Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Horny Hump Day - February 27 - Arrested by Love

A woman flushed with pleasure is a beautiful thing to behold.

This material is Not Safe For Work. If you’re not over 18, please explore elsewhere.

It's the last Wednesday in February, so welcome back to Horny Hump Day! In this blog loop, we hope to provide you with tiny erotic tidbits of the most sexy and sensuous moments in our books. Just 3 sentences.  And boy is that hard to do, sometimes....

My post for this Wednesday is from my 3rd book, Arrested by Love. An erotic spanking novel published by Blushing Books.

In this scene, Tiffany and Kyle, having had a small tiff, are working through their issues.  Despite having just been firm with her, Kyle is protective of Tiffany's health.  Tiffany, however, desires for them to make up in the age old way of men and women.  Once Kyle gets Tiffany to agree to a few conditions first, he is eager to give his girl everything she desires and more to the satisfaction of both.

* * * * *
             This time Tiffany gripped his hair when she came, then went totally limp.
            As Kyle slowly kissed his way up her body to her mouth, she met his kiss eagerly.  Drawing back he gazed down at her body, flushed with pleasure and lovely.
* * * * *

M/F, Sexy spankings in rural Connecticut.

If you're 18 or older, you can read the first three chapters at Arrested by Love
Buy the book directly from Blushing BooksAmazonBarnes & NobleARE

I hope you enjoyed this nibble. Your comments are encouraged. Please stop by the  Horny Hump Day blog site  to get a peek at some of the other author's fine offerings.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday Spankings - February 23 - Acting Lessons #SatSpanks

Peter loved Kate with all his being, but that didn't mean he'd tolerate an ultimatum from her.

Reading this material at Work could get you spanked.

Welcome to the first Saturday Spankings blog hop.  My stories are all M/f with the dominant male determined to protect the woman he cares for and loves, or grows to love, by doing whatever it takes to ensure her safety and continued health.  This includes administering a spanking when she needs one.  

My submission for this week is from my current WIP (Work In Progress) tentatively titled, Acting Lessons.

He was a strict and demanding college professor turned professional director who excelled at giving acting lessons.  She was his shy and uncertain former student who became a professional actress under his tutelage.  They fell in love, married, and won two Tony Awards before tragedy struck and a simple kiss ripped them apart.

After a six month separation, Peter Thorton decides to take matters into his own hands by making his famous wife, Kate, an offer she wouldn't refuse.  Plainly put, he wants her back and he intends to do whatever is necessary to achieve his goal, even if it means giving his stubborn, willful leading lady a daily reminder over his knee that she promised to obey him.

In this scene, which occurs early in the first chapter, Peter Thorton is attempting to convince his wife, Kate, to give their marriage a second chance by signing her to appear with him in a College Summer Stock production of "Kiss Me Kate."  Kate isn't sure she can trust Peter with her heart again, since she believes he's been unfaithful to her, but she's never stopped loving him.  And though Domestic Discipline originally played a part in their marriage, their last two years together had them living like polite strangers sharing the same house.  Peter realizes he made a mistake in letting Kate do as she pleased, so he's determined to rectify matters immediately.  However, Kate has a few stipulations of her own....

Note: this excerpt is a little longer than the rules state, so I may need to submit myself for punishment by the SatSpanks Administrator.  (Hanging head in shame, and awaiting the verdict).

* * * * *
             Surprised by his swift agreement, Kate added the one stipulation she suspected he would shoot down without blinking first.  "Three - you respect any boundaries I establish."
            "How so?"
            "If I say there is to be no touching between us, you have to honor my request."
            "Darling.  This is Kiss Me Kate.  Are you familiar at all with the show?"
            "I've heard of it.  I've never seen the musical, but I believe it was originally produced in the 50s."
            "Correct.  It is also about a divorced couple who are actors putting on The Taming of the Shrew.  You have at least seen that play, I presume?"
            "Yes," she answered, giving him and his superior attitude a sharp nod.  "In addition to the Taylor-Burton film."
            "Good.  So, you should also realize there will be lots of 'touching' between us whether you want it or not.  Furthermore, I will not allow you to put up artificial barriers in order to keep me at bay."
* * * * *

Hmm.  Just wait until Kate reads the play and realizes Peter neglected to mention the spanking scene.  She's developed a bit of a temper during their separation, but he is fully prepared to handle anything she throws his way, including herself.

