, he employs creative methods of pain and humiliation to mold Elly from the imperfect woman he married into the perfect woman he desires. And Elly finds herself a virtual prisoner in her own home, accountable only to the man who rules her life with a cane.

In his years as a vet, Jerry Douglas has seen what abuse does to animals, and he recognizes those same signs in Elly Benson during her daily escape to the dog park with her tiny poodle. Jerry steadfastly supports the tenets of domestic discipline and enjoys the freedom Corbin's Bend offers its residents, but he remains fiercely protective of anyone in need of a champion. And when he witnesses evidence of harsh handling, his instinct is to rush in and rescue. Problem is Elly Benson is a married and consenting adult who insists all her bruises and welts are nothing more than a simple misunderstanding between her and her husband, until the day Arthur Benson takes his authority and discipline one-step too far, endangering Elly's life.

The thong Jerry uses on Elly

A Simple Misunderstanding is available at the following locations.

Blushing Books
Barnes & Noble

I also have a page on my web site where I am offering a sample of the first three chapters. If you're interested, visit either the Spanking Romance or A Simple Misunderstanding page in the Over 18 section of my website.

A Simple Misunderstanding is currently the only full novel (vs. novella) in the Corbin's Bend line up, and it's receiving some excellent reviews on the Blushing site.

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. Please click on one of the author's names below, or visit The Saturday Spankings Blog to continue your journey.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Frisky Friday - 2/26/16 - Past Interference - Doggie Style #DD #Corbin's Bend

It's Frisky Friday!  Yay!  And I'm sharing an excerpt from my new spanking novella in the Corbin's Bend series, Past Interferencethe sequel to A Simple Misunderstanding. Past Interference is part of the Corbin's Bend Valentine's Day collection "Love in the Rockies," and is not being sold separately.

What she needed was the opposite of what she wanted.

In this scene, which begins Chapter 7, Elly and Jerry are due to be married in a couple of days and Elly is suffering from severe misgivings. Not about Jerry.  She loves him to pieces, but she loved her first husband, too, until he changed into a person she no longer recognized on their wedding night. 

Elly's first husband abused her terribly, but he took special delight in hurting her anally. Jerry has decided the best way to prove to Elly that he's not like her husband, is to show her, and he starts things off by giving her a massage with caramel popcorn scented oil, then pleasures her with his mouth until she nearly comes. At that point, he stops and orders her to turn over. Far from ready to experience what he intends next, Elly refuses. Unfortunately, earlier in the evening they'd established a rule that the word no isn't in Elly's vocabulary, and using it will earn her a punishment. 

To prove he's serious, Jerry begins to count. For every number he calls, Elly gets one swat. If he reaches five, he'll get the hairbrush. If he reaches ten, he'll fetch the Corbin's Bend paddle. Caught between bad and worse, Elly tries to dissuade him, but he continues to count, and reaches four before she capitulates by rolling over. With an agreed count of four, Jerry administers her spanking then begins her massage. Elly is starting to relax when Jerry increases the intimacy of his stroking and instructs her to tuck her knees beneath her. At Elly's hesitation he explains the reason for his request.

“The position will open you up more. Just rise up on your knees.”
Yeah, right. Why not ask me to leap over the moon, too, while I’m at it? Reluctant, but obedient, she moved onto all fours, doggie style, and grimaced. Oh goody. A new and different humiliation for me to experience. Arthur never had her take this position. He preferred her handcuffed and bent over the bed.
“Good. Now, bend your front forward so your head rests on your arms while your bottom remains angled up.”
Envisioning how that posture would look, Elly hesitated. “That’s a rather embarrassing pose to assume, Jerry.”
“But it’s the best one for what we’re doing. You have your words to fall back on if you need them, but I expect you to do as I ask.”
Elly cast an unhappy glance at him. He was asking her to present her genitals in a way that would leave her vulnerable and exposed to his gaze and touch. When he arched an eyebrow, she hesitated.
“Should I start counting again?” he asked, keeping his tone gentle, but firm.

Elly loves and trusts Jerry, but he's about to take her way beyond her comfort zone.

M/F Domestic Discipline in Colorado.


Valentine's Day in Corbin's Bend.  As Elly Benson readies herself for her second wedding, the doubts and misgivings of any new bride-to-be are exacerbated by the abuse she suffered during her first marriage.

Though she's lived with Jerry Douglas for four months now, and been subject to his discipline more than once, Elly's first husband had been kind and careful with her, too, until the day she vowed to love, honor and obey him.  The lessons she's learned from the past make her doubt she can ever find happiness in the future.

Love in the Rockies is available at the following locations.

