She needed a job, he needed a personal assistant. It seemed like a match made in heaven until he laid out the rules he expected her to follow.
Reading this material at Work could get you spanked.
Welcome to the Saturday Spankings blog hop. My stories are all M/f with the dominant male determined to protect the woman he cares for and loves, or grows to love, by doing whatever it takes to ensure her safety and continued health. This includes administering a spanking when she needs one.
My submission for this week is a selection from my sixth spanking book, Lessons in Love.
"Lessons in Love" centers around a wealthy business owner who believes in helping his executive admins using politically incorrect, H.R.unapproved, and therefore clandestine, Domestic Discipline techniques. Since DD isn't for everyone, he does tend to go through admins rather frequently. However, he also makes sure if they choose not to work for him because of his unorthodox management style, that they are given another suitable position in his company if they wish to stay, or a handsome severance package if they choose to leave.
In her discussion meeting with Mr. Peterson, Pam lets it slip that Krista talked to her about Peterson's previous assistant. His lips set in a firm line, Mr. Peterson promptly calls Krista into his office. When Pam immediately leaps to her friend's defense, her boss pulls a thin paddle from his desk's top drawer. This time Krista is the one to protest as she demands to know if Pam consented to follow Peterson's program. Terrified Krista will be fired for her slip, Pam she blurts out that she'll agree to Mr. Peterson's discipline. With a nod, he sends Krista home for the rest of the day and orders Pam to stand in the corner. After a few minutes, he asks her to tell him why she's being punished. She knows why. She'd been disrespectful by cutting him off and continuing to state her case even after he cautioned her to be silent.
"Do you think I'm being
cruel or unreasonable by insisting on this?"
"No, sir. Though I never
expected you to use a paddle."
"Do you wish to object
to the paddle?"
Surprised, she glanced at
him. "Is that allowed?"
"Not always, but I will
allow it this time."
"I would prefer you only
use your hand, sir."
"Exception noted."
His expression was grim and
resolute but not unkind as he extended a hand to her. "Perhaps it's best
we get this over with. I sense this aspect still upsets you, so once you gain a
better understanding of what to expect, you won't continue to be plagued by
doubts over the unknown."
Pam Weston has worked in Robert Peterson's company for nearly six months as a temp when she is reassigned to the President's office. She has caught glimpses of Mr. Peterson when she temped on the executive floor, but she never expected she'd be summoned to work for him. Pam has a criminal record and a murky past, which has made her practically unemployable, and yet now H.R. has assigned her to work for the president of their company, and after her first day she suspects working for Mr. Peterson will be a very different experience.
Pam Weston didn't have many choices as far as employment went. Her prison sentence saw to that. With limited secretarial skills, and an even more limited budget, she never considered herself executive material. So, when she was ordered to report to the CEO of her company as his new personal assistant, she fully expected to be checking out the "Help Wanted" section of the paper before the day was over.
Robert Peterson knew his management style was not HR approved, but he believed in using the stick as well as the carrot. Employing the tenets of domestic discipline, he helped mold his personal assistants into confident women who recognized their own self-worth. Even so, his unorthodox methods were only one of the reasons many considered the position of his assistant to be a revolving door. To Rob's mind, Pamela Weston was perfect for his purposes, though given her past he expected convincing her would be a challenge.

Lessons in Love (click to read first chapter)
M/F, DD on the executive floor.
If you're 18 or older, you can read the first three chapters at Lessons in Love
Buy the book directly from Blushing Books, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble
Thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. Please click on one of the author's names below, or visit The Saturday Spankings Blog to continue your journey.
This sounds great. I need to read more about Pam and Robert
ReplyDeleteI think she's made a good objection. The paddle packs considerably more punch than a hand. At least he's being kind and letting her get it over with... the horror of waiting for a spanking!! Lovely tension :)
ReplyDeleteGreat build up of tension in this scene, Kathryn, well done!