I am feverishly working on edits, when I'm not posting spanking scenes, so I hope to have this submitted to Blushing Books by mid-March.  That means, I may post a few more excerpts before the book is published.

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. Please click on one of the author's names below, or visit The Saturday Spankings Blog to continue your journey.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Horny Hump Day - February 20 - Deadly Enchantment

Love comes in many shapes and sizes, but a leopard?

This material is Not Safe For Work. If you’re not over 18, please explore elsewhere.

Welcome to Horny Hump Day, a regular Wednesday feature! In this blog loop, we hope to provide you with tiny little tidbits of the most sexy and sensuous moments in our books. Just 3 sentences. The books might be already published, works-in-progress, or even classic literature we think you’ll like.

This post for HHD is from my 2nd book, Deadly Enchantment, a shape-shifting wizard romance published by New Concepts Publishing.  Deadly Enchantment revolves around a young psychic woman facing off with the dark wizard of Ravenscroft, who she is convinced has brutally slaughtered her sister in a fit of jealousy on their wedding night.

In this segment, Serena Cunningham and Dominic Westcroft have taken shelter in a vacant cottage from a magical and malevolent storm cast by Dominic's brother, Terrence.  When they are able to deflect the charged lightning with a kiss, they realize by coming together their magic is far stronger and more resilient than Terrence's web of evil ever could be.  Accepting their best chance for success over Terrence requires them to join their powers, Dominic makes love to Serena, fully understanding his claiming her virginity will result in consequences that will change both their lives forever. What neither of them expect, however, is for Dominic to shift during the act.  Serena isn't sure how much of Dominic's personality exists in the mind of his beast, but, like the man, the beast knows what it wants and refuses to take "no" for an answer.

* * * * *

            When she shook her head, the white leopard yowled again and placed a paw on her thigh--claws retracted. Though Serena knew the animal was Dominic, what it demanded seemed forbidden to her, unnatural, and she rejected the notion as wrong--sinful even.  As if to convince her, the leopard rubbed its head over her thighs legs and feet, then its warm, wet nose plunged again into the intimate area between her tightly closed legs, seeking access to the area it wanted most--the very center of her.
* * * * *

And this is why it is always dangerous to make love with a magical shapeshifter.

M/F, Shape shifting wizards in Victorian England.

Read the first three chapters at: Deadly Enchantment

Available at NCPAmazon and Barnes & Noble

I hope you enjoyed this nibble. Your comments are encouraged. Please stop by the Horny Hump Day site and hop around to the authors’ sites, and you'll never look at Wednesday the same way.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Kayelle Allen is on the couch talking "50 Gays of Shade"

At Shady Business, the hottest gay BDSM club in town, no good deed ever goes unpunished.
Fifty Gays of Shade, Gay BDSM Anthology

Kayelle Allen is taking a seat on our couch today to talk about her newly released short story "Bill Me" in the Fifty Gays of Shade, gay BDSM anthology, among other things.  Kayelle is one of the busiest women I know, so I'm thrilled she managed to find the time to join us.  I tidied up the place a bit, but we're very informal here, and we love comments and questions, so don't be shy.

Thanks so much for being here, Kayelle.

Kathryn, thank you for interviewing me. I'm delighted to hang out with you and your readers. I placed my contact info at the end, if anyone has questions, but doesn't like posting comments on a blog.

My first question is one that writers aspiring to be published usually want to know.  How long did you write before you were published?
I wrote all my life, and often created stories for friends, and my children. People said I had a way with words and that I should write a book. I figured they were being polite. Finally, I submitted a short story to Writer's Digest as part of a contest, and it gained an honorable mention. That gave me the confidence to work on a novel. It sold within two months of being sent out. It took me years to get started -- but I've been going strong ever since.

