Thursday, December 27, 2018

Guest Post - 12/27/2018 - Festive Fire by Libby Campbell #Holiday #Giveaway #Romance

This spicy holiday romance is a gift, available through ProlificWorks (formerly Instafreebie) 


“You’re not just smoking hot, you’re smart too.” Roxy tapped Jax lightly on the chest, before closing her eyes and tilting her head back. “Kiss me,” she said, her voice husky.
He hesitated.
“Please,” she begged. “No one has kissed me for a very long time.”
She seemed so vulnerable, so needy. One brotherly kiss couldn’t hurt.
Their lips touched, chaste and dry. Then she reached up and raked her fingers through his thick, dark hair, drawing him closer. Their mouths opened. He pressed himself against her, molding his muscular body to her softer, more feminine one. Their tongues started to tango. He squeezed her buttocks and she moaned with approval. They were breathing so hard neither of the them heard the first knock at the door.
The second knock was much louder and much more insistent. “Jax? You there, man? It’s Tim.”
Jax and Roxy broke apart and stared at each other self-consciously.
“Gotta go,” Jax said, heading to the front door.
Roxy followed him, hoping for the tiniest indication that he had enjoyed the last few minutes as much as she had.
He opened the door and threw his keys to Tim who was craning his neck trying to get a glimpse of what Roxy’s place looked like.
“I’ll meet you in the car,” Jax said before closing the door and turning back to Roxy. He placed his hands on his hips and looked down at her with an expression of bemused disapproval. “I’d like to see you again,” he said. “Not just at the auction. After that. Socially.”
“I’d like that too.” A warm smile spread across her face.
“On one condition…”
“On our first date, I’m going to spank you.”
Roxy’s pussy clenched and her heart threatened to smash its way out of her ribcage. “Okay, I guess.” She wanted to say yes yes yes.


She’s done with men. Until she meets Jax. 

For a year Roxy’s life has been torn apart by lies and innuendos. As Christmas approaches, she finds herself in the company of people who almost destroyed her. Se copes by slugging back glasses of wine until the bottle runs dry.

Fireman Jax has been watching her. When she attempts to drive home, he steps up, takes her car keys, and tells her such irresponsible behavior will not be tolerated. As soon as she’s sober, she’ll be over his knee for a sound spanking. She aghast but secretly panty-wetting hot for him.
Can she submit to his rules?

Disclaimer: Festive Fire is a fantasy that includes sexual scenes and spankings. It is intended for adults only, ages 18+. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.

Don’t miss these other great books from Libby Campbell:

The Romancing the Coast Series
Seeing Ronnie.(book 1)
Holding Cynthia (book 2)
Trusting Ingrid (book 3)

Time Travel:

Simon in Charge – 3 book box-set 

Giveaway Link:

About the Author:

I’m in love with love. My romance stories feature strong, self-reliant women who challenge the powerful men who love them.

My books are set in the Pacific Northwest, a part of the world I know well and love deeply.

I’ve lived all over Canada, but the best decision of my life was when I moved to Australia to marry my leading man. After many years there, we moved back to the Pacific Northwest. We now live in a leafy neighborhood close to the sea.

My passions are reading and writing. I also love hiking, beachcombing, and an occasional night of dancing.

Connect with Libby Campbell:

Sign up for her newsletter here: Libby Campbell newsletter
Visit her website and blog here: Libby Campbell
Follow her on Twitter: @LibbyC26
Visit her Amazon author page:

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Guest Post - 12/19/18 - Claiming Mia by B.J. Wane #eroticromance #BDSM/spanking #suspense

She gave him her body and submission, but he wanted more.  


