Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Guest Post - 11/20/18 - N.E.R.D. (Naughty Erotic Romance Doms) Anthology #BDSM

Felicity Brandon has dropped by to share "Zoe's Impetus," her contribution to the N.E.R.D. anthology.


“Get the book please, Miss Kellam,” he commands.
I hesitate for a moment, amazed by how my body responds to the order. My nipples stiffen into small peaks beneath my sweater, and I’m more than aware of how wet my panties have become. What the hell has happened to my socially inept botany Professor? He’s usually so quiet, so reserved and so obsessed with his plants, he barely resembles the alpha-male now sitting waiting for me to answer him. I eye the man furtively, my gaze rising over his unblemished skin to his waves of dark hair.
Whatever it is that has happened to Professor Neil, I like it.“Miss Kellam?”
I leap at the sound of his voice, my heart racing out of control at his impatient tone.
“The book?” he repeats in a curt tone.
I move, skipping back to my original place to collect the thick, hardback version I had attempted earlier. Grabbing it, I head back to where he waits, presenting it to him like a naughty school girl awaiting her headmaster’s verdict.
“Good,” he replies, smiling at my response.
I know he’s patronising me, and a part of me despises his tone, but the weight of my arousal is so great that I ignore it. The professor is toying with me, and for some reason I freaking love it.
“Well done, Miss Kellam,” he says. “You’re going to need the book, not me, so I suggest you keep it.”
“Okay,” I whisper, gripping the leather cover between my fingers. I shift my weight, watching him watching me, as my heart pounds inside my chest. “Where should I read, Professor?”
Neil’s eyes narrow, his gaze rising up the length of my body until it meets mine. “I have found that certain ladies increase their focus once they’re over my lap, Miss Kellam.”
And there it is. He says the words so casually, as though he’s reading a shopping list, and it takes me a few seconds to register their meaning.
Over his lap?
My eyes widen as the term resonates. I’m shocked, aghast at his suggestion. Why would I be over the lap of one of my lecturers? And yet, as the anger washes over me, there is something else. The simmering need his dominant display has brought out in me begins to burgeon, threatening to boil over, and something about the idea of being over his lap makes it peak.
“Your lap?” I say, my voice sounding distant to my own ears. “W-why would they be over your lap?”
I know the answer—of course, I do. There is only one logical reason that anyone would be draped over someone’s else’s body. But somehow, I have to hear the words out loud…
“Impetus,” he tells me with a smirk, his blue eyes penetrating me with relentless force.


Eight hot doms bring the action in this geeky extravaganza of intelligent, Machiavellian and highly-skilled men who aren't afraid to take control.

In this collection of short stories, we explore the N.E.R.D. in all the usual settings you'd find one. From comic-cons to classrooms, to even alien spaceships, we bring you the N.E.R.D. in his full glory. The action is hot, the situations charming, and the men -- they are total N.E.R.D.s.

Bring a sense of humor, a bacon sandwich and a fan because it's going to get hot in here! 

Zoe’s Impetus by Felicity Brandon

I love biology, but botany is fast turning out to be the bane of my life, and Professor Neil's the poster boy for it. The content of the module is so dull, I’m struggling to keep on target, but Professor Neil is offering me a unique olive branch. Can his unconventional techniques help me make the grade?

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About the Author:

Felicity Brandon is a #1 international bestseller of erotic spanking romance.
She’s been reading and writing for many years, and loves to delve into the psychological intensity of sexual submission. She has written erotic titles in contemporary, historical and fantasy genres.

Fancy a FREE book, updates about new releases, giveaways, and hot reading recommendations? Sign up for her mailing list!
Website –  https://felicitybrandonwrites.com/
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Book & Main Bites - https://bookandmainbites.com/users/25706

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Guest Post 11-13-18 - The Master by Ashe Barker #EroticRomance #BDSM #Taekwondo

“But he spanked you. I may not be an expert in taekwondo, but I’m pretty sure it’s not normal practice for a coach to spank his pupil.”