So, what inspired you to write your first book?
At the Mercy of Her Pleasure came out of notes that I'd made when trying to write a story years before. It was about a brother and sister who'd been raised as thieves. I altered it to two brothers, used the notes from the one scene I'd written, and developed an entire story around one brother trying to free the other, who was a slave. I brought in a sexy older woman to seduce the one trying to do the rescuing, and the story almost wrote itself.

What or who inspired your main characters in the 50 Gays of Shade anthology?
The characters in my short story "Bill Me" in this anthology were inspired by a discussion I had with my friends Kiernan Kelly (the editor), and author Kage Alan. We'd all gotten to know each other at Outlantacon, a gay Scifi convention held in Atlanta. This time, we were at DragonCon (also Atlanta) hanging out before a panel. Kage joked that everyone knew someone named Bill. Later, Kiernan mentioned the anthology, and when I heard the title -- a takeoff on Fifty Shades of Grey, I knew I wanted to be a part. The story came to me on the way home that night on the train. One would be named William, but couldn't decide whether to call himself by that name if he joined the BDSM club. So in a sense, they were inspired by hanging out with friends at a convention. I think if I write them a sequel, I will have them attending a con. Hmmm. Maybe Outlantacon! They're hosting Gaylaxicon this year. That could be fun.

What genres do you write besides gay BDSM?
Science Fiction Romance, erotica, fantasy, contemporary romance, and non-fiction.

Did you learn anything special from writing this story and what was it?
That I can write good short stories. That they don't all have to be massive books with layer upon layer of character and plot like my usual books. ;)

Good point.  I still haven't mastered the short story.  What books have influenced your writing most?
One strong influence was the Foundation series, by Isaac Asimov. Another was Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert Heinlein. Both made huge impacts on my ideas.

What about people?  Name one entity (person, place, or thing) you feel supported or inspired you outside of your family members.
Jean Paquin is the moderator for my yahoo group, Romance Lives Forever. She beta reads for me. She's listened to me talk about my characters. I've known her since my first book came out. I ask her advice on everything with my writing, and she is always supportive. I dedicated books to her. I also have a reader named Teoh who lives in Malaysia, who is about 12 hours different from me time wise, but we manage to talk frequently. She sends me research info, articles she thinks I might like, and fun recipes. I named a character after her. I've dedicated books to her too. So that's two people -- you get a bargain today. ^_^

So, if you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
For writing excellence -- Janet Elizabeth Jones
For writing as a business and savvy marketing -- Karen Coté
For Science Fiction concepts -- the late Barbara Karmazin
I'm fortunate to be (or to have been) friends with each of these amazing women, and to have learned from them personally.

In regards to your writing style, are you a plotter or a pantser?
I'm both. I plot plot plot to the finest detail, and then write whatever comes to mind when I get started on the actual story.

I tend to do the same.  Where do you write?
I prefer to stay in my office - a very tiny space (it's literally a renovated closet). But if I do wander away, it's with paper and pen. I use a desktop computer, not a laptop.

Do you have any advice for other writers?
Never let anyone steal your dream.

Great advice.  So, to wrap things up, have you anything specific you'd like to say to your readers?
I listen to you. Talk to me. Email me. Find me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or wherever, and tell me what you like. I am listening.

A Gay BDSM Anthology
At Shady Business, the hottest gay BDSM club in town, no good deed ever goes unpunished.

From Kayelle Allen: "Bill Me"
When an old member of the Shady Business BDSM club returns from a hiatus, he meets a new member searching for a proper identity -- and a master who'll help him find it.
Buy links:
Coffee Time Romance
The book is edited by Kiernan Kelly, with stories by Kiernan Kelly, Kayelle Allen, KC Burn, Lydian Harker, CR Guilano, Sascha Illyvich, Wt Prater, Emily Moreton, CC Bridges, Wade Kelly, CB Conwy, DC Juris, Amelia June, KC Wells, Winnie Jerome, PT Walden, and Sean Michael.

About the Author

Multipublished author Kayelle Allen runs Marketing for Romance Writers, the Romance Lives Forever blog, and a graphics company called The Author's Secret. She swears she also sleeps, eats, and writes, and not at the same time. Usually.
Find Kayelle here online:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday Spankings - February 16 - Mortal Illusions #SatSpanks

Sometimes honesty only gets you into more trouble.

