Saturday, October 29, 2016

#SatSpanks - 10/29/16 - "Mortal Illusions" Vampires punish a rule-breaking mortal #Ds #ParanormalRomance

Show me an angry vampire, and I'll show you an unhappy mortal.

For Halloween: Vampires

Welcome to the Saturday Spankings blog hop.  My stories are all M/f with the dominant male determined to protect the woman he cares for and loves, or grows to love, by doing whatever it takes to ensure her safety and continued health.  This includes administering a spanking when she needs one.
My submission for this week is from my 1st book, Mortal Illusions. A vampire romance published by New Concepts Publishing, Mortal Illusions is currently the first in a series of 3 books.  Its sequel, Fatal Desire, is currently being revised.

When Claire Daniels discovers Germaine St. Justine is a vampire, she sets a plan in motion to convince him to cure her brother of AIDS.  Though an innocent in sexual relations, Claire is savvy enough to realize the best way to secure Germaine's support is to enter into an intimate relationship with him.  However, having a vampire take you to bed isn't quite the same as sleeping with the boy next door.  There are complications. And Germaine is dominant enough to add a few more Claire hadn't expected.

In this segment, Claire and Phillipa are witnessing the trial of Sybill, a mortal female accused of approaching another group for the purpose of requesting transformation.  A procedure which Germaine's group expressly forbids.  In addition, she was observed relating vampire activities to an outsider, and going so far as to encourage her companion to seek out the mortal constabulary. The vampire responsible for Sybill claims to know nothing about her illicit activities and effectively removes his protection, leaving her fate for Germaine's council to decide. However, when the men move in to tie the other woman down to keep her from hurting herself, Claire starts to get very worried and wants to intervene, but can only watch with quiet dread as one of the vampires sticks a two inch needle into the mortal prisoner's neck. Sickened, Claire whips around to stare at the man she thought she loved with an expression of shock and dismay only to have him insist she leave. But Claire wants answers as she tells him even condemned prisoners have a right to know what's facing them. Germaine attempts to put her off when Phillipa suggests she and Claire go to dinner at Carpathia's then she can see Claire home. Germaine reluctantly agrees to the plan  but orders them both to be gone from the restaurant in an hour.

            While Claire moved toward the exit with Phillipa, she could see they'd covered Sybill with a black gossamer cloth.  The woman was stretched out like an X on the velvet-draped dais, with her wrists, elbows, knees and ankles secured by gold satin cords.  The cords had enough slack so that she could move, if she wished, but not much.  Rocking her head from side to side, Sybill quietly pleaded for them not to do this to her.  Her pleas were futile, since no one but Claire seemed to hear them.
            As each man, gowned in a long, black-hooded robe, slowly approached the dais, Claire noticed they carried something that looked like a peacock tail feather.  The nine men assumed their stations around their prisoner, with four on each side of her and Auguste positioned at her head.

Claire is discovering just how different vampires are from mortals. Afraid she's fallen in love with a man who will only break her heart, she's about to learn how dangerous her position actually is.

M/F, Contemporary vampire romance in a society based on D/s.

Read the first three chapters at: Mortal Illusions

Buy the book at NCPAmazonBarnes & Noble or ARe.

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. Please click on one of the author's names below, or visit The Saturday Spankings Blog to continue your journey.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Guest Post - 10/28/16 - The Gunslinger's Woman by Kelly Dawson #Historical #Western #SpankingRomance

A hardened gunslinger, a sassy woman. Is his quick draw enough to keep her safe?


