She needed a job, he needed a personal assistant. What could go wrong?
On this last day in January, welcome to Book Hooks, a regular Wednesday feature! In this blog loop, we hope to provide you with some tantalizing tidbits in our books.
My submission for this week's Book Hooks is from my 8th novel, Lessons in Love.
Pam Weston didn't have many choices as far as employment went. Her prison sentence saw to that. With limited secretarial skills, and an even more limited budget, she never considered herself executive material. So, when she was ordered to report to the CEO of her company as his new personal assistant, she fully expected to be checking out the "Help Wanted" section of the paper before the day was over.
Robert Peterson knew his management style was not HR approved, but he believed in using the stick as well as the carrot. Employing the tenets of domestic discipline, he helped mold his personal assistants into confident women who recognized their own self-worth. Even so, his unorthodox methods were only one of the reasons many considered the position of his assistant to be a revolving door. To Rob's mind, Pamela Weston was perfect for his purposes, though given her past he expected convincing her to agree to his program would be a challenge.
In this scene, which occurs in chapter eight, Robert Peterson is treating his new executive assistant, Pam Weston, to dinner at his exclusive club where he escorts her to a private dining room so she can ask her questions. However, when Pam refuses to sit down, Rob stands. The moment he does, Pam sits and picks up her menu saying she's not sure what she's going order. Rob steps over and asks her to take his hand. When she finally obeys, he holds her close and assures her she's safe. Then taking her over to the couch, he pulls her down on his lap and continues with his agenda by telling Pam every time she disobeyed one of his orders, she made a conscious decision to do so, which he considers to be willful disobedience. An offense far more serious than simple disobedience, which, if you read between the lines, means he intends to give her a spanking. However, his plans are interrupted when he needs to leave to take a phone call.
Left to her own devices, Pam struggled with her conflicting
emotions. She was falling in love with her boss, and that wasn't wise for so
many reasons she couldn’t begin to count them. What was worse, he didn’t want a
girlfriend; he wanted an admin who answered to him the way women obeyed men
back in the 1800s. Not that he was mean or inconsiderate of her feelings. If
anything, he was extremely gentle with her when he bossed her about. An odd
combination, to be sure. Once he was done with his conversation, he intended to
spank her. She had no doubt about that. She'd defied his instructions too many
times today for him to ignore her actions. She dreaded it at the same time she
wished her punishment was already over.
Pacing the floor, she recalled how her stepfather enjoyed
heightening her fear by removing his belt and snapping it in her face. She’d
tried to run and fight him, but she was a young girl and he was a fully grown
man who wasn't above tying her up with rope so she couldn't. She’d lose count
of the number of times the leather bit into her flesh. His aim wasn't always
accurate, since he was usually drunk when he whipped her, so she often
sustained cuts and bruises she had to hide from her teachers and schoolmates.
Pam rubbed her wrists, remembering the raw, ugly burns she'd
suffered from the rope. Peterson's punishments were gentle in comparison, but
they touched her in a far more vulnerable area. An area she protected with
every inch of her being. An area that scared her to the bone and caused her to
break out in a cold sweat whenever she considered what it would take from her.
The area of free will. He expected her to willingly submit to his physical
punishment without resistance or hesitation.
Lessons in Love (click to read first chapter)
M/F, DD on the executive floor.
If you're 18 or older, you can read the first three chapters at Lessons in Love
Buy the book directly from Blushing Books, Amazon, Barnes&Noble
Thanks for visiting. Now go visit the other authors participating in Book Hooks.
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