NOTE: Reading this material at Work could get you spanked.

Welcome to the Saturday Spankings blog hop.  My stories are all M/f with the dominant male determined to protect the woman he cares for and loves, or grows to love, by doing whatever it takes to ensure her safety and continued health.  This includes administering a spanking when she needs one.  

My submission for this week is from my 1st book, Mortal Illusions. A vampire romance published by New Concepts Publishing, Mortal Illusions is currently the first in a series of 3 books.  Its sequel, Fatal Desire, is currently under production.

When Claire Daniels discovers Germaine St. Justine is a vampire, she sets a plan in motion to get him to cure her brother from AIDS.  Though an innocent in sexual relations, Claire is savvy enough to realize the best way to gain Germaine's support is by having an intimate relationship with him.  However, having a vampire take you to bed isn't quite the same as sleeping with the boy next door.  There are complications.  And Germaine is dominant enough to add a few more Claire hadn't expected.
* * * * *
             Reminding herself that looks and words couldn't kill, Claire softly admitted, “I'm a virgin.”
            Other than a slight pursing of his lips, Germaine displayed no reaction to her confession. “I see,” he answered in a deadly-soft voice. “Give me one good reason why.”
            “Why what?” she asked hesitantly. “Why us? Why now? Or why you, and why not Harry?”
            “Give me one good reason why I shouldn't take you into the next room and spend ten minutes applying my hand to your backside the way your father should have years ago.”
* * * * *

The man not only drinks blood, he spanks....

M/F, Contemporary vampire romance in a society based on D/s.

Read the first three chapters at: Mortal Illusions

Buy the book at NCPAmazon or Barnes & Noble.

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. Please click on one of the author's names below, or visit The Saturday Spankings Blog to continue your journey.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Horny Hump Day - February 13 - Mortal Illusions

Give her an orgasm, and she'll agree to most anything.

This material is Not Safe For Work. If you’re not over 18, please explore elsewhere.

Welcome to Horny Hump Day, a regular Wednesday feature! In this blog loop, we hope to provide you with tiny little tidbits of the most sexy and sensuous moments in our books. Just 3 sentences. The books might be already published, works-in-progress, or even classic literature we think you’ll like.

This post for HHD is from my 1st book, Mortal Illusions. A vampire romance published by New Concepts Publishing, Mortal Illusions is currently the first in a series of 3 books.  Its sequel, Fatal Desire, is currently under production.

This snippet occurs the morning after Claire Daniels and Germaine St. Justine's third night together.  Germaine has just finished coaxing Claire through a healthy workout session, which he convinced her to do in the nude.  Afterward, while Claire is eating breakfast, Germaine's strong, tapered fingers move upwards to trail along her inner thigh before he gives her a true taste of morning delight. Claire is basking in the afterglow of her pleasure when Germaine asks a favor.
* * * * *
                 Claire was feeling particularly obliging, so she replied, “What is it?”
                “I'd like you to wear stockings instead of panty hose-- I'd prefer you wore nothing at all, but the less the better.  I like the feel of your satiny skin on my fingers, Claire, not linen, cotton, nylon or whatever other materials you like to place upon your lower half.”
* * * * *

M/F, Contemporary vampire romance in a society based on D/s.

Read the first three chapters at: Mortal Illusions

Buy the book at NCPAmazon or Barnes & Noble.

Thanks so much for joining us in Horny Hump Day.  I hope you enjoyed this nibble enough to check out the other author's fine offerings at the Horny Hump Day blog site.  It gives the details of how to sign up for next week if you’d like to play along with us. 

Y'all come back here next Wednesday, too.  You hear?  After all, what better way is there to spend a Hump Day than with some fun loving authors? 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday Spankings - February 9 - A Dom's Dilemma #SatSpanks

For the Heartbreaker Blog Hop, please click HERE, or scroll down.

She needed his protection, except he insisted on her honest submission first.

Reading this material at Work could get you spanked.

Welcome to the Saturday Spankings blog hop.  My stories are all M/f with the dominant male determined to protect the woman he cares for and loves, or grows to love, by doing whatever it takes to ensure her safety and continued health.  This includes administering a spanking when she needs one.  

