Sunday, May 29, 2016

#6BestHop - 5/29/16 - Arrested by Love - Kyle takes Tiffany over his knee #DD #Spanking

He caught her speeding in a school zone and decided she needed to learn even civil disobedience could have very painful consequences.

Welcome to Sunday's Six of the Best.  For this hop we get to share six paragraphs from a published work or a WIP (work in progress). I've decided to continue on with the excerpts I shared for Sneak Peek Sunday. So, if you've been reading those, these snippets are direct continuations from my previous shares.

My submission for this week is from my 3rd book, Arrested by Love.  A handsome, but strict, police officer  decides a spoiled socialite needs a special lesson in obeying the law.

Tiffany Morgan has been in love with Kyle Sinclair since she was ten years old, when he'd turned her over his knee for attempting to swim in a raging white water river. Though she'd been furious with him at the time, Tiffany never told her family what Kyle did. Instead, she began trailing after him like an annoying younger sister as she tried to gain his attention.

Now, eleven years later, Kyle, a patrol officer, is finding it much more difficult to maintain his distance from the irresistible and vivacious redhead who continues to invent ingenious ways to attract his interest. Though he dismissed her initial attraction to him as infatuation, as she grew-up, his own feelings of desire and protectiveness deepened. So, despite his constant struggle to resist the spirited little minx's lures, Kyle finally has to admit that he is losing the battle--badly.

After Kyle makes it clear to Tiffany that speeding will earn her much more than a ticket from him, he gives into the inevitable and asks her out on a date.  He loves her, but isn't sure he's the right guy for her.  However, he no longer fights the attraction between them as he dates her exclusively, but Tiffany wants more, so she makes her stand, and Kyle makes it clear how her life will change if they get married.  And he persists by asking if she even thought she could live on a budget.  When she informs him she is not fiscally irresponsible, he tells her that if she can live for one month on the budget he sets for her, and show how she'd been able to save the rest of her salary, without going to her daddy for help, he will ask her to marry him.  But after two weeks in a row of going over, Tiffany seeks out her father in a tearful panic. He agrees to bail her out, but warns her that men can forgive a lot, but lying is something they find difficult to excuse.

So, by lying to Kyle, Tiffany finds herself swiftly spiraling downward into a morass of guilt that has her sobbing when he proposes. Confused, Kyle tries to get to the root of the problem as he comforts her, but when she admits she's been less than truthful with him, he demands her full confession. Kyle is more upset over the fact she lied to him than her failure to keep to a budget, so he gives her a choice. She either comes with him quietly and without , a fuss or they separate. When she presses for a time limit, he gives one he hopes she will reject. A year. Aghast, Tiffany insists he's being unfair and asks what she could in return if he was the one in the wrong. Surprised by her reaction, since she is the one who lied, Kyle tells her she could do what he was about to do. Walk away. However, when Tiffany begs him not to leave her, he extends his hand and walks her to his car. After driving her around for a half hour, Kyle takes Tiffany to a small secluded spot where he orders her out of the car and instructs her to select a branch from one of the bushes and strip off its leaves.

              Tiffany gazed at Kyle for a moment before she handed him the switch she'd made, then unfastened her skirt and lowered her underwear as he'd ordered.  He flicked the whip-like branch through the air a couple of times while she undressed.  Even though he'd decided against using it, he wasn't above scaring her a little before he discarded it.  Though she stood before him in her blouse and shoes with a straight spine, he noticed the slight trembling in her hands before his gaze lowered to the small patch of red hair that guarded her femininity. The surge of lust he experienced at that sight merely served to increase his anger.  He had hoped to finally make love to her this evening, but it looked like that would be off the agenda tonight as well.
            He placed the switch on the ground and crooked an index finger at her.  She winced, but walked over to stand beside him until her knees touched his with barely a moment's hesitation.  He patted his lap.  "You should know the drill by now, Tiffany.  Take your position, please."
            She let out a tiny gasp, and he knew she was afraid, but she also knew better than to try to dissuade him.  Looked like his threat of year's separation had had its intended effect.
            Laying herself gingerly over his lap, she gave one small sob once she was settled.  He placed his left hand on the middle of her back to steady her, then ran his right hand repeatedly over her buttocks to settle her to his touch.  She was tense, and he needed her to relax a little more so this punishment wouldn't end up being more painful than he intended.  "We didn't discuss how many swats you think you deserve for what you did, Miss Morgan.  So, what would you say is a fair number?"
            Her breath coming in small hitches now, she didn't respond right away.  He suspected she would go for the minimum of ten.  So, she surprised him when she said, "Twenty-five."
            "A very good number," he praised, "and I concur.  So, twenty-five it is then.  Have you anything you wish to say to me before we begin?"

Tiffany loves Kyle, and wants to prove to him she can will make a good wife, except she's never tried to keep to a budget before, and she quickly discovers it's much harder than she originally thought.  She knows going to her father is against the rules, but she can't face Kyle's disappointment for the second week in a row, so she breaks the rule, convincing herself she'll make it up in another way. However, when she falls short yet again, she begins to feel like a total failure, and actually bursts into tears when Kyle proposes. Despite being a bit relieved when he realizes she hasn't fallen for someone else, Kyle knows it's important for him to set the ground rules for their relationship up front.

M/F, DD and sexy spankings in rural Connecticut.

If you're 18 or older, you can read the first three chapters at Arrested by Love

Buy the book directly from Blushing BooksAmazonBarnes & NobleARE

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. Please click the link below to continue your hop Sunday's Six of the Best. Wishing you a wonderful journey.


  1. Great snippet Kathryn. Kyle certainly got his point across.


  2. Really Enjoyed this. Looking forward for when this one hits the stands. Thanks for something new to look forward to.


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