Saturday, April 26, 2014

#SatSpanks - 4/26/14 - Mortal Illusions - Claire discovers she's been taken in by a show #ParanormalRomance #Vampires

Show me an angry vampire, and I'll show you an unhappy mortal.

NOTE: Reading this material at Work could get you spanked.

Welcome to the Saturday Spankings blog hop.  My stories are all M/f with the dominant male determined to protect the woman he cares for and loves, or grows to love, by doing whatever it takes to ensure her safety and continued health.  This includes administering a spanking when she needs one.  

My submission for this week is from my 1st book, Mortal Illusions. A vampire romance published by New Concepts Publishing, Mortal Illusions is currently the first in a series of 3 books.  Its sequel, Fatal Desire, is currently under production.

When Claire Daniels discovers Germaine St. Justine is a vampire, she sets a plan in motion to convince him to cure her brother of AIDS.  Though an innocent in sexual relations, Claire is savvy enough to realize the best way to secure Germaine's support is to enter into an intimate relationship with him.  However, having a vampire take you to bed isn't quite the same as sleeping with the boy next door.  There are complications. And Germaine is dominant enough to add a few more Claire hadn't expected.

In this segment, Claire has sought Germaine out at his private night club for the first time, only to discover his club offers much more than drinks for those with and without fangs.  The day room at Illusions is equipped to administer punishments as well.  While Claire is trying to reconcile with Germaine, one of his vampires enters the club with his mate in tow and demands permission to publicly chastise her.  What no one expects, however, is for Germaine not only to agree, but call for a supporting vote from his council. When the group unanimously agrees to the punishment, Claire doesn't think, she reacts by picking up a stool and striking the punishing vampire.  Phillip, who is unfazed by Claire's attack, demands she be punished for interfering with his council-sanctioned punishment.

When Germaine agrees Phillip's grievance is valid, he informs the room that he will carry out Claire's punishment himself.  Amazingly, the council protests, forcing Germaine into an open challenge with Phillip.  A sword duel to first blood.  Phillipa and Claire are seated on the sidelines to watch when Phillipa admits that she suspected Germaine had caught on to her and Phillip's plan.  Stunned, Claire demands to know if everything she'd recently witnessed had only been a show.

             “Purely acting. That is, all except Germaine and the council's part, which neither of us expected. You may have noticed, though, that Phillip makes a lousy actor. He forgets the insults aren't real and gets hurt. Germaine, however, is a master at the game of pretense.”
            “So I'm beginning to realize,” Claire muttered. “And this--duel? Is this a show, too?”
            “In a manner of speaking, although Germaine is fighting for supremacy in a way. His right to govern you without council approval has been challenged. That's quite an honor, Claire. Even I don't have the council's open support yet, which they made all-too apparent tonight,” she grumbled.

Claire is discovering these vampires live by different rules than those governing the mortal world, and she's afraid she's fallen in love with a man who will only break her heart.

M/F, Contemporary vampire romance in a society based on D/s.

Read the first three chapters at: Mortal Illusions

Buy the book at NCPAmazonBarnes & Noble or ARe.

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. Please click on one of the author's names below, or visit The Saturday Spankings Blog to continue your journey.


  1. Oh my. She's going to be governed the way he sees fit with no council approval. Hmm, seems he could have a lot of fun at her expense. Lovely snippet. Vampires always have me dribbling and it's only 9am...

  2. Lovely intriguing snippet Kathryn. Love that she is to be governed how he sees fit!


  3. This is setting up a very intriguing scene. Even the council won't have a say in how he governs her. It leaves one wanting to know how he will proceed.

  4. Nice set up. He is in charge - no interference, hmmmmm

  5. Every time I read a snippet from this book, I promise myself I am going to read it so I just went off and hit that dangerous one click button :D


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