My submission for this week is from my first BDSM novel, A Dom's Dilemma, published by Blushing Books.

 In honor of the Love Spanks Blog Hop, Saturday Spankings isn't counting words or sentences this week, so this excerpt is much longer than usual.  

In this scene, Jim, a former Texan who by day works as a police detective and by night lives and plays as a Dom, is in the Velvet Chains BDSM medical station attempting to give his new submissive, Kelly Franklin, an anal exam.  As a submissive, Kelly leaves much to be desired. So when she openly defies Jim, he needs to put a quick end to her shenanigans.  However, Jim suspects fear, rather than brattiness, is responsible for Kelly's reactions, so he opts to give her one last chance to settle down and obey him.  Unfortunately, Kelly has very good reasons why she's refusing to submit, but they aren't anything she's willing to share with her new Dom. 

* * * * *
            "You ever had anal sex, Kelly girl?"
            Her eyes opened wide and she looked so scared he suspected he'd just hit upon another area they'd need to work on.  "No, Sir," she answered, surprising him.
            "Hmm.  You've got an awful lot of fear in you for somethin' you've never done.  Wanna revise your answer?"
            She considered it for a moment, then quietly said, "No, Sir."
            "You don't wanna be lyin' to me, sugar.  Lyin' is somethin' I have little tolerance for, and hand out very harsh punishments when I discover the truth.  Understand?"
            "Yes, Sir."  Her reply came with a quivering lip.  Not wanting to start her crying again, he backed down, though he knew something wasn't right.  Fear that strong was not normal for an act a person hadn't experienced.
            "Very well," he replied, letting her off the hook, but suspecting his new little sub had just earned herself a painful trip over his knees.  "In any case," he added, regarding her with an arched eyebrow.  "I happen to like doin' it….  A lot.  That means, this next exercise is meant to help prepare you so you'll eventually be able to take me back there without discomfort.  Now, don't gape at me like I'm fixin' to rape you, girl.  This examination won't hurt, but it may feel a little full and uncomfortable at first, so I'm gonna give you instructions you need to obey without hesitation.  All right?"
            She gave her head a vehement shake, which should have earned her a sharp reprimand.  Instead, he gazed at her steadily.  "Kelly girl, don't make me get firm with you, now.  You're doin' so well, I'd hate to have to punish you for bein' difficult, but I will, if you force my hand."
            Though her eyes opened even wider, she didn't respond.  He would have liked a verbal acknowledgement from her, but let it pass.  "Now, I need you to press down as if you're havin' a BM."
            When she shook her head again, he scowled at her.  "Kellly…."
            "No!" she snapped back, actually shouting this time.
            Jim considered her carefully for a moment.  He knew she was anxious, but he also knew he had no intention of hurting her.  Unfortunately, her fear had her openly defying him.  He wanted to be patient and reassure her, except her attitude made that difficult, if not impossible.  Taking a deep breath, he decided to give her one more chance.
            "Darlin', that word is not in your vocabulary tonight, and you're bein' stubborn.  Now, press down toward me."  She shook her head again, so he extended one hand and depressed her abdomen in preparation to push inside her and she screamed.  He hadn't even touched her, and she screamed like he'd ripped her apart.  Not a normal reaction by half.
            "Kelly!  You quiet down this instant, young lady, or I'll turn you over my knee and give you the sound paddlin' you're beggin' for."
            When she screamed again, Jim knew from experience no number of soft words or coaxing would calm her.  She was too panicked to listen to him anymore.  So, he removed his gloves, tossed them away, and glanced at George.  "Mark this as 'in use'.  We'll be back once we've had a talk about obedience."
            George smiled and nodded.  This wasn't the first time a sub had gone ballistic on them, but Kelly was in full struggle mode now.  So, when George unbuckled the restraints on her feet he kept a firm hold on them while Jim unfastened the restraint under her breasts, then her wrists, making sure to capture both in one hand in case Kelly tried to wriggle free.  After checking with George she was clear, Jim undid the strap at her hips, let go of one wrist, flipped her over on her stomach, captured the hand he'd released and clicked the metal fasteners on her Velcro wristbands so they locked together.
            She hadn't stopped screaming, and now she kicked and bucked like a filly resisting saddle breaking.  He'd done his share of training horses, but his way of dealing with a recalcitrant sub was quite a bit different from his methods of gentling a mare.
            "Looks like I may need to trot this filly back to the chainin' station, George, and take a crop to her hide until she settles down."
            Kelly froze at those words.  At least she was listening now.  She breathed heavily, but outside of a slight shiver, she held quiet and still beneath the fingers he kept wrapped about her wrists.
            Bending low, he whispered, "You'd best stop your shenanigans and start doin' what I say, or you're gonna be one unhappy little girl." 
            "I don't want this!" she insisted.
            "Now, I didn't ask you what you wanted, did I?  Wanna know why?  Because your job, subbie, is to obey me.  If you don't, you're gonna get punished, and that's a simple fact."
            When she wailed at that pronouncement, he placed his left hand between her shoulders and brought his right palm down sharply on her butt, and growled. "Enough!  You've already earned yourself one paddlin'.  Don't make me add swats for willful disobedience and disruption."
            "I don't care who hears me!" she screamed, struggling again for all she was worth.  "Let me go, you asshole!"
* * * * *