            She gasped as Danny’s huge, hard hand connected with her bottom, the force of the swat reverberating through her. His hand landed again and she gritted her teeth against the pain, determined not to cry out, lest the townsfolk hear her.
            “You need to be taught a lesson in manners, and in controlling your temper,” Danny scolded, punctuating his words with another fiery swat.
            Jeannie hissed at the fire that tore through her backside, unable to believe that someone who had been half dead just two days ago was smacking her so thoroughly now. She straightened and stood up as he removed his hand from between her shoulder blades, relieved that it was over so soon.
            “No, stay there, this isn’t finished. Take down your pants – you’re going to get this spanking on the bare.”
            “No!” Jeannie gasped, horrified. “You can’t!”
            “I’m too sore to spank you hard enough to have much of an impact,” Danny said. “So it’s either your bare behind, or I use my belt. What’s it to be?”
            What a choice. Jeannie groaned. “It’s having an impact, believe me!” she cried. “It’s hurting a lot!”
            Danny looked at her sternly, his dark gaze smouldering as he fixed his eyes on hers, sending electricity rippling down her spine. His stern stare sent heat to her very core. “What’s it to be?” he asked softly, dangerously. “Will you take down your pants or am I taking off my belt?”
            The sting Danny’s hand was inflicting through her pants was bad enough, no way did she want to feel it on her bare skin. But his belt? She shuddered at the thought of the leather slapping against her bottom. Even through her heavy canvas pants, she knew it would hurt. The sting in her bottom contradicted his claim that he couldn’t spank her very hard at the moment due to his injury – the thought of his belt against her tender bottom truly scared her.
            “I’ll pull my pants down,” she mumbled, her face flushing red with embarrassment. She looked at the ground, hoping Danny wouldn’t see the shame flooding through her.
            “Go on then,” he urged her.
            Her fingers were shaking as she fumbled with the buttons on her pants, undoing them slowly then pushing them down to her knees. She tugged her short lace drawers down too – the only concession she made to femininity. She shivered as the cool air rippled across her bare skin, kissing her with a chilly breeze. She kept her back to Danny, trying to keep her most intimate places hidden from his view. She was mortified. But despite her shame, she could feel a slickness between her legs that wasn’t there before, and a tingling ache that left her wanting.
            “Put your hands back on the wagon and bend over, just as you were before.”
            She shook her head. I can’t do this. Panic rose up within her. Maybe she couldn’t escape from her punishment, but neither could she participate in it. If Danny wanted her bent over, he’d have to put her in that position.
            Danny’s hand went to his waist. “Do I need to take off my belt?” He looked at her sternly, one eyebrow raised, his dark eyes flashing with impatience.
            Inhaling sharply, she shook her head furiously and forced herself to obey. She placed first one hand on the side of the wagon and then the other, fighting to calm her racing heart.
            “Good, now bend over.”
            Danny’s voice was smooth, a low rumble that sent sparks through her. His hand on the back of her neck, pushing her down, gave her the strength she needed to position herself as he demanded, and she took comfort in the presence of his restraining hand.
            The first smack of his hard, rough hand against her bare skin took her breath away. It stung so much more without the protection of her pants. Never had she been spanked on her bare bottom before, and the indignity of it was almost as intolerable as the pain. A second slap followed quickly after the first, and the third one made her cry out.
            “Unless you want the townsfolk to witness your spanking, I suggest you keep quiet,” Danny admonished quietly. “You earned this spanking, now you can stand there and take it.”


The last thing nineteen-year-old Jeannie Cooper wants is to be a prim and proper lady, so when her older brothers try to send her off to finishing school she runs away from the family ranch to keep them from putting her on the train to Boston. She plans to hide out on the prairie and return in a few days, but things go horribly wrong when she stumbles upon the infamous Mullins gang.

Danny Coulter is a hardened gunslinger with more than enough enemies already, but when he sees a beautiful young woman held captive by outlaws his conscience forces him into action. Rescuing Jeannie turns out to be only the beginning of his troubles, however. Her sass and defiance quickly test the limits of his patience as he endeavors to get her home safely, and before long he is left with little choice but to take her over his knee for a sound spanking.

Though Danny's firm-handed discipline leaves her bottom sore and her cheeks blushing, Jeannie is nonetheless excited when her brothers offer him a job at the ranch. Soon he is courting her in earnest, and after a local busybody witnesses him giving Jeannie the first bare-bottom spanking of her life, Danny proposes marriage to avoid a scandal. But with the Mullins gang out for revenge, will his quick draw be enough to protect his woman?

Publisher's Note: The Gunslinger's Woman includes sexual scenes and spankings. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.

Buy Links:

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About the Author:

Kelly Dawson loves anything to do with horses, rodeos and cowboys, and loves to get lost in a good book - preferably one containing spanking!

A life-long closet-spanko, Kelly started writing spanking stories on every spare scrap of paper in the house as a child. So when she discovered the internet and spanking romance along with it, she was most excited. But it took her a good decade of devouring these stories before she got up the courage to submit her own. And now, here she is, 7 books later, with a plethora of ideas still to write!
She lives literally at the bottom of the world in the South Island of New Zealand, with her husband, four kids, a dog and a cat. 