“You want to spank me instead of giving me a ticket?”  Mia didn’t know if her stunned disbelief stemmed from outrage at his audacity or the instant pickup of her heart rate which caused her blood to heat in a volcanic rush through her veins at the thought of his large hand connecting with her butt.
“In the worst way,” he admitted with candor, not bothering to hide the truth.  Then again, when had he ever held back from letting her know where his interests laid, she bemoaned.
They both heard Mia’s convulsive swallow as she contemplated her choices.  It came down to she couldn’t afford an increase in her premiums.  A shiver rippled down her spine as he pressed closer and his warm breath tickled her neck when he nipped the tender skin.  Okay, maybe the strain on her finances wasn’t the only reason she was giving his suggestion serious consideration.  If she could sate her curiosity about the way her body was always so quick to react to his sexual innuendos about putting her over his knee, remarks she never imagined would titillate her before the divorce, maybe she could get him out of her mind once and for all.  
Taking a deep, nerve-bracing breath, she muttered in a whisper, “Fine,” as if there might be someone around who could hear her.  “I’ll meet you…what?” she gasped, incredulous as he spun her to face the truck and hiked up her skirt.  “Here?
“No time like the present.  Don’t worry, Mia, my body is blocking yours, but even if I wasn’t, no one driving by can see back in this far.”  With a hard yank, he drew another outraged gasp from her when he tore off her panties.
Warm summer air wafted over her exposed buttocks for the first time in her life, shocking her when the sudden outdoor exposure elicited a thrill of excitement.  Before she could grasp the significance of that, he palmed her right cheek and squeezed, the instant pleasure from his touch taking her breath away.
“Just as I thought,” Nolan rasped, bending his head to nip her earlobe.  “Soft and malleable.  And so very…spankable.”  He drew back and slapped the same cheek, a light smack that tingled more than hurt.
Mia shut her eyes against the warm dampness filling her long-neglected pussy, mortified by her response to what should have been an abasing experience.  The next swat covered her other cheek and was just as potent as the first.  Her tense muscles relaxed, and she was thinking this wasn’t so bad when he delivered a harder smack that jiggled her flesh.  A small cry slid past her compressed lips, but he didn’t give her time to balk or complain as he set about peppering her butt with a volley of spanks, alternating between light and hard enough to sting while moving back and forth between her buttocks.  A slow warmth enveloped her entire backside, along with small prickles of pain as the slaps grew sharper.  Unable to help herself, she lowered her head to rest on her hands braced on the truck and tried to ward off the escalating pulses spreading down to her sheath.  A part of her couldn’t believe she was letting him do this and an even more insane part couldn’t fathom the escalating arousal the embarrassment and discomfort added to.
Nolan stopped and caressed her buttocks, the now soothing strokes calming her riotous senses.  “I knew you had a submissive streak worth exploring,” he said in a rough tone.


Newly divorced Mia Reynolds doesn’t like Chief Nolan MacGregor. His arrogance gets under her skin, but it’s her body’s instant reaction every time he levels that cobalt gaze upon her or hints at giving her what he keeps insisting she wants that really gets to her. After her husband’s betrayal, she’s sworn off getting involved with anyone, and certainly isn’t going to trust her fragile heart with the town’s reformed bad boy.

Nolan wants Mia and refuses to let her prickly stubbornness stand in his way. Once he entices her into an affair and shows her the benefits of submitting to him, her off-the-charts responses prove he was right all along – she is the one for him. When his investigation into an illegal drug ring implicates Mia’s business, he never stops believing in her innocence. When the Feds go around him, Mia refuses to believe he hadn’t been with her just to keep an eye on her and her nursery for proof the drugs were coming in on the trucks carrying her landscaping orders.

Mia’s reluctance to trust Nolan completely lands her in trouble with a drug trafficker and it isn’t until she is kidnapped that she realizes what her insecurities and refusal to let go of the past might have cost her…

Publisher’s Note: This steamy contemporary romance contains elements of power exchange. 

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About the Author:

I live in the Midwest with my husband and our dog, a lovable Great Pyrenees/Standard Poodle.  I love dogs, enjoy spending time with my daughter, babysitting dogs and kids, reading and working puzzles.  We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I now prefer being a homebody.  I worked for a while writing articles for a local magazine but soon found my interest in writing for myself peaking.  My first book was strictly spanking erotica, but I slowly evolved to writing erotic spanking romance with a touch of suspense.  My favorite genre to read is suspense.


Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Guest Post - 12/4/18 - "Theirs to Master" by B.J. Wane #MiamiMasters #BDSM #Menage

She wanted to avenge her sister; they were determined to keep her safe.  Whose will would prove to be stronger?


Only sheer stubbornness kept Paige from saying red when Trevor pulled her jeans down.  Her natural inclination to protest this indignity with ‘no way, no how’, fell to the wayside the minute her mons pressed against Troy’s muscled thigh and she looked up to see raw lust and rich approval etched on Trevor’s face.  Then Troy cupped her butt cheek, his calloused palm brushing against her bare skin setting off sparks of pleasure that commanded her attention.  She’d yearned for their attention for months, and now had it in spades.   
Few of her lovers ever bothered with ass play, so she’d never imagined that part of her anatomy could be so erogenous.  But the more he explored her buttocks, squeezing then caressing, the hotter she became.  A curl of arousal took up residence between her legs, softening her pussy, dampening her slit until embarrassment forced her to tighten her thighs. 
Closing her eyes, Paige tuned out the voices from the ongoing auction and shoved aside fretting over whether anyone else’s eyes were on her.  The tantalizing caresses eased her into relaxing then prodded her to wiggle her butt and loosen her thighs in a teasing hint to do more, to touch her where she ached.
“I think she’s ready.”
The amused inflection in Trevor’s voice snagged her attention one second before his words sank in.  Before she could register the full meaning of that comment, Troy halted the soothing, arousing strokes of his hand and delivered a sharp swat to rival the one Damien issued on the stage.
Her head reared up in startled astonishment at the abrupt switch from coaxing pleasure to blistering pain.  Before she could say anything, he swatted her again, adding an identical throbbing burn on her other cheek.       
“Take a deep breath, Paige, and lie still.  It’ll be over before you know it.”
Shaking her hair out of her eyes, she glared up at Trevor as Troy peppered her buttocks with an array of slaps that robbed her of breath.  “Easy…ow!…for you to say,” she gasped, her mind consumed with the fiery heat spreading across her entire backside and the deep throbbing encompassing her abused skin and spreading to her pussy.
“You should’ve heeded our warnings, and remembered I mentioned consequences if you continued with your harebrained scheme to interfere in my investigation,” Troy admonished without slowing the rapid volley of spanks.
It was hard to think straight, to pay attention to what either man said, but she managed to stick up for herself with a quick rebuttal.  “I don’t take orders from anyone…holy shit!”  Crap but those last two hurt!  “Damn it, I’m not one of your little groupies, willing to let you walk all over me.”  Desperate to deny her body’s heated response and the pleasure inching its way past her resistance to this degradation, she tried to wriggle away from his descending hand, but Trevor reached out and clamped his hands over the top of her thighs.  Between Troy’s imprisoning hand braced between her shoulders and Trevor’s tight told, they left her no choice but to endure and accept her surprising reaction or say red and pay the hefty price tag of ending this now.


Paige Wilcox has been lusting after the Carlson brothers since the first time she saw the two men enter the cops’ bar where she works.  Problem is, neither man shows her the slightest interest-not until her sister is attacked at a club and they discover Paige posing as a submissive to draw out the assailant. 
Troy and Trevor Carlson always found the feisty redhead attractive, but steered clear of personal involvement since she showed no signs of being sexually submissive.  Fear for her safety and a determination to keep her out of their investigation into a serial attacker prods them to insist she complete the terms of an auction contract after they win the bid on her.  Neither Paige nor the brothers are prepared for the streak of submissiveness she exhibits under their dual control.
Paige doesn’t fight her growing need for the two men and the alternative sex they introduce her to, but when they give no hints the feeling is mutual, she despairs of anything coming of the short-term relationship.  It takes the reappearance of the man they were after and another threat to Paige to get all three on board with giving a committed, three-way relationship a try.

Publisher’s Note:  This steamy contemporary mรฉnage romance contains elements of power exchange.  While it is book six of the Miami Masters series, it can be read and enjoyed as a standalone.

