Friday, March 2, 2012

Frisky Friday - How are you celebrating it?

For this "Frisky Friday" I decided to open up my blog for reader comments.  How are you and your partner planning to have fun this weekend?  This is an adult blog, so you can get as "frisky or naughty" as you like.

For me, I just finished a next to final (is there ever such a thing as final, she asks?) draft of my next Naughty Romance and I plan to celebrate by having a candlelight dinner complete with flowers and wine and my hubby.  Then I hope we'll get really Frisky.

So, tell us.  How are you planning to celebrate your Friday this week?

Don't be shy, and get as creative as you like.  You may even give the rest of us ideas we've never considered before, but are intrigued by the possibilities.

As an added incentive, if I feel a comment deserves a reward, I may even award an appropriate prize, so make sure to leave your e-mail address or a way I can contact you if you're interested.


  1. Didn't see this until today, but I'll add my two cents if it's not too late. We like to be lazy on Saturdays, though we both spend time working, even on weekends. Often, we have a nice dinner out on Friday nights. We still flirt together, as we did when we first met. It sets the tone for

    Congratulations on finishing your book, Kathryn! I'm looking forward to reading it.

    1. Hi Trish, sounds like the kind of romantic weekend I like, too. We had a quiet, romantic candlelit steak dinner last night with wine. Lovely. Then I set out to design some book thongs I want to send readers who've requested promo materials, and he went back to work on his computer, putting all thoughts of frisky business on the back burner until later.


I love hearing from readers, so thank you for making my day! Writers with any thoughts at all (Naughty or otherwise) love comments, and I'm no exception.