Hmm.  Problem is if you give Kelly a shovel, she'll dig her own grave, then hand it back as a paddle.

M/F, Kinky happenings in rural Connecticut.

If you're 18 or older, you can read the first three chapters at A Dom's Dilemma 
Buy the book directly from Blushing BooksAmazonARE

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. Please click on one of the author's names below, or visit The Saturday Spankings Blog to continue your journey.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Nominate your favorite heartbreaking hero here.

Are our heroes heartthrobs or heartbreakers? Or are they just the same thing? Yummy right? Valentine's Day is just around the corner for this blog hop and we're gearing up to see what exactly is a heartbreaker.  We love those sexy men, but what about those times in the story when they aren't perfect. Because come on, we know they aren't perfect. What makes those men heartbreakers? What can those guys do to make it better? Or are they lost causes, forever?

Almost 300 bloggers have giveaways and posts about those men we love! 

But that's not all....

We have THREE grand prizes. You as a reader can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, you can enter over 200 times!

Now what are those prizes?

1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet
2nd Grand Prize: A $100 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more!

So, you want to play, right?  Well each of us wants to tell you a little about the heartbreaking moments in our books, when it looks like the characters will never be able to work things out.  They're just too different, too angry, too stubborn, too everything for love to win the day.  Right?  Problem is, we'd be here all day if we attempted to do that.  So, instead, I'll post the covers and give you links to some excerpts and let you peruse as you wish...

For excerpts to Mortal Illusions and Deadly Enchantment, please visit:

For 18+ only excerpts to Arrested by Love and A Dom's Dilemma, please visit:

Next, I'm going to offer an eBook copy of one my novels (readers choice) to the reader who can tell me which hero she would nominate as the ultimate heartbreaker, and why.  Don't include my heroes in the mix, since I'm looking for some new books to read.  So, go ahead and tell me who your favorite heartbreaker is.  Enter a comment on my blog, and it counts as a comment toward the grand prize, too.  What more could you want for Valentine's Day?  (Rhetorical question.  Don't answer that!)

Once you're done here, please go back to Carrie Ann's site and visit the other authors' blogs to see what they've got to offer.  It is a hop, after all.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Horny Hump Day - February 6 - A Dom's Dilemma

Sometimes a girl's pleasure simply overwhelms her.

This material is Not Safe For Work. If you’re not over 18, please explore elsewhere.

Welcome back to Horny Hump Day, a regular Wednesday feature! In this blog loop, we hope to provide you with tiny erotic tidbits of the most sexy and sensuous moments in our books. Just 3 sentences.  And boy is that hard to do, sometimes....

My post for this Wednesday is from my 4th book, A Dom's Dilemma, an erotic BDSM/spanking novel published by Blushing Books.  Kelly and Jim, the two main characters, were secondary characters in Arrested by Love.  Though this story stands on its own, if you read Arrested by Love, you'll most likely recognize some of the scenes, since we see a little bit of Kyle and Tiffany in this book, too.

