Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday Spankings - July 13 - Arrested by Love #SatSpanks #Spanking #MFRWAuthor

He caught her speeding in a school zone and decided she needed to learn even civil disobedience could have very painful consequences.

Reading this material at Work could get you spanked.

Welcome to the Saturday Spankings blog hop.  My stories are all M/f with the dominant male determined to protect the woman he cares for and loves, or grows to love, by doing whatever it takes to ensure her safety and continued health.  This includes administering a spanking when she needs one.  

My submission for this week is from my first spanking novel, Arrested by Love, published by Blushing Books.

  In this scene, near the beginning of the book, Kyle, a traffic patrol officer, has pulled over a young woman for speeding in a school zone.  Tiffany has been in love with Kyle since she was ten, so this isn't the first time she's faced the strict police officer because of some prank she's pulled.  It's not even the first time she's been caught speeding, which means she's spent a fair amount of time over his knees.  Even so, Kyle is prepared to let her go with a warning and a ticket until she propositions him.  Angry, partly because he's tempted to accept her bribe, Kyle decides to offer her a choice.  She can either spend a night in jail, or place herself over his lap and receive a harsh spanking for her reckless driving.  It doesn't help matters any when Tiffany compounds her infraction by swearing at him, but he remains resolute to the point he adds swats for her bad language.  However, when Tiffany's bravado crumbles, Kyle doesn't hesitate to offer comfort.  He may strict and unbending in some things, but when it comes to her comfort and well-being, Tiffany will always come first.

             "How can you be so nice to me one minute, then threaten to beat me black and blue the next?" she asked with a sniffle.
            "Trust me.  You'll be sore, but there won't be a bruise on you."
            Her head jerked up at that.  "You plan to use that fire in a bottle stuff you have that's masked as a peppermint-scented lotion on me.  Don't you?"
            "It'll prevent any bruising," he told her, resolved to keep that from happening.
            "I think I'd rather be black and blue."
            He brushed another tear from her cheek.  "You might, but I wouldn't.  So, you're overruled on that one, too, I fear."

Hmm.  Kyle loves Tiffany, but he takes her safety and obedience seriously, and intends to impress upon her the need for her to do the same--or else.

M/F, Sexy spankings in rural Connecticut.

If you're 18 or older, you can read the first three chapters at Arrested by Love
Buy the book directly from Blushing BooksAmazonBarnes & NobleARE

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. Please click on one of the author's names below, or visit The Saturday Spankings Blog to continue your journey.


  1. LOL absolute great description:

    "You plan to use that fire in a bottle stuff you have that's masked as a peppermint-scented lotion on me. Don't you?"

  2. Not willing to give up control...or at least the illusion of it. A familiar situation, indeed. :)

  3. This is definitely going to be severe...ouch.

  4. I wonder how many other times she'll be overruled. heehee

  5. Love the banter and threat and consequence of this... and oh that "fire in the bottle"... a wonderful view of this title here...

  6. The cure is worse than the disease! Another stinging after the spanking. Yet she will taunt him. Lovely.

  7. I have to agree with Thianna and Joseph- love "fire in a bottle" :D I can't help but think on my mistake on putting Icy Hot on sore thighs the other day :D. His care about avoiding bruising is so sweet.

  8. Fire in a bottle...I want to see more of that.

  9. I love all the snippets from this book. Actually, I love all the snippets period but these are my favorites I have to admit.

  10. Cute snippet! I loved the ‘fire in a bottle’ too Kathryn :)

  11. I suspect a little remorse from her would go a long way. Kyle isn't going to be softened very much by tears -- not on the outside, at least. Lovely book, Kathryn. It's in my favorites list.

  12. hmm, what is that fire in a bottle stuff? Sounds like shivery fun.


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