I also have a page on my web site where I am offering a sample of the first two chapters. If you're interested, visit either the Spanking Romance or Past Interference page in the Over 18 section of my website.

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and wish you and yours a very Frisky Friday

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

#WIPitUP - 2/24/16 - Lessons in Love - Antediluvian? #DD #SpankingRomance

WIP: Work in progress.  WIP it up Wednesday is a hop where writers share portions of the project they're working on with readers.  I really like the idea because it allows me to share something that's still in the creative stage as well as work behind the scenes as a prompt to keep me writing.

So, I want to continue sharing my newest published spanking romance novel "Lessons in Love" with you.

"Lessons in Love" centers around a wealthy business owner who believes in helping his executive admins using politically incorrect, H.R.unapproved, and therefore clandestine, Domestic Discipline techniques.  Since DD isn't for everyone, he does tend to go through admins rather frequently.  However, he also makes sure if they choose not to work for him because of his unorthodox management style, that they are given another suitable position in his company if they wish to stay, or a handsome severance package if they choose to leave.

Pam Weston has worked in Robert Peterson's company for nearly six months as a temp when she is reassigned to the President's office.  She has caught glimpses of Mr. Peterson when she temped on the executive floor, but she never expected she'd be summoned to work for him.  Pam has a criminal record and a murky past, which has made her practically unemployable, and yet now H.R. has assigned her to work for the president of their company, and after her first day she suspects working for Mr. Peterson will be a very different experience.

This excerpt follows on directly after my last WIP excerpt for Lessons in Love. Mr. Peterson has ordered Pam to block off the morning on his calendar so they could have a "discussion" about his expectations for her as his assistant. Pam is understandably nervous to have his intentions spelled out in black and white. Still seated behind her desk, she turns to her new friend and co-worker to admit she's not at all sure she can go through with the meeting.

Krista patted her shoulder. "Say the word, and I'll go in and rattle the lion's cage for you to get him to settle down a bit. He appears to be on a testosterone high today."
Pam rolled her eyes then winced. "I've been warned against eye-rolling, too. How serious do you think he gets?"
"Too serious. I don't agree with his methods, and I wouldn't put up with his antediluvian attitude, but he seems to read you correctly."
"Antediluvian? Really? You seriously think Peterson's attitude predates the biblical flood?" Pam asked with a laugh, but when Krista merely shrugged in response, she sighed."Well, as for reading me, I'd say he does that a little too well. It's scary." She picked up the file. "This is what I've got left to do…."
After filling Krista in, Pam had five minutes to spare, so she rushed to the bathroom. A part of her wanted to stay and hide, while another part of her longed for Robert Peterson to pick her up and hold her close again. His presence had a calming effect on her while arousing her enough to make her want to do things she'd never done with anyone else.

When Pam Weston was ordered to report to the CEO of Peterson Enterprises she had no idea her new boss had hired her specifically as his next pet project, so she took the assignment suspecting he would fire her before the end of the day. Recognizing a prison record rendered her unemployable by most companies, she worked hard and kept a low profile. Except, working as an executive assistant for the CEO was about as "high profile" as any job could get. And working for Robert Peterson in particular would present Pam with challenges she never expected.

Lessons in Love (click to read first chapter)

M/F, DD on the executive floor.

If you're 18 or older, you can read the first three chapters at Lessons in Love 

Buy the book directly from Blushing Books,  Amazon, or Barnes & Noble

Hope you enjoyed the excerpt.  Thanks for visiting.  Now go visit the other authors and see what they're sharing by either clicking one of the links below, or visiting WIP it up Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Guest Post - 2/23/16 - "Hold Fast" by Heather Hart - #ScottishHighlands #Historical

Forever is a lot to promise, even for a MacLeod, but it is a promise he intends to make. Heather Hart is here to showcase her latest romance novel "Hold Fast."