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About the Author:

I live in the Midwest with my husband and our two dogs.  I love dogs, enjoy spending time with my daughter, babysitting dogs and kids, reading and working puzzles.  We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I now much prefer being homebody.  I worked for a while writing articles for a local magazine but soon found my interest in writing for myself peaking.  My first book was strictly spanking erotica, but I slowly evolved to writing erotic spanking romance with a touch of suspense.  My favorite genre to read is suspense.

Bound and Saved, book 1
Master Me, Please, book 2
Mastering Her Fear, book 3
Bound To Submit, book 4


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Guest Post - 11/20/18 - N.E.R.D. (Naughty Erotic Romance Doms) Anthology #BDSM

Felicity Brandon has dropped by to share "Zoe's Impetus," her contribution to the N.E.R.D. anthology.


“Get the book please, Miss Kellam,” he commands.
I hesitate for a moment, amazed by how my body responds to the order. My nipples stiffen into small peaks beneath my sweater, and I’m more than aware of how wet my panties have become. What the hell has happened to my socially inept botany Professor? He’s usually so quiet, so reserved and so obsessed with his plants, he barely resembles the alpha-male now sitting waiting for me to answer him. I eye the man furtively, my gaze rising over his unblemished skin to his waves of dark hair.
Whatever it is that has happened to Professor Neil, I like it.“Miss Kellam?”
I leap at the sound of his voice, my heart racing out of control at his impatient tone.
“The book?” he repeats in a curt tone.
I move, skipping back to my original place to collect the thick, hardback version I had attempted earlier. Grabbing it, I head back to where he waits, presenting it to him like a naughty school girl awaiting her headmaster’s verdict.
“Good,” he replies, smiling at my response.
I know he’s patronising me, and a part of me despises his tone, but the weight of my arousal is so great that I ignore it. The professor is toying with me, and for some reason I freaking love it.
“Well done, Miss Kellam,” he says. “You’re going to need the book, not me, so I suggest you keep it.”
“Okay,” I whisper, gripping the leather cover between my fingers. I shift my weight, watching him watching me, as my heart pounds inside my chest. “Where should I read, Professor?”
Neil’s eyes narrow, his gaze rising up the length of my body until it meets mine. “I have found that certain ladies increase their focus once they’re over my lap, Miss Kellam.”
And there it is. He says the words so casually, as though he’s reading a shopping list, and it takes me a few seconds to register their meaning.
Over his lap?
My eyes widen as the term resonates. I’m shocked, aghast at his suggestion. Why would I be over the lap of one of my lecturers? And yet, as the anger washes over me, there is something else. The simmering need his dominant display has brought out in me begins to burgeon, threatening to boil over, and something about the idea of being over his lap makes it peak.
“Your lap?” I say, my voice sounding distant to my own ears. “W-why would they be over your lap?”
I know the answer—of course, I do. There is only one logical reason that anyone would be draped over someone’s else’s body. But somehow, I have to hear the words out loud…
“Impetus,” he tells me with a smirk, his blue eyes penetrating me with relentless force.


Eight hot doms bring the action in this geeky extravaganza of intelligent, Machiavellian and highly-skilled men who aren't afraid to take control.

In this collection of short stories, we explore the N.E.R.D. in all the usual settings you'd find one. From comic-cons to classrooms, to even alien spaceships, we bring you the N.E.R.D. in his full glory. The action is hot, the situations charming, and the men -- they are total N.E.R.D.s.

Bring a sense of humor, a bacon sandwich and a fan because it's going to get hot in here! 

Zoe’s Impetus by Felicity Brandon

I love biology, but botany is fast turning out to be the bane of my life, and Professor Neil's the poster boy for it. The content of the module is so dull, I’m struggling to keep on target, but Professor Neil is offering me a unique olive branch. Can his unconventional techniques help me make the grade?

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About the Author:

Felicity Brandon is a #1 international bestseller of erotic spanking romance.
She’s been reading and writing for many years, and loves to delve into the psychological intensity of sexual submission. She has written erotic titles in contemporary, historical and fantasy genres.

Fancy a FREE book, updates about new releases, giveaways, and hot reading recommendations? Sign up for her mailing list!
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