For this selection on Horny Hump Day, I'm continuing the scene in A Dom's Dilemma where Jim is making love to Kelly for the first time.  A little nervous, Kelly has been wanting Jim for a few days, and is eager to have him.  What neither of them expects, however, is for Kelly to lose herself so deeply in her orgasm that she grips Jim's hair and deluges him when she comes.  Once they've both recovered from that, Jim orders Kelly to fetch another towel, hop on the bed and place her hands beneath her backside while he unzips his jeans...

* * * * *
…When he glanced over and caught her gaze, she was biting her lower lip uncertainly.
"Like what you see?" he asked with a wink as he reached between her legs to make sure she was ready for him.
 "Impressive," she murmured, her voice holding a trace of unease.
* * * * *

M/F, Kinky happenings in rural Connecticut.

A Dom's Dilemma is available for sale at Blushing Books.  If you'd like to read more, I'm providing a 3 chapter preview on my web site's Spanking Romance page.  So, keep watching.

Now available on Amazon both for the Kindle and in Paperback!

I hope you enjoyed this sneak preview. Your comments are encouraged. Please stop by the  Horny Hump Day blog site  to get a peek at some of the other author's fine offerings.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Guest Blogger Lark LaTroy chats about Time and NeoDruids

I want to thank Lark LaTroy who's graciously agreed to answer all of my nosy questions.  Go ahead and have a seat on my couch, Lark, and we'll get started.

First thing I want to know is what were the challenges you faced (research, literary, psychological, and logistical) in bringing your latest book to life?  Mostly logistical, as in finding the time to write. My day job is very demanding, and leaves little time for most of my other interests.

Been there, done that, and I've got the t-shirt to prove it.  What or who inspired your main characters? There are a number of real people that inspire my characters. You can see two of them on the covers of my books. Isobel Wren, and Betcee May are both professional models, and wonderful people. I don't think my stories would have come out as well as they did if it weren't for the muses. There are many more, but you'll have to wait for the books to come out to learn who they are.

Are you a plotter or a pantser? Pantser, totally. I tried plotting out a story once, I'm re-writing it because it came out like crap.

Yikes!  So, when do you write, morning or night? When I find the time is when I write.

Finding time is always a challenge.  If you could have any super power, what would it be? To be able to slip into a second of time, and stretch it out for as long as I need. That way, I could have more time to write.

Good one!  So, tell us.  Did you include any experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?  Well I would hope so. Having been married for more than 30 years, and writing fusion / erotic romance, I have a large pool of experience to draw on for the passionate moments in my stories.

Employing your spouse as a research assistant gets them involved in a good way.  Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?  Again, finding the time to actually sit down and write a whole scene without being called away.

So, who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?  H. P. Lovecraft is probably my favorite, because of how he wrote his baddies. You never actually see them fully, he spurs your imagination, and you fill in the blanks. Scary, very scary when done correctly. Mr. Lovecraft did it the right way.

I love your covers.  Can you tell us who designed them?  The very talented Reese Dante. She took photographs of the muses, and added all the right touches. I couldn't be happier.

Outside of the juggling job, family and writing, what was the hardest part of writing your book?  Other than needing the time, coming up with character names. I tend to overuse certain names, or get stuck on a letter. Names are the bane of my writing.

Do you have any advice for other writers?  Read, everything you can.  Read.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?  Yeah, thanks for the support. I love all you readers, and fear not, there will be more NeoDruids in the future.

Thank you, Lark.  I'm so glad you took the time to drop by.  You've been a wonderful guest.

You can purchase both of Lark's books here in multi-formats:

SP Silver Publishing (Includes Audio and Print versions)

NeoDruids Volume I: Druids Dawning:
Mitch Walker is the newest member of The Order. He receives two gifts that he struggles to master. One of these gifts shows him the private desires of his coworker Jill Reese, the woman every man in the office would like to have. Jill has a secret desire for Mitch, and this knowledge distracts the young Druid from mastering his gifts.