Gritty, compelling, insanely sexy

Holy fuck!
Dylan took in the sight before him, barely able to believe the evidence of his own eyes. He would be hard pressed to say what amazed him most—Jodie’s outright disregard for her promise of just a few hours earlier, or that minuscule concoction of crimson latex masquerading as a dress.
The dress won—by a whisker.
“What part of ‘absolutely no alcohol’ was not perfectly clear to you, Jodie?”
He deliberately kept his voice soft but still she had the grace to cringe. Jodie studied the half-empty bottle in her hand as though not entirely certain quite how it came to be there.
“I just… I mean, I thought—”
“And did we not also discuss late nights? Partying?”
“Yes, we did, but…”
Her voice trailed off. She dropped her gaze and shifted from one foot to the other. At least she didn’t seem inclined to defend her crap choices, but even so…
They had a problem.
“We need to talk, Jodie. Monday morning, at the gym.” He was done. Disappointment and anger warred within him as he stepped past her.
She grabbed his elbow, and Dylan paused. He regarded her slender fingers on his sleeve, noted irrelevantly that she had painted her nails to match the dress. That entire outfit could have been painted on, come to think of it. He lifted his gaze to hers. Her pretty blue eyes glittered, but he firmed his jaw in response.
“Was there something else?”
“Yes. What about the meeting, at the bank? I thought…”
“Is there really any point, Jodie? I explained what would be required to make an Olympic champion of you, and it’s more than just a decent sponsorship deal. It’s a lifestyle, and clearly not one you’re ready to take on board.”
“But I am. I want it, all of it.” She spun around and handed the dregs of her beer to another girl standing open-mouthed behind her, then turned to face him again. “One lapse, that was all. I know what’s required and I do take my sport seriously. I’ll be absolutely dedicated. You’ll never have any reason to complain. I’ll work hard, and… and…”
“Then why are you here, Jodie?”
Was that a flicker of annoyance flitting across her expressive features? She flattened her lips, drawing his attention to the deep scarlet lipstick she had applied.
Christ, this girl’s hot.
It hadn’t escaped Dylan’s notice that his star pupil was fucking gorgeous. He was male, after all, and he had a pulse. How could he fail to appreciate that curvy, sexy little body, so supple, exquisitely toned, and supremely fit? As far as Dylan was concerned, strong was sexy, and Jodie had it all going on. But all of that was beside the point. She was his pupil, so off limits. Even here, within the not-so-hallowed walls of Club Sin, that remained the case. All he needed to do now was convince his rampant cock of that inconvenient little fact, and right at this moment he wouldn’t give much for his chances.


After her long-time taekwondo instructor passes away suddenly, Jodie Price is certain her dreams of Olympic glory have been dashed, and she is thrilled when bold, handsome coach Dylan Atkins offers his help. But Dylan’s training regimen will be more rigorous than anything Jodie has experienced before, and she quickly discovers that he is a firm believer in strict discipline.

When she is caught drinking in defiance of Dylan’s rules, Jodie soon finds herself sobbing and promising to do better as she is thoroughly paddled. Dylan’s stern correction arouses her deeply, however, and it isn’t long before he takes her in his arms and masters her completely. But though his skilled, dominant lovemaking leaves her utterly spent and satisfied, will Jodie trust him enough to tell him the truth when a powerful sponsor tries to use their romance to blackmail her?

Publisher’s Note: The Master includes spankings and sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.

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 (and it’s FREE to read on Kindle Unlimited)

About the Author:

USA Today Bestselling author Ashe Barker writes erotic romance and spanking romance in a variety of genres including contemporary, BDSM, paranormal, historical. mรฉnage, gay romance and time travel. She is a #1 Amazon Bestseller and all her stories feature hot alpha males and sassy submissives, often with a lot to learn. Kink abounds, and there’s enough dirty talk to satisfy the most demanding smut lover. However dark and dirty the setting, love always emerges triumphant, and her stories never fail to deliver a satisfying happy ever after.

About Katy Swann

Katy lives in Kent, UK with her husband, three children and three cats. She writes erotic BDSM romance with a strong emphasis on Dominance and submission. Katy explores both the emotional and sexual elements of D/s, with Doms that are firm but caring and submissives that are strong and feisty. 

She loves the 4 C’s: cats, chocolate, champagne and coffee. When she’s not writing she spends her time as a glorified taxi driver for her children and even finds time now and then to indulge in her interests, which include Tai Chi, dance, music, aviation and reading. 

Ashe Barker’s Social Media Links and Newsletter sign-up

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Guest Post - 11/6/18 - Saving Sharlee by Alyssa Bailey #Contemporary #Military #Spanking

Today, Alyssa Bailey has dropped by to share an excerpt from the first book in her Safe & Secure series, "Saving Sharlee." Getting yourself on the wrong side of a military man can also get you in a vat of hot water. At least it will feel that way...