                It wasn't that I disliked Rory Mรฒr MacLeod. What I felt was more akin to pure hatred. I watched as the boy my cousins and I had all called the wee terror of the glen skipped along the banks of the Sound of Sleat as if he owned them. My stomach turned. My father warned me not to mess with the MacLeod scum, and I knew his warning was not without cause. Rory was the favorite son of his father, and the MacLeod clan had been warring with my family forever. What's more, I had cause of my own, for the spoiled brat liked nothing better than to tear my skirts and pull at my braids.
                He scampered along, driving an ancient, scrawny cow ahead of him. Rory held his head high, like a strutting peacock, all the while urging the decrepit beast on from the lush green pasture located a short distance from the shore. I had no time to spare for the black-haired, black-fingered, ill-mannered ruffian that he was, so I turned away, pretending I hadn't seen him, and carried on with my work.
                "I see you, Bonnie MacDonald. 'Tis a fine day, is it not?"
                "Aye, it was, before you came along, Rory Mรฒr MacLeod."
                He paused, a cocky grin spread across his young face, and he leaned upon his staff and looked down at me. "Now that's no way for a lass to talk to a Highland clansman."
                "Away with you, you gormless fool." I looked at the poor beast at his side, noting the sharp contours of her bony ribs. "I see that your betters have entrusted you with the pick of the MacLeod crop. It would be better to put that poor animal out of her misery, would it not? What are you thinking, driving such a wretched thing this far south and in this heat? 'Tis a wonder she doesn't die of old age before she makes it home."
                He shrugged and watched as I continued to wash the wool in the sea. I kept my head down, hoping he would go away, afraid he would set on me as he had so often done before and make me cry. His silence made me uncomfortable.
                "What are you doing so far from the safety of Dunvegan? These lands were taken from you long ago, you've no business here now."
                He looked across the land to the distance peaks of the Red Cuillin. Swinging on his staff, he addressed me as if I were still a child.
                "A traveler has the right of passage, whichever way his path takes him, does he not? If you must know, the cow is old, and belongs to a kinswoman who lives not too far from these parts. She bade me slaughter her, for she could not. I'm taking her to the market in Saaisag, as I'll get a fair price for her there. As you see there's not much meat on her bones, but she's added plenty of calves to my aunt's stock over the years; so don't judge her by how she looks now, Bonnie."
                "It's not the cow I'm judging. What is your aunt thinking, living this far south, so far away from the protection of her kinsmen?"
                "The MacDonald's have their people in the north, do they not? Or would you draw a line across the island and keep everyone in their proper place? Any road, if it were not for my childless aunt’s love of me, you would like as never have had the good fortune to meet me. Many a summer she begged me play at her heels, to drive out the loneliness in her heart. I was glad of it. She’s a fine woman, and I do whatever I can to ease her burdens, no matter how far beyond the castle wall she lives."
                I looked up, my hands still in the cool water as I scrubbed the freshly cut fleece. There was a swagger about him I didn't like and I wished with all my heart he would go away and leave me to my business.
                "Look, is there something you're wanting or are you going to make that wretched cow stand in the sun all day?"
                "Ah, well, she'll be well enough, I'm thinking. I was wondering about your good cousin, Donald? He has been the talk of my clansmen of late."
                My eyes narrowed suspiciously. "I can tell you he's not been asking after you. Why would he? Are you up to more of your treachery, Rory MacLeod? Do you and your clansmen have nothing better to do than continually plot against mine?"
                "Oh, our business would be nothing to a wee sprite of a lass like you." He cocked his head to one side. "You look different. Your hair? You used to braid it."
                "I'm not a little child anymore."
                "No, Bonnie, I see that you're not."


Bonnie MacDonald lives on the wild and beautiful Scottish Isle of Skye. Her life is peaceful enough, apart from the ever-simmering feud between the McDonalds and the McLeods, who live to the north of them. But now her father is going to die, and it is not to be a Highlander's glorious death in battle, but an underhanded assault in the dark by a traitorous servant. That same treacherous fiend had once come after Bonnie, but at the last moment she was rescued from violation and murder by the one man she cannot show gratitude to, the son of her family’s sworn enemy, Rory Mรฒr MacLeod.

And yet she falls in love with her rescuer, and he with her, and there never were two more star-crossed lovers. Neither family will readily accept a union between them, but Rory does not give up on making her his own, though Bonnie often misconstrues his intentions. Matters are further complicated when they discover that Bonnie’s guardian harbors a secret passion for his beautiful young ward, and soon claims her for himself.

But everyone’s plans are foiled when another suitor for her hand kidnaps and whisks Bonnie away to a lonely house in the north of Skye. Her only chance is to flee her captor and seek sanctuary in Rory’s castle at Dunvegan. But while Bonnie fights for her own survival, the battling clansmen bring their families to the brink of war, and all for the love of the same woman.

Hold Fast is a historical romantic suspense novel; it is also a sweet romance with no illicit sexual liaisons. The story is based loosely on real events leading to the Battle of Coire Na Creiche, also known as the Wars of the One-Eyed Woman, fought on the Isle of Skye in 1601.

Buy Links:

      Blushing Books


About the Author:

Heather Hart is a British author who lives with her family in Maryland. She’s a writer of hot erotic and romantic fiction – an eclectic mix of innocence and dirt in a hyperactive imagination.

When she’s not frantically scribbling away she’s a cat worshipper and curry fanatic. If you like what she writes, please feel free to drop her a line at authorheatherhart@gmail[dot]com.