As Mitch struggles with his gifts, and feelings for Jill, a serial killer stalks the streets of Boston. He kills at each full moon, in different areas of the city. The Druids learn that the killer is conducting a dark ritual that will plunge the whole world into chaos if completed. Mitch has an added stake in stopping the madman. He knows that Jill will be the final victim, and she'll be the lucky one if the Druids can't stop the killer.

Amazon Kindle:

Barnes & Noble Nook:

NeoDruids Volume II: Here Be Dragons:
Jill Reese joins the ranks of The Order. In a beautiful ritual, she binds herself in marriage to her teacher and lover, Mitch Walker. As they sleep on their wedding night, Mitch has a foresight dream in which he sees a dragon arriving in New England. A dragon that becomes a lovely woman.

Durinllew is from the world of Dragon-Kind. Powerful, beautiful, and naive about the modern world, she has come in answer to the ancient call of the Druids. The problem is, none of the Druids know what she is talking about. The hunt is on to discover who called the strange woman and why.

Kolsomon is also of Dragon-Kind. Stripped of his dragon and banished to our world, he longs for revenge against his own people. If he can steal a dragon from one of his own race, he can enslave the world and finish the war he started long before history began.

The Druids will need all their gifts, including Jill's new ability to become a ghost, if they are to protect Durinllew and our world.

Amazon Kindle:

Barnes & Noble Nook:

Bio:  Lark LaTroy works by day, as a computer systems engineer for a satellite communications company. By night though, Lark is a writer of erotic romance with hardcore plots. Lark fuses together elements of many genres to create the world of NeoDruids.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Valentine's Day - A Day for Giving Back with Love

Love books? What about FREE books? I've recently joined a FB event (going on now) where I will give away an eBook copy of one of my books. To join the event, see below.

In addition, I'm participating in the Heartbreaker Bloghop, which begins on February 8, where you can find over 300 authors giving away books, gift cards, etc. by going to:

Last, but definitely not least, Is K'Anne Meinel's celebration of the International Book Giving Day with her Fan Page Event FREE BOOKS. To check out the freebies there, go to:

So, if you're a reader who enjoys a vast selection of books, we urge you to come and join in the fun, because it's all being done for you.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saturday Spankings - February 2 - Arrested by Love #SatSpanks

He caught her speeding in a school zone and decided she needed to learn even civil disobedience could have very painful consequences.

Reading this material at Work could get you spanked.

Welcome to the first Saturday Spankings blog hop.  My stories are all M/f with the dominant male determined to protect the woman he cares for and loves, or grows to love, by doing whatever it takes to ensure her safety and continued health.  This includes administering a spanking when she needs one.  

My submission for this week is from my first spanking novel, Arrested by Love, published by Blushing Books.

  In this scene, Kyle, a traffic patrol officer, has pulled over a young woman for speeding in a school zone.  Tiffany has been in love with Kyle since she was ten, so this isn't the first time she's faced the strict police officer because of some prank she's pulled.  It's not even the first time she's been caught speeding, which means she's spent a fair amount of time over his knees.  Even so, Kyle is prepared to let her go with a warning and a ticket until she propositions him.  Angry, partly because he's tempted to accept her offer, Kyle decides to offer her a choice...

* * * * *
            "Here's what I propose," Kyle said leaning down a little closer to her. "You can either spend a night in jail for attempting to bribe a police officer…. Orrr," he paused for effect as she listened breathlessly for his next words. "Or, you can spend an indefinite amount of time with your panties off, your front side draped over my knees, and your delightfully cute bottom spanked with two swats for every MPH you went over the limit, as well as an additional five for attempting to bribe me, and one extra for sticking your tongue out. I believe that currently brings us to a grand total of fifty-six swats," he added, one eyebrow arched as he awaited her reply.
            "Fifty-six swats! Are you crazy? I wouldn't be able to sit for weeks if you did that to me. You've got to be fucking insane to even suggest such a thing!"
* * * * *

Hmm.  Did I mention that Kyle doesn't permit swearing?  I did say he was strict.

M/F, Sexy spankings in rural Connecticut.

If you're 18 or older, you can read the first three chapters at Arrested by Love
Buy the book directly from Blushing BooksAmazonBarnes & NobleARE

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. Please click on one of the author's names below, or visit The Saturday Spankings Blog to continue your journey.