“Sweetheart, you’ll never lose your job. You’re too good, we need you too badly, and like I said before, you are part of the family now. I’m not sure I can do without you, now that I know what having you is like. Call it the best kind of job security.”
She hoped he meant more than her IT skills.
“If you don’t allow this lesson, I will understand but it means we’ll have to do other things that help you remember to take care of yourself and to call us.”
“Like what, exactly?”
“Like five a.m. PT.”
“Calisthenics, running, you know, physical training, helps you remember not to repeat your mistakes by putting them into cadences.”
“What?” Her voice was squeaky and too high. They all knew she didn’t exercise more than the minimum. Just what the job mandated, and this was a job that mandated a high level of fitness even for her. “I’m not getting up at five in the morning when I often don’t finish working before three in the morning and I dare you to try to make me.” She was feeling slightly more in control than a moment ago, but it didn’t last.
Monroe laughed. “I wouldn’t challenge Jac, honey. He is likely to take you up on it.”
Jac continued. “Then you need to have a spanking. It’s quick and done.” She rubbed her thighs together but didn’t answer. Things were getting slippery in more than one way. “You don’t have to do this, Charlotte, but it will clear your conscience.”
“My conscience is fine.”
“Yep, because you take for granted that six co-workers stopped what they were doing to help you out, right? They were glad to do it, but it should not have happened. If you were more careful about what you did alone and where you went, it wouldn’t have. If you had called us first, two would have come out, not six.”
She was feeling anxious. He was right about her guilt. In addition, heaven help her, she really was curious what it would feel like. It would be her opportunity to see if the reality matched her dreams. Her panties were downright wet, and her clit was twitching and the humming vibrations on uneven roads were making everything worse.
 Just this once, should she satisfy her body and mind that she really wasn’t into this type of thing?


Sharlee Armstrong is happy spending her professional life in seclusion as Vapor, a highly sought out independent information broker. Though she has plenty of high paying clients, the offer from Reynaud & Associates piques her curiosity. During the interview, her libido is also piqued when she meets Jacquard Reynaud—gorgeous, sexy, and dominant.
The job, not just the boss, intrigues her and she accepts the offer. But things spiral out of control, and she finds her reputation, livelihood, and life in jeopardy. Jac and the rest of the alpha males on her new team demand she keep a low profile, but she has other ideas.
The minute she steps foot into his office, and life, Jac knows he has to have Sharlee, but first he must keep her safe—not just from some unknown threat, but from Sharlee herself. He loves her sass but worries that she’ll find herself in real trouble if he cannot keep her under control. So, despite her protests, he takes her in hand. For her own good.

Will she ever learn to let Jac protect her? Can she let Jac and the rest of the team into her previously quiet, mostly solitary life?

Buy Links:

About the Author:

 International best-selling author, Alyssa Bailey, is a dyed in the wool Texan living amongst the beauty of Southeast Alaska. She lives where the sky meets the mountains; the mountains touch the ocean, and the wildlife frolic on land, sea, and air. Humans, the ultimate interlopers, are wedged in where allowed and are properly thankful for the privilege.
Alyssa loves writing about consensual power exchanges between strong, intelligent, sassy women who are not afraid to make a stand and men confident enough to give his woman space, but Alpha enough to keep her safe in spite of herself. 
If she can throw a little mystery, humor, and suspense in her stories, it’s even better. She writes about historical and contemporary love.

Find Alyssa Bailey online:
Twitter: @blushingalyssa  https://twitter.com/blushingalyssa
Blog/web page:  http://alyssabailey.com/
Amazon:   https://goo.gl/r9XjXd  

Other Romance Books by Alyssa Bailey

Lone Wind Series:  Contemporary, spicy Native American-1) Reclaiming Clover
Lairds, Lords, and Little Ladies: Georgian Historical, spicy- 1) Lord Thayer’s Choice 2) Lord Ashton’s Decision 3) The Black Laird Requires
Chase Abbey Series: Regency, Sweet and Spicy, suspense- 1) Lord Barrington’s Minx 2) Becoming Lady Barrington 3) Lady Caroline’s Defiance 4) His Improper Lady
Safe and Secure Series: Contemporary, suspense, spicy- 1) Saving Sharlee
The O’Connor Series: Contemporary, Rancher, Saga, Spicy
Liam & Jocelyn’s Story- 1) Her Sweet Complication 2) Liam’s Lessons 3) Loving Liam
Ciarรกn and Katherine’s Story 1) His Gentle Persuasion 2) Rancher’s Creed 3) Katie Consents
Quinlan and Cheyenne’s Story 1) Quinlan’s Quest 2) Accepting His Way 3) A Balancing Act
Kelli and Parker’s Story 1) Meeting Her Needs 2) Kissing Kelli 3) Keeping Kelli
Ciรกn and Molly’s Story-Coming Winter 2018
Clearwater Ranch -Contemporary, Rancher, Spicy 1) Piper’s Plan
Taming Texanna -American Historical, Marshall, Native American, Spicy
Cowboy Welcome- Contemporary, Spicy
Sweet Town Love, Historical Heroes, Hero to Obey