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Guest Post - 10/25/16 - "Winning Sadie" by Libby Campbell #DD #EroticRomance #MysterySuspense

She's frightened. He's fearless. Their future lies in the balance


            Simon stood and put his champagne flute on the table. His lips twitched, as if he was fighting a smile. “Let me guess when you started having these doubts. I’d pin them as starting about a week ago, maybe the day you drove out to the airport and picked up your mother?”
            Without meeting his eyes, I took his outstretched hand let him help me to my feet. He’d pegged the moment precisely. I was lifting Mom’s suitcase off the carousel when she made the first jibe. She looked over my shoulder as if searching for someone.
            With a lift of her chin she taunted, “Where is the legendary Simon Jacobson? Is he too busy to welcome me himself?”
            To the outside world, Mom acted as though she admired Simon. She complimented how well he treated me, how lovely his house was, how generously he treated his guests. When it was just the two of us she cracked critical, undermining comments that bit like a thousand beestings.
            She said things like, “Simon’s friends live in a different world. You can’t have him without them and they speak a foreign tongue.”
            With a skill perfected over my lifetime, Mom eroded my confidence that someone like him could love someone like me, and that the rest of world would accept us. Her week-long campaign to make me question my future with Simon was a resounding success. The more time I spent in the company of his friends that weekend, the less I believed that I would ever belong there.
            Now it was just Simon and me, a lazy Sunday afternoon, and an engagement to cancel.
I breathed in the soft savory smell of him standing in front of me. His hand was warm and strong as he held mine. He lifted my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. “I asked you a question: did you start having second thoughts as a result of your mother’s visit?”
            I turned away.
            “I’ll take that as a yes.” He kissed me on the cheek. “I think we need to discuss this. With you over my knee.”


Sadie Donohue – gorgeous, sexy, smart and totally smitten with Simon Jacobson.

Simon Jacobson – gorgeous, sexy, smart, uber-rich and utterly smitten with Sadie Donohue. This sounds like a perfect match, so what's the problem?

Sadie is from the wrong side of the tracks: working class neighborhood, public schools, sausages on the backyard bar-b-que. She was raised to fend for herself and bow down to no one, especially a man. Since meeting Simon, everything her liberated, independent mother taught her has flown out the window. Now Sadie is regularly over Simon’s knee for being her sassy, strong-willed self. And she loves it!

Simon hails from a world of wealth and privilege: gated communities, private schools, servants turning steaks on the bar-b-que. As the owner of a multinational corporation he is used to giving orders and getting what he wants. His life revolves around making millions and socializing with people whose flamboyant wealth intimidates Sadie. Still, she’s thrown into the deep end and told not to do anything to embarrass Simon. Or else!

At their lavish engagement party, Sadie’s hears her mother’s voice echoing in her head, reminding her that she will never fit in. Best intentions aside, Sadie will always be an embarrassment to Simon. That's it. Engagement off!

Simon is in charge and he has other ideas. But will Sadie's mother be their undoing? Can Sadie reconcile her past with her future?

This love story includes spanking an adult woman, explicit sex scenes and more. If such material offends you, please do not read this book.

Buy Links:

Simon Says, book one in the Simon in Charge series, is
now free on Kindle Unlimited or only 99c in the Amazon Store!

About the Author:

Libby Campbell, mischief maker and dreamer

Libby lives on the West Coast of Canada with her husband of over twenty-five years. An avid reader, she savors books that feature strong, independent women and the loving men who challenge them.

She loves mountain hikes, deep bubble baths, and all animals, but particularly small dogs with big attitudes and big dogs who think they are lap dogs. She’s a four season woman who enjoys winter nights in front of a fire, summer sunsets on the beach, and all the in between months.

She reads and writes for pure escapism. If you like her books, she hopes you will leave a review, to encourage her in my world-building.

Visit her website and blog here: Libby Campbell
Follow her on Twitter: @LibbyC26 

Interview with Libby Campbell, author of Winning Sadie

In talking with Libby, I asked her "Are you working on anything right now? If so, will you sneak and tell me about it? I won’t tell anyone if you don’t…

Generally I’m kind of superstitious about talking about any work in progress. It feels like an invitation to disaster…but my current one is almost finished so I’m happy to share:

Book 3 in the Simon in Charge series, tentatively titled Sadie’s Christmas Waltz, follows this lively couple as they try to settle down to a normal life on the West Coast. They need to find a home to call their own and plan a wedding. Sadie wants to return to her volunteer work with homeless people on the Downtown Eastside. Simon has agreed that they will travel less so that they can share a more regular life together.

They find their dream home quickly, only to discover big obstacles in their way. Sadie’s return to volunteer work lands her in a dangerous situation.

Wedding plans very quickly become a low priority.

Thanks for sharing, Libby. I'm sure readers are excited to read the next book in this series, but we'll all keep mum about it until it's published, then all bets are off....

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Guest Post - 10/18/16 - Lilly Blossoms by Maggie Ryan #Historical #VictorianRomance

Today Maggie Ryan is visiting to share an excerpt from Lilly Blossoms, Book Three in her Lessons in Submission series.


He looked down when he felt her head lift from his chest. "I'll try to explain but first I must ask you to make me a promise."
"All right."
"No, don't agree so quickly. What I'm about to share with you is to remain between the two of us. This is the sort of promise that, if broken, would not only destroy the trust I have in you, but might have the power to hurt others. People like Rachel and more that you don't even know." He watched as her nose crinkled and without thought moved his hand to pat against her backside. "And, little one, if that promise is broken, I would find it necessary to turn you over my lap and give you a lesson."
Her eyes widened, their green growing a bit darker. "A very tangible lesson?"
"Yes. I assure you that by the time I let you up, your little bottom would be burning and you'd find it very uncomfortable to sit down." He waited, ready for her to jump up and tell him to go to hell but praying that she would remain exactly where she was. His heart filled when she nodded.
"I understand, and I promise not to speak of anything we discuss. I swear it."
He patted her bottom again, not to give her a warning, but because the feel of her soft globes against his palm just felt right. "I believe you. Rachel is actually one of Miss Summers's students."
"Why would she go to school? I mean, yes, she does look very young but… well, when that man untied her bloomers… um, I saw…" He adored the flush that suffused her cheeks and the fact that she couldn't quite seem to get her words out.
"You are right. She is actually a year older than you." He saw her disbelief and chuckled. "Yes, I assure you she is. I attended her birthday party only a few months ago. As I already told you, the man you saw is not her father, but is her papa—again, by choice. Rachel, is also not my niece by blood, but one by choice. The students here are all of legal age and are all here by choice. Some have agreed to attend at the behest of their fiancé, or even a few attend though they are already wed. And occasionally, a woman will find her way to this school on her own, hoping to find the sort of man who is seeking the type of woman they desire to be."
"What do they desire?"
"Submission." He paused again, allowing her time to consider his answer, knowing it was a subject few people ever even considered. 


Beauty isn't perfection—it is the ability to see beyond the flaws.

Victorian England is not kind to those born without privilege, and yet Lillian Lancaster has made a home for herself and a scrawny feral cat. Lilly is happiest working in the gardens, knowing she can never match their beauty. She is one of the flower-girls on the streets selling the bouquets she makes with love for mere pennies. When her very livelihood is threatened by what was intended as a kindness, she assuages her conscience by crawling through the hedge and taking only what she needs to survive. On the day her presence is threatened to be discovered, she takes refuge in an oak tree and witnesses a scene that will change her life.

The moment Phillip Carrington sees Lilly hidden in the foliage, he is intrigued. The moment he holds her, he is captivated. The moment she gives him her trust, he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life convincing her that she is the most beautiful bloom in the garden.

Will his love be enough to teach this young woman that her past does not need to keep her trapped in fear? Will learning what happens behind the etched-glass doors of the special school run by Miss Eleanor Summers frighten her, or will it let her see that what she perceives as flaws are actually to be viewed as part of the beautiful soul that lives inside her? Will she place her trust in Lord Carrington and, with the gift of her submission, allow him to lead her away from the darkness?

Lilly Blossoms is the third book in Maggie Ryan's bestselling Lessons in Submission series and yet it can also be read as a stand alone.

Disclaimer: This is a book based in the Victorian era and includes the dynamic of age-play. It includes the spanking of adult women and explicit sexual scenes, including anal play. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.

Buy Links:

About the Author:

#1 International and award winning best selling author for Blushing Books.  I write both contemporary erotica and historical spanking romances.  I enjoy writing about characters that enjoy the provocative D/S lifestyle of today’s times as well as taking a step back into the past to write stories that take place in the Victorian era with age-play as a theme. 
I live in the great Lone Star state with my wonderful husband.  I have always loved reading.  Growing up in a family with four children, it was difficult finding a place to be alone.  I was probably one of the squeakiest clean girls on the planet as I would spend hours in the tub so I could read without being bothered.  It wasn’t long before I began to make up my own endings to the books I was reading.  From there, it just seemed natural to begin writing my own stories.
I never try to restrict myself to any one genre because there are just too many delicious possibilities out there and inside my head.  I admit to being somewhat of a romantic though as my stories always must have a great deal of love, passion, corporal discipline and, of course, great, mind-blowing sex.  I want my readers to be able to see, hear, feel and know the characters that I’m creating as well as I do when I bring them to life and transfer their stories to paper.  I want my women to be strong of character but also strong enough to know that submission given in love and trust to your partner does not make you weaker, it makes you far stronger.    I want my men to be sexy, strong, demanding alpha males who know how to take what they want while acknowledging it is a gift they have been blessed with by the women that have chosen to submit to them.  I want there to be no doubt that they truly would die for the other no matter how others might view their relationship.

Follow her on Twitter:

Don’t miss these exciting titles by Maggie Ryan and Blushing Books!
Lilly Blossoms (Lessons In Submission, Book Three)